M/M Flash Fiction
Mar 2, 2008
Filed under: free story
Every Friday night, Changeling Press authors open up the Changeling Bar and Grille at 5pm EST. During Bar and Grille hours, authors and readers are asked to share 100 word flash fiction based on the weeks topic. This week’s topic is Dreams and here is my contribuition:
She concealed herself behind the curtain, watching as the man she’d followed opened wide to swallow his lover’s cock. His back muscles flexed as he moved back and forth, fucking his lover with his mouth, sucking, licking, eating him up. The other man thrust his hips, forcing his cock deeper into his lover’s mouth.
She reached down to touch her aching pussy. Her hand tangled in the curtain, dragging it across her body.
Her eyes opened. Where was she? Something touched her leg, and she turned over, heart pounding. But it was only the curtain fluttering in the breeze from the open window.
Hop on over to the Changeling Press Readers Loop to see what others have come up with and join us next Friday for more yummy treats.