Countdown: A Persistent Attraction in the Making
Feb 6, 2008
Filed under: historical, writing
6 days left until the release of A Persistent Attraction. I’ll be here every day for the next week counting down the days and posting excerpts and Regency info. Every time you comment, your name is thrown into the hat to win a book from my backlist so join in the fun.
A Persistent Attraction is the sequel to A Carnal Agreement and I am thrilled to be able to share both of these books with my readers. This series has been a long time in the making. I wrote the first book seven years ago when I was teaching high school. I would snatch time to write during my planning period when I should have been grading papers and in the evenings while I sat drinking shot after shot of espresso and my husband typed away on his dissertation. When it was finished I submitted it to several publishers. I got several encouraging personal rejection letters, but no takers.
Even though I hadn’t found a home for book one, Rhys and Amanda called for me and I knew I had to write their story, so I started it in 2003, when I was pregnant with my first child. I wrote as quickly as I could, but some complications in my third trimester prevented me from finishing it before the baby came. I took a writing hiatus for almost a year and I focused on a sci fi novella when I started back to work, so Rhys and Amanda’s story stayed unfinished.
Then in 2005, I decided to revise A Carnal Agreement. I was overjoyed when it was accepted by Samhain. As soon as my writing schedule allowed, I wanted to finish book 2, but once I again, I found myself trying to complete and revise it when I was pregnant. I had two chapters left when my second child was born, but this time, I jumped write back into writing and wrote whenever I could, sometimes when I was awake with the baby in the middle of the night. I feel such relief that it’s done and ready for readers. Rhys is one of my favorite heroes and I can’t wait for you to get a hold of him.

glenna day says:
So glad that you was able to finish it. This sounds like a really great read.
On February 6, 2008 at 12:22 pm
Cathy says:
Hi Silvia, I really enjoyed reading A Carnal Agreement, and look forward to Rhy’s story.
On February 6, 2008 at 4:28 pm
Loretta says:
Looking forward to reading it. Will this be a series of books.
On February 8, 2008 at 6:15 pm