BDSM Excerpt Week – Ashlynn Monroe
Oct 5, 2012
Filed under: BDSM, BDSM Excerpt Week, erotica, guest blogger
Beauty by Ashlynn Monroe
Beauty beyond compare… and a curse just made to be broken. Brand’s the perfect prince for the job. But not every fairytale princess deserves to be freed from her bonds. Sometimes it’s better to let sleeping beauties lie, lest you rouse the demon within. Fortunately, our prince thinks outside the box.
Beauty lay on the bed, covered with rose-filled vines. Her long blond hair flowed around her pale, naked body. Her nipples stood high, peaking from the chill, as if frozen in time. The room felt frigid. Not a single ember remained in the long dead hearth.
Everything here was dead, except the roses.
Prince Brand stood at the foot of the bed and stared at her nude perfection. His cock grew hard. He’d sought this fabled beauty and her mystical, forgotten castle, and now he’d found the room where Beauty still lay. She looked too beautiful to be dead. Not a single flaw appeared on her face or form.
He pulled roses from the foot of the bed, tossing them to the floor. Slowly he worked his way around, removing the thorn vines obscuring his view. He moved to the head of the bed and carefully pulled the remaining roses from around her face.
A soft sigh escaped her lips. Startled, Brand jumped back and pulled the thick gloves from his hands, throwing them down on the dusty chair beside her resting place. He held his hand under her nose. To his surprise, the subtle breath of life remained in the eons-old body. Slumber? Can it be?
He’d come seeking treasure from the long dead kingdom, but now he found another reward to enjoy. In the halls below, dried corpses lay where they had fallen on a typical day as they went about their usual work. But here, the princess lay alive and as perfect as the day her city had fallen to the evil plague of the death roses.
Brand removed his armor carefully, afraid to touch the roses scattered on the floor. His cock throbbed. The bards sang ancient tales of Beauty’s unequaled perfection, but she was more perfect than words could describe. The girl’s supple body cried out for his hands and lips.
Naked, Brand carefully crawled onto the bed. It dipped under his weight and another soft sigh left the girl’s red lips, which seemed to be begging for his kiss. He touched her face and felt the smallest trace of warmth. He refused to let such a sexy body go to waste. He let his hand slowly trail from her cheek to her neck, then her collarbone, and then the soft globe of her breast. He tweaked the nipple and her body stirred.
Brand sucked the pink pebble into his warm mouth, drawing hard on her nipple. The princess arched her back. He glanced at her face, but she hadn’t awakened. He moved his mouth to the waiting twin, suckling hard. Her soft mewing cry spurred him on. He reached up to fondle the other breast, and her mews became throaty gasps.
Kissing down her stomach, he twirled his tongue into the small navel. She shifted. Brand looking up at her face expectantly, but her eyes remained closed. He worked lower, his mouth hovering just above her pussy. The musky womanly fragrance heightened his lust and he spread her naturally covered lips to gaze on her intimately.
Smiling, Brand flicked his tongue over her clit, and the princess’s hips bucked. He lapped at her with ferocity, savoring her taste. Beauty cried out, bucking wildly under his mouth. Brand could take no more. Her body seemed to beckon to him. Climbing to his knees, he hovered above her, slowly, carefully sliding his ready cock into her tight, hot pussy. She was dripping wet for him and his mind barely registered she was no virgin before he began pumping into her wet cunt.
Her eyes flew open and he stared into the bright blue orbs. Brand felt his face grow hot and flush as he realized just how shocking his actions would appear. But a sensual smile spread across her face as she stretched her arms above her head. “My prince, you’ve finally come.”
“My lady, I…”
“Fuck me,” the sweet young voice commanded.

Ashlynn Monroe says:
Thank you for hosting me!
On October 5, 2012 at 5:32 pm