Archive for the ‘shapeshifter’ Category
Ravaged Author Blog Hop – Annabeth Leong and DF Krieger
Aug 3, 2012
Filed under: book release, guest blogger, interview, paranormal, shapeshifter, web event, werewolf
Ravaged Promo Blog Hop – 5 blogs, 10 authors, 10 copies to be won!
Welcome to the Ravaged Author Blog Hop
To celebrate the release of Ravaged this weekend the authors have done a little Q&A hosted by five of the authors on their blogs.
Each blog features two interviews and if you comment you have a chance to win one of 10 PDF copies of Ravaged kindly donated by all the authors.
The blog links can be found below so please go and check out all the interviews.
An Interview with Annabeth Leong
About the Story
Title of your story, main characters and what it is about?
Title: The Arcadian Cure
Main characters: Kyle, Melissa, and the mysterious innkeeper Mrs. Stavrou.
Summary: A mysterious innkeeper’s warnings are part of the spooky thrill Kyle hopes to get when he climbs to the ruined altar of Zeus at the top of Greece’s Mt. Lykaion. The thrill turns to terror when Kyle returns from his expedition with the curse of the wolf. His girlfriend Melissa turns to the innkeeper for help, and discovers that the traditional “Arcadian cure” for the curse calls for sexual adventures far beyond what the couple has previously dared to try.
Where did you get the inspiration for your story?
I love researching myths and folklore in preparation for writing a story. I looked up a bunch of stuff about werewolves, and discovered that the ancient Greeks and Romans believed exhaustion could cure lycanthropy. In my story, the cure for the curse of the wolf requires a very particular kind of exhaustion…
Favorite line:
“Surely, you have seen what happens to a man after he spends his essence. That’s exhaustion. But be warned. The wolf is more…vigorous…than any normal man.”
About the Author
How long have you been writing and how did you become a writer?
I’ve been writing all my life, and I believe a person becomes a writer by practicing writing. Anyone who sits down and puts in the time on a regular basis deserves the title. I’ve been writing and publishing erotica specifically for about three years. For me, that was an exercise in self-acceptance. I let go of my ideas of what I ought to be writing and started writing what I wanted to write. It’s been tremendously freeing.
Have you got anything else out/due out?
In October, Breathless will publish my werewolf novelette, Not His Territory. It’s based on a different conception of werewolves from that in “The Arcadian Cure.” In Not His Territory, werewolves as a society are weighed down by legalistic traditions meant to keep their animal natures in line. The story is about the woman who inspires a Werewolf Council investigator to break out of that culture of restriction.
My other work includes The Six Swans, an erotic retelling of the fairy tale, published by Coming Together; The Snake and the Lyre, an exploration of the shame and desire at the heart of the myth of Orpheus, published by Forbidden Fiction; and “Violets,” a modern-day lesbian fantasy about love spells, published in Circlet Press’s Like Hearts Enchanted. I write a lot of types of erotica, but it’s often based on folklore, or kinky, or lesbian, or some combination.
I keep a full list of available and forthcoming stories on my blog, and welcome anyone interested in other work to check it out. It’s currently running down the right side of the front page.
Top tip for writing/publishing?
The part of the process that a writer has control over is the writing. I recommend scheduling regular time to write and sticking to it. A person can’t help but get better at writing with frequent, faithful practice. Having a solid foundation of regular writing is the only way I can handle acceptance, rejection, revisions, and all the administration and emotion that go along with publishing.
Just for Fun
If you were a shifter what animal would you change into?
A wolf. I like the classics.
Favorite food and drink?
I am like a little kid. I love pizza, french fries, and milkshakes.
Favorite movie?
A short list: Tombstone, Legally Blonde, Clueless, and The Warrior’s Way. I have two quite opposite streaks of appreciation.
Boxers or Briefs?
Finish this sentence: I have never…
I have never worked my way through The Kama Sutra.
Stalker Links:
Twitter: @AnnabethLeong
An Interview with DF Krieger
About the Story
Title of your story, main characters and what it is about?
Her Pride My Joy is about the BDSM style sexual relationship between a zookeeper named Tina and a shape shifting lioness named Kenya
Where did you get the inspiration for your story?
I often wonder what a zoo would be like after dark.
Favorite line:
She’d learned long ago that the darkness boasted things—creatures—that could be as cruel as they were kind.
About the Author
How long have you been writing and how did you become a writer?
I’ve been writing for as long as I can remember. I don’t know how I became a writer, there’s been a book in my head and a pencil in my hand since I could draw and long before I could read.
Have you got anything else out/due out?
Quite a few books in both regards. You can check my website for me details.
Top tip for writing/publishing?
Edit your work before you send it to a publisher. Too often a manuscript is turned away because an author didn’t bother to even run a spell check.
Just for Fun
If you were a shifter what animal would you change into?
A panther, for sure!
Favorite food and drink?
Iced tea or Coca Cola and Long Grain Wild Rice (Uncle Ben’s Brand)
Favorite movie?
Practical Magic
Boxers or Briefs?
Finish this sentence: I have never…
Poked a badger with a spork.
Stalker Links:

Inspired by Joe Blog Hop – Birthday Boy
Mar 16, 2012
Filed under: eye candy, free story, m/m, paranormal, shapeshifter, werewolf
This is one of my favorite pictures of Joe. Those arms! This shot inspired my character, Coleman Wilder. He stars in Finding Release which will be available this summer from Silver Publishing. For now, I’ll whet your appetite with a flash fic that takes place after Finding Release.
Birthday Boy by Silvia Violet
Jonah stood in the doorway of the barn watching Cole slide a pitchfork into the straw then chuck it into Snowdrop’s stall. The sight of Cole’s sculpted arms flexing as he worked had Jonah’s cock starting to swell. The white tank he wore and the low light made Cole’s skin look even more bronze than usual. His jeans hung low, nearly revealing the top of his firm ass.
Cole had been doing a lot more of the physical work on the farm during the summer. A few of the hands had moved on, and as desperate as many people were for work, a lot of them refused to work for a gay man especially one that was half werewolf. They’d been short-handed for months which meant Jonah hadn’t gotten as much time with his man as he’d like, but the work sure looked good on Cole.
Jonah licked his lips, wishing he were really there to seduce Cole rather than distract him. He glanced over his shoulder. Billy, the farm foreman, motioned for him to go on. Most of the hands were gathered around the bunkhouse. The cake sat on one of the tables outside, and a few men and women were busy bringing out the feast Jonah had requested for his lover’s birthday.
He breathed in the scent of the fresh straw Cole was spreading in the stalls. It reminded him of the first time he’d made love to Cole, right here, in this very barn. Between the sight of Cole all sweaty from hard work and the memory of what they’d done in one of the stalls, he had to reach down and readjust his now fully hard dick.
Cole leaned the pitch fork against the wall and stretched, reaching his arms above his head, flexing the muscles of his back. Jonah bit his lip to hold in a groan. Then Cole looked over his shoulder and grinned impishly. He’d known Jonah was there, probably smelled him as he walked toward the barn. Did he smell the cake too?
“Showing off for me?” Jonah asked.
Cole grinned. “Maybe. Will it get me what I want?”
“Hell, yeah.”
Cole looked him up and down, staring pointedly at the bulge in his pants. “Come here.” His low voice was full of command.
Jonah walked, keeping his pace slow.
Cole growled. He was in a fierce mood. And a rough go with him was exactly what Jonah wanted for lunch. Maybe he should just tell the men to eat the cake themselves.
As soon as Jonah was in arm’s reach, Cole yanked him against his chest. His eyes were dark with lust. “You want me to fuck you right here on the straw, don’t you?”
Jonah could hardly breathe. “Yes.”
Cole slide his lips along Jonah’s neck and nipped at the tender skin. “I love the way your dirty minds works.”
Jonah nodded. “Mmmhmm.”
Cole kissed him, and he forgot all about birthdays and cake and lunches. His tongue tangled with Cole’s, and he pushed his hands under Cole’s tank top, sliding them over the sweaty muscles of his back.
Cole pushed one of his hands between them and cupped Jonah’s cock. Jonah arched into him. He didn’t want to wait. He wanted to fuck right now.
“Cole, you in here?” Billy called from just outside the barn.
Cole pulled away from Jonah’s lips long enough to yell. “No!”
“We need you out here.”
“I’m busy!”
Jonah fought the lust clouding his brain. They had to stop. He pushed at Cole’s chest, trying to break his hold. “You should see what he wants.”
Cole shook his head. “Later.”
“Cole, I need to talk to you now,” Billy hollered.
Cole let Jonah go. He scowled toward the door. “This better be good.”
Jonah grinned. “It is.”
Cole narrowed his eyes. “You didn’t?”
Jonah’s cheeks heated. He looked down at the floor.
“I told you not to make a fuss.”
“Just go out there.”
Cole grabbed Jonah’s hand and strode toward the door. Jonah had to jog to keep up. When the stepped outside, a shout of “Happy Birthday” went up from the gathered crowd.
Cole smiled graciously and color rose to his cheeks. Shep, one of hands Cole had known for years, carried the cake toward him. “Happy Birthday, Boss!”
Cole’s appreciation shown on his face. Jonah had been right to ignore his request for a quiet birthday. Cole squeezed Jonah’s hand as he blew the out the candles and everyone started to sing.
Later when most of the men and women were settled at the tables, tucking into a hearty lunch of barbeque and all the best fixin’s, Jonah leaned against a tree and watched, glad his plans had gone over smoothly. Cole came up behind him and pulled Jonah into his arms. He nuzzled Jonah’s neck. “You’re gonna pay for tricking me.”
Jonah laughed. “You love this.”
“I enjoy being with people I care about and seeing all of them happy, but you disobeyed me.”
Jonah shivered. “Then by all mean, you should punish me.”
“When I get you alone. I’ll make sure you won’t be able to sit down for the rest of the week.”
Jonah was in the mood to tease though he knew his ass would pay for it later. “I thought the birthday boy got the spanking.”
Cole growled. Jonah could feel the vibration against his back. He sank into his lover’s arms, warm and content. Even when Cole was grouchy, he was the sexiest man Jonah had ever met. “I’ve got another surprise that you’ll like better.”
“You, naked and obedient?”
Jonah laughed. “We’ve got the rest of the day off, and no one’s allowed in the house unless there’s an emergency.”
Cole groaned and tightened his hold on Jonah. His hard cock pressed into Jonah’s back. He traced the outer edge of Jonah’s ear with his tongue. “It’s going to be a long, rough afternoon.”
Jonah sighed. “I’m counting on it.”
Meet Cole and Jonah in Finding Release. Available at Amazon or ARe.

Free Read: Paws on Me: Hibernating
Feb 24, 2012
Filed under: Bear Talk, bears, D/s, erotica, eye candy, free story, m/m, paranormal, shapeshifter, web event
The Bear Talk Blog Tour is next week. Oh the furry fun we will have! But to whet you appetite, I’m sharing a free story starring Seth and Brandon from Paws on Me. Click here to read what naughty things happen when Brandon wants to hibernate and Seth lures him out of bed with bacon.
I originally wrote this story for the Coffee and Porn blog birthday bash. You can find more free stories there.

Sex on the Hoof tied for Best Paranormal of 2011
Jan 27, 2012
Filed under: D/s, erotica, m/m, men in uniform, paranormal, shapeshifter, vampire
I am so excited to announce that Protect and Serve: Sex on the Hoof tied for Best Paranormal/Fantasy of 2011 at Love Romances Cafe. I am amazed and honored and thankful for everyone who voted for this book. It’s a very special book for me because it’s my first m/m story and Jason is one of my all time favorite characters.
Sex on the Hoof is available here and here and a FREE short story, Sex on the Hoof: Crimes in the Lab, that takes places later is available for here or or for download here.
And now for a sample of Jason and Drew….
I’m Jason Fleetfoot. I’ve made a lot of stupid mistakes in my life. The stupidest of all was taking a job with some assholes intent on manufacturing illegal chemical weapons.
My sister, Natalie, lost her job when her company folded, and I lost mine because my fucking boss was a bastard. I’ve got authority issues. And control issues. Alright, I’m seriously fucked up, but I wasn’t going to let my sister starve because I couldn’t keep it together.
So I made a deal with the devil and damn near got myself and Natalie killed. She saved me, she and her cop boyfriend, Wolf. The name’s not a joke. He’s a werewolf. Did I mention we’re shifters, Natalie and I. Deer shifters. If you think my human form is impressive, you should see me as a ten point buck. So yeah, a werewolf and a deer shifter. Somehow they’re making it work.
As much as I hate being beholden to Wolf, I wouldn’t be where I am now if it wasn’t for him. Once the cops cleared me, Wolf helped me get a job in the crime lab where I can use my knowledge of chemistry and computers for the good guys.
As the newest hire, I work nights, babysitting the equipment and working on what comes in during the wee hours. For the most part, I like it. It’s quiet and I get a chance to play around with new techniques and do a bit of programming. There’s only one problem, Detective Drew Danvers.
He works nights too. Not because he’s new, because he’s a God-damned vampire. They say he was Changed against his will. But what the hell was he doing picking up a vampire at a bar? I certainly have no intention of fucking a vampire. No matter how damn fuckable Drew is. Yeah, I like men, what of it? And Drew is a fine specimen of a man, like some Viking warrior. He’s at least 6’3” with sculpted arms and pecs that make him look like he could lift a truck one-handed. Considering he’s a vamp, he probably can.
Getting involved with Drew would be stupid on too many levels to count. And I’m finished with making stupid decisions. So why does my body want so desperately to be impaled on him – his cock, his fangs, anything he’d like to stick in me. Natalie’s right, my dick really doesn’t communicate with my brain. I don’t just want to fuck him, I want to be taken by him, and I never want that. Like I said, I have control issues. But with Drew . . . No, there’s never going to be anything with Drew.
I hear the buzz that signals someone entering the lab. I glance around from behind the mass spec machine. Shit! Speak of the devil or in this case his undead minion.
My pride will not let me hide even though I want to. I’m not afraid of him, even if I should be. I’m just afraid my unruly cock will give away my interest.
His gaze slides up and down my body. He’s looked at me like this before. But I have never been sure whether it’s sexual interest or him salivating over me like I’m a piece of the lush chocolate cake my grandma used to make on Sundays. “You alone in here, Fleetfoot?”
Shit, maybe he does mean to make a meal out of me. No point in lying though. He probably already knows the answer. Aren’t vampires supposed to be damn near omnipotent? “Newton called in sick, and everyone else is out in the field.
“Good.” Danvers smiles, still eyeing me like I’m prey. If I was in deer form I’d bolt, white tail flagging danger. But I’m a man and his ice blue gaze has me glued to the spot. God above, he’s gorgeous when he smiles. My cock is starting to get uncomfortable in my jeans.
My heart pounds as I try to interpret his response. Does he mean “good I’m going to give you to the best fuck of your life” or “good I’m going to drain your blood and leave you for dead”.

Free Story: Paws on Me: Hibernating
Jan 26, 2012
Filed under: bears, free story, m/m, men in uniform, paranormal, shapeshifter
One of my favorite blogs, Coffee and Porn in the Morning is celebrating their first anniversary with free reads and publisher giveaways. I’ve contributed a story starring Seth and Brandon from Paws on Me. It’s titled Hibernating and involves bacon, pancakes and bears – a fantastic combination. Follow this link to download it.
Then go here to find more free stories by an amazing list of talented authors.

Holiday Recipe Extravaganza – Triple Chocolate Cake
Dec 10, 2011
Filed under: bears, holiday, Holiday Recipe Extravaganza, m/m, men in uniform, paranormal, recipes, shapeshifter, sweet treats
Tags: bear shifter, chocolate bundt cake, chocolate cake, chocolate pound cake, gay bears, gay romance, m/m romance
When I got married way back in 1996, a group of friends put together a cookbook for me of all their favorite recipes. I still use the cookbook regularly, and this recipe has probably been made more times than any other. This cake is sooooo crazy good – gooey, fudgy, and easy to make. If I need to quickly whip up a dessert to take somewhere this is what I make.
Triple Chocolate Cake
1 pkg Devil’s Food cake mix
1 pkg instant chocolate pudding
1 cup chocolate chips
8 oz sour cream
4 eggs
1/2c vegetable oil
1/2 c water
Stir cake mix and pudding mix together. Add other ingredients except chips. Stir until combined. Mix on high speed for 2 minutes. Sprinkle chocolate chips with flour (prevents them from sinking to bottom of pan as cake cooks) and mix them in on low speed. Pout into a bundt pan and bake according to cake box directions, but don’t expect the standard tooth pick test to work. This cake will still seem undercooked in the middle when it’s done.
I can just imagine Brandon from Paws on Me bringing this cake to a police department Christmas party, that is unless he gave Seth a taste of the batter and they never made it out of the house.
Protect and Serve: Paws on Me by Silvia Violet
Lieutenant Seth Morrison loves being a cop, but with budget cuts and crime both on the rise, he’s stopped making time for anything but his job.
On the outside, Brandon Lord is an easy-going, flirtatious club owner. On the inside he’s a man trying to overcome a difficult past.
When a murder investigation brings the two men together, passion roars to life. They’re both willing to break the rules to be together. Because as mismatched as they might seem, each man is exactly what the other needs.
“How’s your leg?” I mean to distract myself but as soon as I ask, I wish I hadn’t. I remember the feel of his thigh under my hand, hard muscles, soft flesh, coarse hair. So many textures to think about. Such a deep abiding need to lick and bite. Fuck. I can’t let him stay here.
“Better. By tomorrow I probably won’t feel much.”
“Good. I need to talk to you about the case. Maybe we should move to the living room.”
He looks so disappointed I almost change my mind, but I can’t let the longing in his eyes distract me. He sits up and swings his legs off the bed. The bandage catches on the sheet and rips loose, tearing away part of the scab and plenty of hair. “Shit!” he yells. Blood wells up and trickles down his leg.
Later, I can’t decide why I ran across the room. It wasn’t like he was going to bleed to death. Did my subconscious push me to make a move that would get us in bed together? Surely I understood where touching him again would lead. We reached for the bandage at the same time. My hand lay on his as we used pressure to stop the bleeding.
“That was dumb. I should have been more careful. I…” His words trail off. I look up. Our faces are inches apart. My heart pounds. I know how supremely stupid I would be to kiss him, but I can’t help it. His lips beg me to take a taste. I close the distance between us and swipe my tongue across his lips, savoring his woodsy flavor. “I need this,” I mumble against his lips.
“God, yes. So bad.” He opens his mouth, and we devour each other. I forget who I am, where I am. I forget that his leg is bleeding, and I’m supposed to be holding the bandage on. I sink to my knees between his legs and cup his face with my other hand, pulling him down so I can explore every inch of his mouth. I slide my tongue along his, growing more desperate for him every second. My hand tightens on his thigh, and he flinches, forcing me back to reality. I let go of him and sit back, breath coming in pants. “Fuck, this is so wrong.”
Brandon shakes his head and cups me under the chin, forcing me to look at him. “I don’t know if I’ve ever done anything this right.”
The intensity in his eyes scares me. I start to pull away. What am I doing? Wrecking everything I’ve worked for? I can’t fuck a man who’s involved in my case.
Brandon squeezes my arms, immobilizing me. “Stop thinking. Stop analyzing everything with that fucking cop’s brain. Just feel.”
I’m not used to being with anyone stronger than me. But I like the way he’s holding me, refusing to let me go. Having a man like him — young, hot, cool, seductive — wanting me goes to my head. He makes me forget all the rules, makes me let down barriers I’ve held in place my whole life. I can’t stop.
I kiss him again. My mouth is brutal in its assault. He could easily take control, but he opens to me, letting me have him my way. He tastes rich and smoky like a campfire, like fall. I suddenly want to do more than kiss and fuck him. I want to take him to my favorite restaurant, introduce him to the best coffee in the city, take him boating on the river. I want a fucking relationship.
The thought nearly frightens me into backing away, but he tastes and feels too damn good. I run my hands over his chest, enjoying the feel of his fur. I release his mouth and nibble his throat, his collarbone, his shoulder. I sink my teeth into one of his muscular pecs. He growls and pushes his hands into my hair, pressing my face against his chest. “More.”
I bite him again, harder this time, sucking at his flesh, wanting to mark him. He digs his fingers into my scalp, groaning and rubbing his body against mine. I circle his wrists with my hands as I lick at the bruise I made. He lets me pin his hands to the mattress and keep them there. I slide lower and rub my face against the thick hair covering the center of his chest, loving the feel of it brushing my face and catching in my beard. I take a deep breath of his musk.
Then I drop to my knees. “Don’t move.” I release his hands.
Buy it here.

Holiday Recipe Extravaganza: Cheese Biscuits
Dec 1, 2011
Filed under: book release, erotica, excerpts, holiday, Holiday Recipe Extravaganza, paranormal, recipes, sci fi, shapeshifter
Tags: cheese biscuits, erotic romance, futuristic Regency, horse shifter, Regency sci fi
Stallion’s Accord will be available later today. In that story, Raya and Calder enjoy some cheese biscuits that are one of Calder’s cook’s specialties. While I’m sure she made her biscuits from scratch, as I do on most occasions, I’m sharing a quick easy and super crazy yummy recipe for garlicky cheese biscuits that I got from my mother-in-law.
The first time I had these biscuits, I was nineteen and I was staying at my then boyfriend, now husband’s house for New Year’s. His mother made two pans of these biscuits, set them on the counter to cool, and then went out to do some errands. Upon discovering them (with no note or explanation attached I might add), my boyfriend, his younger brother, and I decided they looked like a great snack. Yes, the idea that they’d been made for a particular occasion went through our minds, but here were these warm, delicious-smelling biscuits right there in front of us. We each ate few and then a few more and then a few more. (Warning: If you make these, make several pans, they are addictive.) By the time we finished there were none left, in either pan.
Around supper time, his mother was getting ready to go out to a party. She came into the kitchen and asked where the biscuits were. Poor woman, I think she thought we’d actually wrapped them up for her after they cooled. “Biscuits?” my boyfriend asked.
She narrowed her eyes at us. “They’re for the party. Did you eat some?”
She glanced toward the sink and spied the empty pans. The game was up. “We kinda ate them all,” I confessed.
Needless to say, she was not pleased with us. But once her anger had abated, I got the recipe and we’ve been making them at some point during the holidays ever since.
Garlic Cheese Biscuits
Makes 1 pan but I’d double or triple it.
1 can large refrigerated biscuits
1/2 cup butter, melted.
1/2 cup Parmesan cheese
3 cloves garlic, minced (or 4 or 5 or as many as you like)
Stir cheese and garlic into melted butter. Separate biscuits and break them into quarters. Roll each quarter into a ball then roll dip it into butter/cheese mixture until thoroughly coated. Place in a 8 in round pan (cake pan). It’s ok if they are touching. Drizzle with some of the remaining butter and cheese mix. Cook according to biscuits directions.
Stallion’s Accord by Silvia Violet
Raya Varvara is what Orianians refer to as a techno snob. She thrives on her fast-paced urban life on New Earth. At least she did until she met Calder Brinkley, a horse shifter and regional governor on Oriana. Calder likes wide-open spaces, the fresh air of early morning, and turning off technology in favor of face-to-face conversation. He also likes Raya. He likes her so much he’s willing to alter some of what he enjoys about his low-tech planet.
When Raya returns to Oriana after a long, painful absence, she learns about the changes Calder introduced. Her certainty that she could never live on this backwater planet begins to falter. Can Calder convince her that being together is more important than either of them having their way, or will her stubbornness keep them forever apart?
Raya leaned forward, tangling her hands in Obsidian’s mane, relishing the feel of his strength beneath her. She was thankful her lover needed to return home quickly after their tryst by the stream. Riding his alternate form exhilarated her. Discussing the fact that a confession of love had escaped her — as Calder worked her into a frenzy — would make her cringe.
She didn’t want to be in love. She couldn’t live on Oriana, and Calder wouldn’t leave. No matter how good the sex was, their lifestyles were incompatible. That’s why she’d run from what she felt months ago. She’d tried to deny what he meant to her, but seeing him again had brought all her feelings to the surface. Then he’d touched her, and she was lost.
But she wasn’t a coward. She wouldn’t deny what she’d blurted out in a fit of passion. She was in love with Calder, and she had to face the consequences of those feelings. But the longer she could put it off, the better. Perhaps Calder would give her one night to revel in their need for each other before questioning her intentions.
All too soon, the stable came in sight, and Obsidian slowed to a trot. Finlay, the stable master, was there to greet them. He gave Raya a sly wink. “I see you’ve returned, and you’re riding Obsidian as well as ever.”
She smiled and ignored the heat that crept into her cheeks. “Damn right I am.”
Obsidian snorted as they both laughed.
“I’ll see to him,” Raya said, sliding from her lover’s back and grabbing a currycomb from the wall, ready to give Obsidian a loving brush down.
“He’d certainly love that, Miss Varvara, but his guests have already begun to arrive.”
Obsidian whinnied loudly and gestured toward the door with his nose.
Finlay nodded. “I’ll take care of it, sir.”
Raya raised her brows in question.
“He needs privacy to shift, ma’am. Not all of tonight’s guests are aware that Obsidian and Lord Brinkley are one and the same.” Calder was an unregistered shapeshifter. His mother belonged to a centaur-like race known as the Canterini, but as a half-blood, he could shift between human and horse form.
“Ah,” she nodded. Guests. Ugh. The last thing she wanted to do was stuff herself into one of the fancy dresses she’d been forced to purchase for her business on Oriana and socialize with Calder’s guests. Maybe she could feign fatigue from the long journey. Or better yet from the thorough fucking he’d given her.
Finlay closed the stable doors and locked them. Obsidian shimmered briefly, and Calder stood where he’d been, naked and obviously ready to go another round with her. Finlay tossed him some clothes and boots, and he dressed quickly. He looked damn fine in the tight tan riding pants and tall polished boots. His black shirt strained across his powerful shoulders and muscular chest. He left the top two buttons open in a manner considered rakish on Oriana.
“Lord Partington has arrived with his daughter,” Finlay said as he unlocked the doors. The stable master looked pointedly at Raya. “Miss Varvara’s arrival will be of interest to them, I’m sure.”
Calder’s eyes brightened, and he smiled wickedly. “I do believe it will.”
Raya didn’t like the sound of that. “Who is Lord Partington?”
“An idiot who thinks I’d pay his debts in exchange for his daughter’s hand in marriage.”
“Fuck that.” Raya’s stomach churned. Calder was hers. She didn’t want to be in love, and she didn’t want to live on Oriana, but… damn it, he was hers.
Calder chuckled. “Try to keep your claws in.”
Raya glared at him. “Why are they here?”
“I’m hosting a party tonight to celebrate the conclusion of the legislative session.”
Raya pondered his words. “Is that customary?”
Calder nodded. “When the session ends, most of the regional governors return to their own lands, and life in and around the capital slows down for several months.”
Raya tried to imagine the pace of life being any slower than it already was and failed. She’d originally met Calder when her job at Intergalactic Investors Bank brought her to Oriana to broker a deal for a client. She’d hated everything about the backwater planet except for the fine horseflesh Calder owned and Calder himself.
She’d never let herself get involved with a client before, but she loved beautiful horses and beautiful men, and Calder literally brought all the untamed strength of a stallion into his human form. He’d been impossible to resist, but when he suggested she stay, she refused. No way could an urban girl from New Earth be happy here, not even with a stud of a man like Calder.
She’d ignored him for the intervening months just like she’d ignored the terrifying mix of hot and cold that raced through her when she thought of him. She had no place in her life for romance.
When she’d received the paperwork confirming her client’s purchase of Calder’s horses, she’d chosen to surprise Calder rather than be forced to explain why she’d failed to contact him for months. She caught a flight to Oriana that afternoon, barely taking time to comm her supervisor and let her know she’d be out of the office for the next week. Now here she was, admitting to feelings she’d didn’t want to have, confused and longing to ignore the world and spend the night making love to Calder. But he had a house full of overdressed, stuffy Orianians who would find her exotic if not downright crude.
As if hearing her thoughts, he glanced down pointedly, looking at her nipples standing out against the damp cloth of her dress. Between the heat and the dip she’d taken in the stream her dress looked rather disreputable.
“You’re going to scandalize my guests.”
Raya snorted. “Fucking prudes.”
Calder laughed. “My guests include some of the biggest gossips on Oriana. When we appear at the house together with you in that ensemble, rumors will spread like wildfire. By tomorrow everyone who’s anyone in Oriana’s capital will know we’re lovers. The only way I’ll be able to save your reputation is by marrying you.”
Marry me? Marry me? He has to be kidding.

Coming Very Soon: Stallion’s Accord
Nov 27, 2011
Filed under: book release, erotica, paranormal, sci fi, shapeshifter
Several years ago, I wrote two related short stories: Stallion’s Gambit and Stallion’s Summer. Ever since then, I’ve wanted to find out how Raya and Calder’s story would conclude. I finally caught up with them and got the delicious ending to their struggle to find a way for two very different people to come together. Their final story, Stallion’s Accord, will be available very soon from Changeling press.
Stallion’s Accord by Silvia Violet
Raya Varvara is what Orianians refer to as a techno snob. She thrives on her fast-paced urban life on New Earth. At least she did until she met Calder Brinkley, a horse shifter and regional governor on Oriana. Calder likes wide-open spaces, the fresh air of early morning, and turning off technology in favor of face-to-face conversation. He also likes Raya. He likes her so much he’s willing to alter some of what he enjoys about his low-tech planet.
When Raya returns to Oriana after a long, painful absence, she learns about the changes Calder introduced. Her certainty that she could never live on this backwater planet begins to falter. Can Calder convince her that being together is more important than either of them having their way, or will her stubbornness keep them forever apart?

Fantastic news about Sex on the Hoof!
Nov 18, 2011
Filed under: D/s, m/m, paranormal, shapeshifter, vampire, web event
Sex on the Hoof was nominated for Romance Reviews Best Books in the GLBT Paranormal – Shifter category. You can vote here from now until November 30th. Lots of other great authors are up for these awards too so check out all the categories.
Sex on the Hoof by Silvia Violet
Deer shifter Jason Fleetfoot has turned his life around. After years of taking chances, he’s got a job as a crime lab technician, and he’s determined to forgo the risky behavior of his past.
Then he meets Drew Danvers, the only undead detective in the city. Jason hates vampires, or does he? Drew defies all the stereotypes of his kind and something about him has taken hold of Jason and won’t let go.
Will Jason take a chance on a man others would label a risk to his health if not his very life?

Hump Day Eye Candy, November 16
Nov 16, 2011
Filed under: eye candy, m/m, paranormal, shapeshifter
My inspiration for Jonah, the horse shifter in my current WIP.