Silvia Violet

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Vampire Week – Kate Hill

Mar 21, 2011 Filed under: book recommendation, excerpts, guest blogger, interview, paranormal, vampire, Vampire Week Tags: , , , , , , ,

Today to kick off Vampire Week, Kate Hill shares her love of vampires……

Vampires–A Family Tradition by Kate Hill

For as long as I can remember, vampires have been part of my life. As a child I used to watch vampire movies with my mother. She was also a vampire fan. Maybe because I grew up watching vampire movies and reading vampire fiction, I never found them particularly frightening, but I always found them intriguing.

I like the idea of their extended lives and I love their physical strength. While I enjoy many characteristics of traditional vampires, I also like stories that take liberties with the legends surrounding them.

As a reader and a writer, I prefer stories in which vampires are not inherently evil and I also love the idea of vampires as aliens or another species instead of supernatural monsters. In my books, vampires are like humans in that some are good, some are bad and others fall somewhere in between.

For me vampire stories are an irresistible contradiction. They’re exciting yet comfortable and seamlessly blend romance, erotica and horror, sometimes with a touch of science fiction.

My latest series of vampire books is called Bloody or Nothing. It’s set in my Blood and Soul vampire world. In the first Bloody or Nothing book, called Sudsy, a vampire drag queen who protects Las Vegas from vampiric crime teams up with a handsome singer whose affair with an up and coming mixed martial artist threatens his life. Sudsy and his new lover join a fight against an evil bent on taking over the world.

The following excerpt is from Sudsy, available from Changeling Press.

Thank you for looking and thanks for having me on your blog, Silvia!

Excerpt from BLOODY OR NOTHING: SUDSY by Kate Hill
From Changeling Press

Julian rose and approached. He wore another simple black shirt open halfway down his chest. Sudsy longed to stroke those curly dark hairs dusting his pecs and take a closer look at Julian’s interesting tattoo of roses.

“Different look,” Julian said, his gaze searching Sudsy’s face, then sliding down his chiseled chest in the snug tank and lingering on the bulge in the front of his trousers. When he was in drag no one had a clue exactly how well endowed Sudsy was. “I like it.”

Sudsy cocked an eyebrow, as if to say who asked. This didn’t seem to intimidate Julian in the least.

The singer stepped even closer and added, “I like it a lot.”

“So the rumors about you are true?”

“Which ones?”

“The ones that say you swing both ways?”

A few of the local gossip columns had made mention of Julian’s bisexual tendencies.

A smile tugged at Julian’s adorable lips. The top one curved into a delicate bow, but the lower one was full and enticing. Sudsy longed to nip and suck it.
“Partially true.”

“Oh.” Sudsy stepped away and turned to the balcony where he looked out at the city lights. “I see.”

Seconds later, Julian’s hand fell lightly on Sudsy’s shoulder. Sudsy turned to him. Their burning gazes locked and this time Julian stood so close that their lips almost touched.

“Playing along with the bi rumors helps my career. I have a fair share of female fans and women love to flirt, you know.”

Sudsy smiled. “Naughty boy.”

“I’ll show you just how naughty I can be, if you let me.”

Julian’s face dipped even closer, but Sudsy stepped back and placed a hand to the mortal’s chest. He’d meant the gesture to stop any further contact, but that was a very bad idea. Beneath Julian’s warm, hair-dusted flesh, he felt the mortal’s heartbeat and its quickness told him the man was truly aroused, not just offering payback or prepayment for the business deal they’d discussed. Not to mention the scent of his lust didn’t lie.

Julian drew a deep breath and hesitation glistened in his eyes. “Is something wrong?”

“I’ve had a long night, Julian, and you’re still healing. Not to mention we need to talk business.”

“Yes. Business. If you think I’m trying to bargain for a better offer–”

Sudsy narrowed his eyes. “You’re good at getting what you want, aren’t you, Julian?”

At that comment, Julian laughed sardonically. “Yeah I’m great at getting what I want. I’m unemployed, unattached and recovering from a stab wound. Everything is going exactly as I planned.”

Sudsy folded his arms across his chest and sighed deeply. This guy got to him and that could be either wonderful or dangerous.

“I’ll be glad to help, if you tell me what happened because I don’t believe for a second you were mugged.”

“Why would I lie?”

Shrugging, Sudsy said, “People have lots of reasons to lie. I don’t think you’re into anything illegal.”

“I’m not.”

“Then maybe it’s someone you care about–someone you’re trying to protect?”

The look in Julian’s eyes and the sudden skip of a heartbeat told Sudsy he was close to the truth. Sudsy was an excellent judge of character. He’d possessed that gift long before becoming a vampire.

“Whoever it is, are you certain he or she is worth risking your life for?”

Julian didn’t reply and for several long moments they stared at each other, Sudsy willing the mortal to confess and Julian holding strong against the vampire’s hypnotic gaze. Very few mortals could endure a vampire’s probing stare without surrendering, but despite Julian’s pretty boy appearance, he emanated underling toughness. He was a complex man and one Sudsy wanted to know better.

“I’ve had a long night,” Sudsy said. “And I need to get some sleep.”

When he headed for the door, Julian’s long fingers curved snugly around his upper arm. Sudsy glanced at his hand then met Julian’s piercing gaze.

“Sleep here,” Julian said, his voice soft but commanding. Another smile tugged at Sudsy’s lips. Julian aroused him to a feverish level, but no one gave Sudsy orders.

“Do you know what you’re asking for, stud?” Sudsy asked.

In reply, Julian tugged Sudsy closer and covered his mouth in a searing kiss.

Damn. In his long, long life no one had ever kissed him like this.

About Kate Hill

What do trips around the world, endless nights of breathtaking sex, and a muscular, 6-foot 3-inch, brown-haired, blue-eyed significant other have to do with Kate Hill? Absolutely nothing, but she can dream, can’t she? In reality Kate is a single vegetarian New Englander who loves writing romantic fantasies.

Currently, she might not be traveling around the world, but Kate has visited Europe and Africa and those beautiful places have been wonderful inspiration for her writing. While working at various times as a clerk, assistant karate instructor, house painter and banker, Kate dreamed of being an author. In 1996 her first short story was accepted for publication and since then she has sold over ninety short stories, novellas and novels.

When she’s not working on her books, Kate enjoys reading, working out, and researching vampires and Viking history. Visit Kate online.

Interview with Kate Hill

Jan 28, 2011 Filed under: book recommendation, interview

Today the lovely Kate Hill is here to answer some questions about her writing. Kate is the author of books filled with yummy vampires, delightful shapeshifters and more……

What genre(s) do you write? Do you have a favorite genre or one that’s easiest to write?
I write erotic, paranormal, sci-fi and historical romance. I’ve also written some traditional romance. My favorite is paranormal. For me it’s a little easier than other genres because I enjoy it so much.

What type of hero is most appealing to you?
I love an antihero or a villain turned hero. Golden or sweet heroes can be great too, but generally I go for the “bad” boy. Depending on your point of view, the villain of a story can easily become the hero and vice versa.

Do you have a favorite book or character among those you’ve written?
Honestly, I don’t think I can choose only because every book has parts about it I truly love and parts about it that drove me crazy during the writing process. It’s the same with characters. Some characters I feel very close to are Vincent and Matthew from my Ancient Blood series, Xenos from Moonlight on Water, Sir William from The Mad Knight’s Bride, and Rory and Lao from Bloody or Nothing.

What is the best book you’ve read in the last few months?
I actually read this book in 2010, but it left a big impression on me. I thought the characters were really likeable and the story touched me. The book is called Willow Bend by Ally Blue.

What do you like to do when you’re not writing?
I enjoy working out, reading and watching horror and action movies.

Describe your latest release.

My latest release is Rough, Tough and Tumble: Hung at Dawn. It’s about three alien shapeshifters who are forced into a time travel experiment. Their first stop is the old west. During their adventures they find out about each other and start to fall in love while helping a town that’s threatened by outlaws.

Here’s an excerpt from Rough, Tough and Tumble:Hung at Dawn:

Sometimes Dr. Apriyn focused so intently on his work that he neglected his baser needs. Just because he obsessed about his projects didn’t mean he lacked the same sexual desires as other men. Today’s passionate interlude was a necessary part of his plan, but he still enjoyed himself tremendously.

His post as a general medical examiner in the Aspectian capital city meant he had many opportunities to find the people needed for his experiment. He required three highly skilled Aspectians who were familiar with Earth languages and had strong survival instincts but lacked family connections or prominent positions in society. In short, he needed competent people who could easily disappear. That seemed impossible, but not if one knew where to look.

Dr. Apriyn didn’t need pillars of society. In fact for the dark, perilous science he dabbled in, he required people equally dangerous, seductive and powerful.

Most people wouldn’t consider a pleasure shifter for such work, but when he met Zandra last month, he knew she was perfect for the task. Further study of the young woman proved him right.

Now he stretched out on the satin covered bed in the pleasure house where she worked. He watched her comb her long, chestnut hair. He’d requested she keep her true form during their appointment, and she willingly obliged.

Here on the planet Aspectia, some inhabitants possessed the gift of shapeshifting. The planet was named for these magnificent beings called Aspectians. Dr. Apriyn, though born here, was a non-shifter, identical to an Earth human. Still his shifter cousins fascinated him.

“You told me what form you want me in,” Zandra said, gazing at him through brown eyes trimmed with thick, dark lashes. Though she’d grown up on the streets, her eyes weren’t hard like so many others Apriyn had seen. “And you asked me to brush my hair.”

“You look beautiful when you brush your hair,” he said. Nothing turned him on more than the sight of a naked woman brushing her long hair. He loved the silkiness of her tresses and the gentle bounce of her full breasts.

“What else do you want?” she asked.

“I want to touch you,” he said in a husky voice. His heartbeat quickened and his cock swelled, poking against the red sheet that covered him from the waist down. He reached beneath and stroked himself, his gaze still fixed on Zandra.

“Here, let me help.” She placed her brush on the night table and climbed beneath the sheets. Her lush body half draped over his, she used the sole of her foot to rub his calves while her hand curled around his cock. His eyes narrowed and his pulse quickened.

Zandra’s thumb swept over his cock head and teased the ultra sensitive underside. As good as this felt, he wanted to touch her back. He hungered for sex, though as a non-shifting male he rarely nabbed the attention of other Aspectians. They generally preferred their own kind, yet here in the underground, pleasure shifters fucked anyone for the right price.

Dr. Apriyn had paid to use Zandra tonight, but she had no idea the bonus he would soon offer.

Learn More about Kate at her website.

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