Sweet Treats: Zombie Cookies
Oct 19, 2011
Filed under: recipes, sweet treats
Last year, by accident, we discovered how to make awesome zombie cookies. We were decorating gingerbread men, and my daughters wanted to add some candy corn. I warned them that the candy corn would likely melt, but they remained adamant. When the cookies came out, the candy corn had melted and strangely enough turned red. The girls and I and several friends agreed that the red areas looked like decayed flesh. Thus zombie cookies were born or reborn I might should say.
I use the King Arthur Flour recipe for the gingerbread. After the dough has chilled for several hours, we roll it out and cut out our gingerbread men. Then we place candy corn where we want our rotted effect. We tore off some limbs and even a head or two. You can use 1/2 pieces of candy or whole but more than two placed together results in so much melted candy that they fall apart.Place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper so the melted candy doesn’t stick to the pan and bake at 375 for 10-12 minutes. The candies melts into an ooze in the last few minutes of baking. If they aren’t quite melted enough, swirl them with a toothpick right after removing the pan from the oven.
Enjoy making your own!!