Three Under the Christmas Tree

December 4, 2017
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Ace and Gavin haven't had a threesome in far too long. When Ace meets the perfect guy to join them, he can't think of a better way to kick off the holiday season.
Jonathan is charmed by the sexy couple, and he quickly realizes that what started as a fling has the potential to be a whole lot more.
Gavin feels their connection just as strongly, but even after weeks of the three of them hanging out, he's afraid to suggest they turn their friends-with-benefits arrangement into a serious relationship.
The joy and shared experiences of the season have a way of making magic happen, if only all three men could find the courage to ask for what they want.
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“Is it too early to give you a Christmas present?” Ace asked.
Gavin looked up from the article he’d been reading—or rather from dozing off while trying to read. He must have heard wrong. “What?”
“A Christmas present. I want to give you an early one.”
Was he kidding? “You know my thoughts on anything Christmassy before Thanksgiving.”
“But I think I found the perfect thing, and it can’t wait.”
“A house on a tropical island and a three-month sabbatical?” Work had been especially grueling for the last month, and Gavin was desperate for some time off.
Ace wrinkled his nose. “Okay, it’s not that perfect. Or…well…maybe.” Ace looked back at his phone and started typing.
“What are you doing?”
Ace grinned at his screen. “Looking for someone who’ll appreciate me since you don’t want my gifts.”
Gavin snorted. “Get off Grindr and get over here.”
Ace stuck out his lower lip. “But I just found a hot twink who desperately needs my dick.”
Gavin rolled his eyes as Ace slipped into bed, phone still in his hands.
When Ace didn’t say anything, Gavin’s curiosity got the best of him. “So what is this present?”
“I thought it was too early to talk about Christmas presents.”
“It’s too early to exchange them, not necessarily to talk about them.”
Ace shook his head. “Nope. You had your chance.”
Gavin groaned. “I don’t need any more stress right now.”
“Presents aren’t supposed to be stressful.”
Gavin loved Christmas—in its proper season. But he hated big surprises, and Ace had that look, like he was planning something huge. “Wondering what you’re up to is stressful.”
“Now why would that be?”
“Says the man who decided to put in an offer for a new house on a whim.”
“That was—”
“The man who surprised me last year with a pool table.”
Ace huffed. “You love it.”
“It takes up a whole room.”
“I said we should get a bigger house.”
“And I said—”
“Shh.” Ace put a finger over his lips. “I haven’t pushed, have I?”
Gavin studied Ace’s too-innocent face as he considered that. “Not out loud.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Those looks all the time when I complain about the house. I know what they mean.”
Ace chuckled. “I tend to forget just how well you can read me.”
“Yes, you do. So. The present?”
Ace grinned as he passed Gavin his phone. “Here. Check him out.”
Gavin took the phone, but he continued watching Ace. “What are you up to?”
“A few weeks ago, you said it had been too long since we had a threesome. I found the perfect guy.”
“Ace, I…” Gavin’s words trailed off as he started reading the texts Ace and this man had exchanged. “Oh, wow.”
“He’s gorgeous, isn’t he? And so your type.”
Gavin frowned. “You’re my type.”
“You love me, but you know you go for those curly-haired, innocent-looking boys.”
Gavin studied the picture on Ace’s phone again. “Wait. How old is he?”
“Or so he told you.” Gavin would need to see some ID.
“I actually know him, or rather know of him.”
“From where?”
“He works for Robert Carrington.”
Gavin raised his brows. “So what? You asked Robert if he was legal?”
“That would’ve been an interesting conversation. Carrington’s so uptight, I couldn’t get my pinkie up his ass. But Jonathan’s one of the new architects Carrington hired when he expanded a few months ago.”
“He could be a child prodigy,” Gavin suggested.
Ace rolled his eyes.
“Fine. That’s unlikely. But how did you end up talking to him on here?” Gavin tapped the phone.
“I was looking, hoping I might find someone who seemed like a good match for us. I saw his profile, we started talking, exchanged photos, and I realized who he was.”
“So it was a total coincidence.”
“Yeah. I knew Jonathan was hot, but I had no idea he—”
“Was everything we want?”
Ace grinned. “Exactly. A gorgeous boy who’s a switch, one who wants to trap you between us.”
“Fuck.” Gavin reached under the covers and rubbed his cock. That did sound like the best Christmas present ever.
“Merry Christmas?”
Gavin laughed. “Did you plan to wrap him up in a bow?”
Ace snorted. “I’ll ask him, if that would turn you on.”