Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category
One Love for Liv By Marianne Arkins
Feb 25, 2008
Filed under: Uncategorized
Fellow Samhain author, Marianne Arkins is doing a blog tour this month. Her delightful book, One Love for Liv released on Feb 12 with mine. To learn more about Marie, click here or here.
One Love for Liv by Marianne Arkins
Liv is out to prove her high society fiancé is cheating on her. Can she do it without breaking a nail—or falling in love with Mike the mechanic?
Olivia “Liv” Leigh, wealthy socialite and spa owner, suspects her fiancé of cheating on her. Drastic steps are required to discover whether appearances are deceiving. And if those steps require a bit of stalking, a change of appearance, a hippo-sized dog named Spike, and sacrificing her manicure to clean house for a sexy-but-sloppy man whose neighbor is determined to break several of the strangest Guinness world records, why should that be a problem?
Mike, a happily single auto mechanic, is more than content sharing his bachelor pad with piles of laundry, dirty dishes, and a sneaky ferret. But when a half-crazed woman in a bad wig shows up on his doorstep, what’s a nice guy to do?
Why, invite her in, unknowingly help her in her search for the truth and, in the process, fall head over heels for a woman who’s never been less his type.
Liv drove past the VW and parked around the corner. Nervous in these strange surroundings, she stepped out of the car. First one foot cautiously touched the pavement, then the other.
Litter dotted the sidewalk, and she sidled around a huge wad of pink chewing gum that glistened on the cement to her right, practically pulsating in the sunshine. The wooden fence beside her was covered in graffiti, mostly silly scrawls of people’s names and the objects of their affections.
With a glance over her shoulder at the beat-up sedan, she gave thanks she wasn’t driving the Miata after all. This neighborhood made her terribly uneasy, and her sweet car probably wouldn’t last an hour parked on this street.
She hurried up the sidewalk to the corner, grateful for the first time she was wearing sneakers instead of her usual pumps, and peered around to make sure Daisy wasn’t looking. Of course, she probably wouldn’t recognize Liv, but it was still good to be careful.
She trailed Daisy until the redhead turned up the walk toward the complex and moved behind some thick evergreen bushes. Liv broke into a trot, not wanting to lose her.
As Liv turned the corner, she nearly ran Daisy over. The woman had stopped to check her mail at the wall of mailboxes just outside the complex.
Liv leaped back and slipped between two parked cars, squatting down to hide for a moment until she realized she couldn’t see anything. She duck-walked up a few cars until she could lean down to peek underneath and watch Daisy’s feet to note when she moved on.
Utterly focused on the sight before her, she had no warning before the driver’s door beside her swung open, clipping her sharply on the head. She flew backward, sprawling into the street and thumping her skull on the pavement. Tires squealed nearby as a moving car whipped around her flattened body.
“What the—?” From a million miles away, a man shouted in surprise. She heard the thump of footsteps but couldn’t seem to open her eyes. “Hey, lady.” A huge, heavy hand shook her shoulder. “Are you okay?”
Something warm and wet swiped her face, both reviving and disgusting her. She kept her eyes closed and limply swatted at it. Her hand hit fur. “Ugh.”
“Spike, back off.”
Spike? What was going on? She gave a low moan and tried again to force her eyelids to obey her will, finally succeeding after a Herculean effort. A tanned face covered in five o’clock shadow and smears of black grease swam in front of her. Next to him, its neck surrounded by a studded black leather collar, sat the biggest brown dog she’d ever seen. The creature had drool suspended from its mouth and it looked as if it had swallowed a sneaker with the laces hanging out. Dear heavens, was that what had licked her?
The voice spoke again, and this time she saw the man’s lips move, though they seemed oddly out of sync with his words. The last time that had happened was when she’d seen Shoot the Piano Player in French with English subtitles.
“You don’t look so good. Maybe I should call for an ambulance or something. I whacked you pretty hard.” He touched her forehead and she tried to move away from those greasy hands. Did she have a smear on her skin?
“No, don’t call an ambulance.” Liv was dismayed at how feeble she sounded, but the last thing she needed was to draw more attention to herself. How would she explain that to Geoff or her father? “I’ll be okay. Just help me up.”
“If you’re sure.” Strong, firm hands slipped under her arms and pulled her easily to her feet. The dog leaned against her and shoved its head under her hand. She flinched at the feel of its bony, fur-covered skull even though she appreciated the support. It wasn’t enough, though, and her legs wobbled beneath her.
“Whoa there, Nelly.” The man tightened his hold and steadied her. “Maybe you should come inside and sit down for a couple of minutes. I could give you an ice pack for your head.”
Liv drew herself up to her full height, all five feet, two inches of it—damn, now she missed her three-inch heels—and declared, “I would no more go into a strange man’s house than…than…” She hated that the man only grinned and watched her sputter. She lost the little bit of strength she’d summoned and sank down onto the sidewalk. “I’ll sit on the curb. Just get your ugly dog away from me.”
“Spike? C’mon, he’s gorgeous.” He gave the monster a vigorous scratch all up and down its body. “And he’s not my dog, but don’t worry, he’s a marshmallow.”
“I don’t like dogs.” She dropped her aching head into her hands and peeked through her fingers to watch as the man dragged the dog a few feet away. Spike stared at Liv with droopy brown eyes for a couple moments before he turned and trotted into the apartment complex. Thank heavens.
“Look, you can’t sit out here by yourself. What if you have a concussion and pass out?” The man squatted beside her. “Do you live nearby? I could take you home.”
“I don’t live anywhere around here.” Heaven forbid. Liv waved off his offer with a flip of her hand. “I just need a few minutes to gather my wits.”
“I don’t feel right just leaving you here. Maybe you could go to my neighbor’s? Daisy is a pretty harmless woman—at least if you’re not a man—and from where I’m sitting, it’s obvious you’re no man.”
“Daisy?” That was impossible. What were the odds?
“Yeah.” He grasped her elbow and helped her stand again. Despite the grease and calluses, his hand was oddly gentle and comforting. “I bet you’re seeing double, and you can’t drive in that condition.”
Annoyed he was right, and interested in checking out where the competition lived, she reluctantly agreed. They walked side-by-side into the complex, each step making her head throb more.
“I’m Mike, by the way. Mike Peck.”
She looked up at him, really seeing him for the first time. He was unbelievably tall, well over six feet, and wore some kind of gray coverall that had his name embroidered on the patch affixed to the front.
She squinted at the smaller lettering above his name. Doug’s Import Auto Shop. Saved by a grease monkey. How exactly right for her day.

Monday Morning Quiz
Feb 25, 2008
Filed under: Uncategorized
I’m supposed to be getting my kids up and ready for the day but instead I’m mindlessly surfing the net and I ran across this quiz. As a writer, I just had to take it. (Acutally I’m a sucker for quizzes of any kind. 🙂 I’m a dash. Take it yourself and let me know what mark you are….
You Are a Dash |
![]() Your life is fast paced and varied. You are realistic, down to earth, and very honest. You’re often busy doing something interesting, and what you do changes quickly. You have many facets to your personality, and you connect them together well. You have a ton of interests. While some of them are a bit offbeat, they all tie together well. You friends rely on you to bring novelty and excitement to their lives. (And while you’re the most interesting person they know, they can’t help feeling like they don’t know you well.) You excel in: Anything to do with money You get along best with: the Exclamation Point |

Greek Caponata
Feb 18, 2008
Filed under: recipes, Uncategorized
I also tried another recipe from the same episode of Everyday Italian where Giada made the baklava, it’s called Caponata and it’s basically a roasted vegetable salad. I am sadly not a good vegetable eater. I want to love vegetables but most of the time I simply eat them because I think I must, but this recipe made me eager to get in some veggies with my dinner. The flavors of garlic and oregano with the eggplant, zucchini, and tomatoes were so yummy mixed together. I served it over thickly sliced rustic bread like Giada did, and all we ate with it was some cheese and nuts. I’ll definitely make it again. You can find the recipe here.

Countdown and Contest
Feb 2, 2008
Filed under: Uncategorized
A Persistent Attraction, Book 2 in the Regency Intrigue series will be released by Samhain Publishing on February 12. For those of you who have read Book 1: A Carnal Agreement, you’ll remember Rhys and Amanda. This is their story.
Starting on February 5, I’ll be doing a daily countdown here. Anyone who comments will be entered to win a book of their choice from my backlist. Each time you comment, you’re name will be entered to win so the more you comment the more chances you have to win.
Here’s a little taste of A Persistent Attraction to whet your appetite:
A Persistent Attraction by Silvia Violet
Rhys flashed one more knee-buckling grin and walked away. Amanda tried not to observe the animal grace of his movements as he made his way through the crowd. His powerful, fluid walk was at odds with his foppish attire. Her sister had warned her there was more to Rhys than his appearance indicated, but she didn’t want to delve into his secrets. If she were wise, she would do her best not to cross his path again after their dance.
Despite her resolve, she could not pry her eyes from him. She watched him halt next to one of the musicians. The man continued to play, never faltering, while he held a brief conversation with Rhys. Rhys handed him something, and he pocketed it when he had a chance. What was he up to?
She turned away, hoping to seek her aunt’s advice on how to manage Rhys’s advances. But Claire had followed her friends to the punch table. A few minutes later, the music ended with a flourish, and Rhys appeared behind her.
When he set his hands around her waist, she pulled away and turned around. “Have you forgotten where you are?”
“Not in the least. I merely intended to guide you onto the dance floor.”
The strains of a waltz floated across the ballroom, and Rhys’s conversation with the musician suddenly made sense. “You bribed them, didn’t you?”
“I made a request and tipped them for their thoughtfulness.”
“I will not waltz with you.”
“Yes, you will.”
“You can return when the next dance begins.”
“What are you afraid of?”
“I am not afraid. I am wary as any young woman should be of a man like you.” Amanda was intensely aware of him. She could still feel the heat of his hands where he’d touched her. How was she going to survive a waltz without letting him know how he affected her?
He took her arm and linked it through his. “Even a rake such as I would not attempt to ravish you on the dance floor.”
Much to her annoyance, his touch sent shivers down her spine. “One waltz. Then you promise to leave me be for the rest of our stay here.”
Rhys smiled. “If that is what you still wish, then I will not plague you again.”
Amanda’s heart pounded as he led her onto the dance floor. The strictures of society dictated that a waltzing couple kept eighteen inches of space between them, but Amanda doubted Rhys left three. He was so close, the warmth of his body radiated against her as if she were naked. His thighs brushed hers as they twirled, and she tried to look anywhere but into his eyes.
As they moved together, she realized Rhys was an excellent dance partner. Most men whose invitations she accepted were arrogant and boorish once they got her on the floor. Even if they showed any skill at dancing, she was too busy trying to discern their true motivations to enjoy herself.
Rhys made his motives clear enough. He wanted to seduce her, but she also knew he would not truly harm her. Mark would kill him if he did. Rhys led so expertly she had only to relax and let him direct her body. She could easily let her world narrow to the strains of the music, his body pressed to hers and the wonderful feeling of flying.
Then she made the mistake of looking up. Their eyes met. Raw hunger was reflected in his gaze. She’d seen lust on men’s faces before, but she’d never expected such primal desire to be directed at her.
She realized with dismay that Rhys had managed to maneuver them so they were standing by the French doors which led to the courtyard. When the music ended, he flashed a wicked smile. “I thought you might enjoy some fresh air.”
Before she could protest, he reached around her, opened the door and practically pushed her through. She took a slow, deliberate breath. “Now I have some fresh air in my lungs. Please return me to my aunt.”
“Your aunt is busy catching up with old friends. Why don’t we take a few minutes to enjoy the cool evening?”
Rhys had made her body come alive while they danced. She was much too vulnerable to be alone with him. “I found the temperature in the ballroom quite pleasant.”
“Really? Then why are you flushed?”
“How rude of you to notice.”
“Not rude, simply honest.”
He walked toward her. She backed up, but a bench caught her behind the knees. She sat down hard, her breath escaping in a whoosh.
Rhys sat beside her and took her hand in his. His thumb stroked her wrist, sending waves of heat straight to her belly. “Why are you afraid of me?”
“I’m not afraid. I’m annoyed. Now unhand me and let me go inside.”
He smiled. “Prove it.”
“Prove what?”
“That you are not afraid.”
“How would I do that?”
“Kiss me.”
“You must be joking.”
But she looked into his eyes and knew he was quite serious. He’d said the words in a light, teasing tone, but his eyes glowed like a predator stalking prey.
She told herself to get up and go inside, but her legs wouldn’t obey. He’d trapped her like a frightened rabbit. A secret part of her wanted to sample what he had to offer.
His lips descended on hers, and she opened to him. For once in her life, she gave herself utterly to a new sensation.
What a glorious sensation it was. The heat of his mouth enveloped her as his tongue sought the recesses of her mouth. Never in her most fevered fantasy had she imagined a kiss could feel so…exotic and sinful.
Instinct took over, and her tongue reached out, sliding across his and seeking entrance to his mouth. He groaned as she traced his lower lip with her tongue. His arms closed around her, pulling her firmly against his hard chest. She shuddered as his hands stroked the naked skin of her shoulders.
Amanda sank her teeth into the soft flesh of his lip, and he growled. His hands slid around to cup her breasts. When his thumbs flicked across her nipples, bolts of lightening ran through her body.
Then reality crashed like thunder.

Upcoming Release: Snowbound: Saved by a Vampire
Jan 29, 2008
Filed under: Uncategorized
In the next few weeks, Changeling Press with release the Snowbounds, a new series of hot flashes (short stories). I’ve written one about a woman stranded in the snow and a to-die-for vampire. Here’s a little taste:
Sandra huddled in the corner of the abandoned cabin, wrapping the moth eaten blankets even tighter around herself. Why the fuck hadn’t she believed her brother when he insisted it was going to snow? She knew how quickly a blizzard could come up around here, but she’d ignored his warnings.
Now she was lost and her only shelter was a rickety cabin that barely kept out the wind. Unless a miracle occurred, she wouldn’t live long enough for him to say “I told you so.”
Snow swirled through the chinks in the wall, forming a white blanket on the floor. Sandra’s eyes started to drift closed. She shook herself awake. If she went to sleep now, she would never wake up. She needed to get up, move around, stave off hypothermia as best she could.
As she forced her nearly frozen limbs to move, she heard something outside the door. Please God let it be a rescue party.
The door swung open. The flickering light of her flashlight allowed her to see the outline of a tall man. Her heart hammered.
He stepped further into the light, and her breath caught. Long, mocha-colored hair, flowed across his shoulder and down to the middle of his back. His eyes were deep brown, almost black, his skin nearly as pale as the snow that covered his tall black boots. His tight pants showed off powerful thighs and a trim waist. Suddenly she felt warmer than she had since the storm began.
He smiled, a wicked upturn of his lips. Then she saw them, Fangs.
I’ll let you know as soon as Snowbound: Saved By A Vampire is available!

When Work Affects Yours Mind
Jan 29, 2008
Filed under: Uncategorized
I’m a list maker and usually I have a list when I’m at the grocery store but I only needed five things the other morning so I thought I could just remember them all. I found myself rushing around the store reciting the list in my head: ziti, ricotta, mozarella, tylenol, vibrator batteries. After saying this in my head about 10 times it struck me that other people would likely have just thought AAA batteries and that it was a good thing I wasn’t muttering the list out loud as I’ve been known to do 🙂

More Recipe Posts
Jan 28, 2008
Filed under: Uncategorized
My favorite hobby is cooking and baking so I’m going to be sharing more of what I make with you. You can also see some recipes at my old blog, Passionate Kitchen. I’m no longer updating it, but the content will remain up for now.

An Afternoon for Cake
Jan 28, 2008
Filed under: Uncategorized
The last few weekends have been cold and dreary and our family has spent far too much time indoors trying to think of something exciting to do. This week I decided to be proactive and I invited some friends and their families over for afternoon cake and coffee. I have a friend who grew up in Bavaria and when he shared with me that it is traditional there to have cake and coffee every afternoon, I fell in love with that tradition. I mean what is not to like about a daily piece of cake. And with several grownups and a bevy of little girls in our house, I was able to bake a cake and resist the temptation to eat it all ourselves. So we had a delightful if chaotic afternoon with plenty of kids, friends, and caffeine.
I am not a risk taker by nature but for some reason I always end up trying new recipes when I invite people over. And yesterday’s cake was no exception. Fortunately it turned out wonderfully, moist and delicious with a rich chocolatey icing that melted in your mouth. I wish I’d taken a picture but we cut into it too quickly. Here are the recipes I used:
Moist Devil’s Food Cake
Quick Chocolate Frosting

Cover for A Persistent Attraction
Jan 7, 2008
Filed under: Uncategorized
Hi everyone! I’ve been taking some time off to enjoy the holidays with my family but now I’m gearing up for the release of A Persistent Attraction, Book 2 in the Regency Intrigue series. I’m so in love with the cover! Vanessa Hawthorne did a wonderful job capturing the spirit of the book.
I’m going to be doing a contest and countdown to the February 12th release right here. More info to come on that.
Read more about A Persistent Attraction here.

Changeling Press Midnight Madness Sale
Nov 22, 2007
Filed under: Uncategorized
Stop by Changeling any time between now and midnight tonight, buy one of the new releases (like Wolf Caller 3) and get a discount on your entire purchase. Use the discount code
“MidnightMadness” when you check out.