Savage Wolf
A werewolf and a deer shifter. There’s never been a game of predator and prey quite like this.
I’m Wolf, Officer Aidan “Wolf” Savage. I’m a werewolf. But unlike most of my kind these days, I’m one of the good guys, even if I do scare the hell out of most people the first time they meet me. When a white-tailed deer shifter comes leaping into my life, she makes my body hotter than an erupting volcano. She’s on the run, and she doesn’t want my help. But I’m not about to let her get herself killed, and I’ll use any means necessary to keep her safe.
This novella has been previously published. It has been re-edited and the series name has changed.
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I’m Wolf, Officer Aidan “Wolf” Savage. I’m a werewolf. But unlike most of my kind these days, I’m one of the good guys, even if I do scare the hell out of most people the first time they meet me.
I’m a damned good cop. If I’m tracking a criminal, he doesn’t stand a chance of getting away. I love the chase, the takedown, the chance to be scary-as-hell, but there’s one thing I hate about this job: stakeouts.
That’s what tonight is all about, sitting in a hot, muggy car, eating doughnuts and watching the woods for signs of life. Man what I wouldn’t give for a beer right now. And a warm house and a warm woman. OK, that train of thought isn’t doing a damn thing for me. Because my partner and I are stuck right here, until we see something, or the sun comes up.
Jacobson, my partner, crushes his paper coffee cup and tosses it in the bag that serves as a trashcan. “I so don’t want to do this shit tonight.”
I don’t think his comment deserves a response so I take a sip of my own coffee, which is damn near empty too.
Jacobson stares hard at the fence outside his window. “Do you actually think we’re going to see anything? Anyone could have dumped those bodies by the park. Why would they come back now?”
We’re parked along the outer perimeter of City Park. In its heyday it was a place for city residents to relax, have a picnic, get some exercise, and remember what trees actually looked like. When the economy went south, the city stopped maintaining it. Now it’s an overgrown eyesore used primarily by the homeless, drug addicts, and kids looking for a thrill.
The department is constantly getting complaints about the vermin that thrive in the undergrowth, both animal and human. But recently, the volume of calls about trouble in the park has increased, and two teenagers were found dead at the park’s northern gates last night. They’d been shot, execution style.
I take another sip of coffee before responding to Jacobson’s questions. “We’ve had too many complaints and none from the usual suspects. Something’s up.”
“Gang initiation?” Jacobson suggests.
I shake my head. “I don’t think so.”
His eyes narrow. “You smell something, don’t you?”
I nod. Under the smells of sex, beer, and greasy food, there’s an odd chemical odor. I can’t place it, but I’m certain it doesn’t belong in the park. It hadn’t been there a few months ago when I’d pulled the short straw and been sent to run off a bunch of kids who’d come out here to party.
Before I can describe the smell to Jacobson, I hear distant footsteps pounding the pavement. “Someone’s running this way. Someone fast.”
Jacobson nods. I doubt he can hear a thing, but he’s learned to trust my non-human ears without question. A few seconds later, a woman comes into view. She’s wearing a sundress and a pair of high-heeled sandals so I doubt she’s running for her health.
Not that any sane woman would be alone in this part of town at night.
She has straight, reddish brown hair that swings past her waist. Her heavy, round breasts are barely contained by her dress. Shapely legs reach out for the ground, making my cock sit up and say hello. Her strides are so long, she’s practically leaping.
She’s moving faster than any human should be in shoes like that. The wolf inside begs me to chase her for the sheer thrill of apprehending such a hot piece of flesh. But my cop instincts tell me this woman is our key to what’s actually going on in the park.