Celebrate the 4th with a FREE story – NSFW
Jul 4, 2011
Filed under: book release, eye candy, free story, m/m
My story, Time to Tell, is now available as a FREE read at the m/m romance group at Goodreads. By becoming a member of this group you can read over 100 free stories this summer. Look through discussions under the Hot July Days section to find it.
Each story is based on a prompt and a photo. Here’s mine, provided by the lovely Patricia Farrington,
We grew up together, best friends and all that.
Joined the Army, damn the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” crap!
We almost lost one another on a special mission….how does our story play out?

C. Zampa says:
First time to your site! I love it!
Going to have to join this GR m/m group and read your story and the others!
On July 4, 2011 at 1:55 pm