Guest Blogger: Em Woods
Oct 18, 2011
Filed under: guest blogger, interview, m/m, shapeshifter
Today I’m welcoming the lovely Em Woods to my blog. So grab some coffee and sit down with us. Em, will you tell us about your latest release.
Eek. I haven’t had one of those in a while! But the last one was Jack’s Way, which debuted in the Saddle Up ‘N Ride anthology from Total-e-Bound Publishing early this year. It has since been released in single e-book, print, and audio…so pick your poison for some really yummy cowboy action. Overall, I think it has been my favorite published work so far. You can find out more here.
Of course, my most recent projects can be found every Monday with the Story Orgy when I post a new piece of whichever blog story I am working on. Right now that one is called Flying High – and is a paranormal shifter story about a butterfly Fae and his lynx shifter mate. It’s getting really good… *wiggles eyebrows*
What is your favorite genre to write? What other genres do you enjoy?
Ah, Silvia. You know my favorite genre is M/M. *grin* Of course, within that category I write mainly contemporary with a bit of paranormal.
Do you have a favorite character from one of your books?
It would have to be Graham. He’s a secondary character from Chasing Alex, which released last Christmas. I know that sounds odd that he’s a favorite, but I liked him so much (and had quite a few people asking about him!) that he got his own story which will be coming out this Christmas.
He is so intriguing and turned out to have quite a number of secrets. Graham isn’t as rough and tumble as he likes to appear and when Matt decides to knock down those walls – the fight is on. So to speak. LOL.
Is there a style or genre of writing that you haven’t tried yet but you’d like to explore?
Hmm. I’ve written contemporary, cowboy, paranormal, shifter which are mostly M/M with even a sprinkle of M/F/M as a ménage tossed in there. And I’m good with that. However, my stories fall on the vanilla side of BDSM – and I would love to write a true BDSM story. I’m working my way to it, though. So we’ll see. *grin*
How do you make time in your life for writing?
Oh my gosh. Really? I have no clue. I just do it. It’s one of those things that I need to do or I’ll go stark raving mad. LOL. I am either up really late…or up really early to fit it all in. And I drink a lot of coffee. I think caffeine runs in my veins, honestly.
What do you like to read? Do you have some favorite authors?
I love my Story Orgy pals, of course. Lee Brazil, Havan Fellows, JR Boyd and Hank Edwards. Our lovely camera girl, Jade Baiser, has even begun to do short flash fiction that will just rock your socks off.
Outside of that, I love Ava March, Stephani Hecht, Ryssa Edwards, TA Chase, Cameron Dane. And then there’s Nora Roberts, Christine Feehan, Anton Chekhov… well…there’s a few. *laughing* I really do love to read. And have a ton of authors that I will buy as soon as they come out – oh! Amber Kell is another one. And JP Bowie. Jambrea Jo Jones. And…And… (do you see? I am a lost cause!)
If you decide to take a Saturday off, what are we likely to find you doing?
Chasing around behind my two sons. They are six and four. What a handful they are, but I wouldn’t have it any other way!
Choose six adjectives to describe yourself.
Loyal. Compassionate. Funny. Hard-working. Outgoing. Bossy (There! I said it. LOL)
Describe the perfect meal.
Lasagna. Yummy ricotta/mozzarella cheese layered with tender noodles and a fantastic Italian meat sauce….oh man. I want some. Right now.
If you were a dessert what would you be and why?
Cherry Pie. Do you see those six adjectives I used up there? Yeah, that how I imagine it looking. A whole lot of sweet with a tart kick at the end. *grin*
Thanks for joining us Em!
Excerpt: Jack’s Way by Em Woods
“Benjamin.” Joan’s urgent whisper scarcely made it out of the little black box on his desk.
He closed his eyes, wishing for the thousandth time that working for a high profile architecture firm in New Hampshire meant he could escape the big city drama. Setting his pencil down on his drafting table, he slid off his stool and pressed the two-way. “Yes?”
“Christian’s here.”
A loud crash from somewhere down the hall punctuated her statement. Ben’s eyes narrowed as he stared at his closed door. “That’s not possible. He’s still in treatment.”
“He’s in treatment, all right, but it isn’t the one where you get any kind of help.”
He blinked at the intercom, mute.
“Ben?” She was louder this time, more worried.
“What are you talking about?”
“For God’s sake. He’s drunk.” A second bang came from just outside his door at Joan’s desk. The line went dead.
Then, he didn’t need the open line to hear what his assistant was saying to his ex-lover. “You nutcase! Look what you just did to my desk.”
“Where’s Ben?” Christian’s drunken slur carried through the closed door.
“He’s not here. Take your fool self home before I call the police.” She was like a mother hen, all gossip and ruffled feathers. But don’t be the idiot who crossed her. She’d peck your eyes out.
“His car’s in the lot. I know he’s around.”
He didn’t want Joan caught in the middle of this. One thing had been consistent in his relationship with Christian—his ex was violent when he drank. Things usually ended in a nasty brawl because Ben wasn’t the pushover his ex liked to think he was. He had known after only two months of dating he wanted out.
It had taken another four to get it done.
When Christian had agreed to in-clinic therapy after yet another vicious argument, Ben had used the opportunity to make a clean break. That had been three months ago. He’d finally started to relax. Six months was a short-term relationship, after all, and Christian hadn’t so much as called.
Until now.
Ben was gripping the doorknob before he realised he’d even moved. He took one more deep breath before opening the door to take in the scene.
Joan’s back was to Ben and Christian wobbled on weak legs in front of her, poking her in the shoulder. He leant in, momentarily losing his balance before catching himself on her arm. “Where’s he at?”
“Right here.” Ben leant against the door jam, crossed one foot over the other. He cocked his head to the side. “What do you want, Christian?”“Benjamin.” Joan’s urgent whisper scarcely made it out of the little black box on his desk.
He closed his eyes, wishing for the thousandth time that working for a high profile architecture firm in New Hampshire meant he could escape the big city drama. Setting his pencil down on his drafting table, he slid off his stool and pressed the two-way. “Yes?”
“Christian’s here.”
A loud crash from somewhere down the hall punctuated her statement. Ben’s eyes narrowed as he stared at his closed door. “That’s not possible. He’s still in treatment.”
“He’s in treatment, all right, but it isn’t the one where you get any kind of help.”
He blinked at the intercom, mute.
“Ben?” She was louder this time, more worried.
“What are you talking about?”
“For God’s sake. He’s drunk.” A second bang came from just outside his door at Joan’s desk. The line went dead.
Then, he didn’t need the open line to hear what his assistant was saying to his ex-lover. “You nutcase! Look what you just did to my desk.”
“Where’s Ben?” Christian’s drunken slur carried through the closed door.
“He’s not here. Take your fool self home before I call the police.” She was like a mother hen, all gossip and ruffled feathers. But don’t be the idiot who crossed her. She’d peck your eyes out.
“His car’s in the lot. I know he’s around.”
Learn more about Em at her website, Facebook, or Twitter.

Em Woods says:
Thank you for having me, Silvia!!
On October 18, 2011 at 6:22 am
Silvia says:
I’m thrilled to have you, Em 🙂
On October 18, 2011 at 6:51 am
Hank says:
Bossy? Hmm … LOL!! Loved it! I like the cherry pie comparison and now I want lasagna, dammit! Great interview, and I loved “Jack’s Way.” Sigh.
On October 18, 2011 at 7:05 am
leebrazil says:
ahem- we love Em just the way she is… and cherry pie is perfect! 🙂
On October 18, 2011 at 11:41 am
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