Archive for the ‘book release’ Category
Revolutionary Temptation is available now!
Jan 17, 2017
Filed under: book release, m/m
Tags: alexander hamilton, american revolution, bisexual romance, erotic romance, espionage, gay romance, historical romance, spies
It’s release day for my first m/m historical, Revolutionary Temptation. You can buy it at Amazon, Payhip, iTunes, Smashwords, and Kobo. The print version is at Barnes and Noble and ebooks will be available there soon.
1777 New York City
The American colonists are fighting for their independence, but the battlefield is not the only place to wage war. When General Washington’s head of intelligence asks Captain Jack West to spy on the British in New York, Jack agrees, despite reservations about this ungentlemanly pursuit.
Jack’s contact in the city recruits bookshop owner Elias Ashfield, an impeccably dressed sensualist who flaunts his desire for both men and women and seeks a place in high society. Jack longs for a simple life guided by clear principles. Eli is a risk-taker who knows how to get what he wants. And he wants Jack in his bed.
Events in Jack’s past have made him fearful of acting on his secret craving for a man’s touch, but Eli intrigues Jack as much as he infuriates him. As Jack and Eli search for the information the rebel army needs, they realize there’s more between them than mere lust. But finding a way to be together may prove more difficult than defeating the British Empire.

Perfect Alignment (Thorne and Dash 3) is coming soon!
Oct 18, 2016
Filed under: book release, excerpts
Perfect Alignment (Thorne and Dash 3) releases on November 15. Preorder information is coming soon. Check out the excerpt and blurb below.
Thorne proposed to Riley. Riley accepted.
Thorne thought that was that. They’d take a nice trip, get married, and spend a week luxuriating in a five-star hotel with occasional excursions to fabulous restaurants.
Riley imagined a traditional wedding with all the trappings. With all their friends and family. At Christmas.
Thorne concedes reluctantly, and a flurry of wedding planning ensues. At the same time, Thorne is wrestling with a recalcitrant client, and Riley and his business partner, Susan, are consumed with renovations and planning for the opening of their bakery. Stress on top of stress makes both Riley and Thorne doubt their relationship, and a major misunderstanding nearly silences the wedding bells.
By the time they reach their happily ever after, they’re both going to deserve all the romance they’ve been dreaming of.
The maître d’ at Bavaria Haus recognized Thorne immediately. “I have your table ready, sir, and your server will bring out the wine you requested right away.”
Bavaria Haus didn’t take reservations unless you were Thornwell Fucking Shipton, and Riley noticed the dirty looks they received from several patrons who were waiting in the crowded lobby. One grumbled about entitled pricks loudly enough for Riley to hear, but if Thorne noticed, he didn’t seem to care. He’d likely heard worse complaints about his behavior that very day at the office.
A server appeared before Riley had a chance to say anything. He opened the wine and started to pour some in Thorne’s glass for him to taste, but Thorne waved his hand toward Riley.
“It’s my partner the wine should impress.”
The man nodded. “Of course, sir.”
Riley nearly laughed at Thorne’s satisfied grin. Thorne really did love when others did his bidding, which made it all the more special that he surrendered so beautifully to Riley.
Riley kept his eyes on Thorne as he sipped the wine, making a show of just how much he liked it. Thorne knew his tastes now: dry, red wine with berry overtones and a hint of smoke.
He sucked the wine off his bottom lip before setting his glass down. By then he was certain Thorne was hard and aching to adjust himself. He was practically panting. Riley might not be an escort anymore, but he hadn’t lost his seduction skills even if he only used them on Thorne now.
He looked up at the waiter. The man’s eyes were wide. Apparently, he wasn’t unaffected either. “Perfect.”
“I… I’m glad you like it, sir.”
The poor server nearly dropped the bottle as he attempted to pour a full glass for Riley. He regained his composure and completed the task, filling Thorne’s glass and then asking if they knew what they’d like.
Riley smiled at Thorne. “Have you chosen for us?”
Thorne relaxed under his attention. Of course he had, but he’d probably thought Riley would bristle at that. He used to, but now he knew it meant Thorne was trying to please him. If he really wanted something else, he could always speak up.
Thorne ordered kartoffelpuffer and beef rouladen, the same appetizer and entrée they’d first eaten here, despite the kartoffelpuffer not being on the current menu. He really was up to something.
When the waiter walked away, Thorne looked at Riley and smiled. “So you do remember?”
“That I ordered this on our first date? Yes.”
“Was that a date?” Thorne asked.
“We wanted to pretend it wasn’t, but yes.”
“I agree.”
Riley took a sip of his wine. “So…?”
Thorne was trying so hard to be coy, and it was adorable, but Riley was feeling much too impatient to wait through it all. “You didn’t get reservations tonight and attempt to recreate our first non-date for no reason.”
“Of course I didn’t.” He signaled the waiter who came over immediately. “I had a package delivered here. Would you please bring it now?”
“Yes, sir.”
“You can have a package delivered to a restaurant?”
“I can have a package delivered where I damn well please as long as I pay enough.”

Cover Reveal: Meteor Strike
Aug 1, 2016
Filed under: book release, contemporary
I’ll be re-releasing Meteor Strike the companion story to Astronomical on August 10. Check out this awesome cover designed by Meredith Russell.

Astronomical Pre-order Proceeds Donated to Equality Florida
Jun 14, 2016
Filed under: book release
Tags: equality florida, LGBT, orlando, pulse
I will be donating all proceeds from pre-orders of Astronomical to Equality Florida’s Gofundme campaign for families of the victims of the Orlando shootings.
You can preorder from now until June 20 at Amazon, ARe, and Barnes and Noble.

Release Day: Personal Entanglement (Thorne and Dash 2)
Apr 30, 2016
Filed under: book release, contemporary, m/m
Personal Entanglement is available now at Amazon, ARe, iTunes, Kobo, Barnes and Noble, and in paperback.
Several months ago Thorne hired Riley as an escort. They fell hard for each other and ultimately made their relationship personal rather than professional. Every moment they spend in bed is pure bliss, but good sex can’t solve all their problems as they struggle to make things work between them. Thorne convinces Riley to move in with him, but their differences in age and income weigh more heavily on Riley once they share a home.
If that weren’t enough, culinary school is turning out to be a disappointment for Riley rather than a dream come true, and he’s considering the daunting prospect of starting his own business. Thorne wants to swoop in and fix everything, but Riley keeps refusing Thorne’s money or advice, feeling like he’s losing control over his own life.
Thorne and Riley will have to rely on their love for each other to help them find the balance between independence and entanglement.

Going Deep is out now!
Feb 22, 2016
Filed under: BDSM, book release, contemporary, m/m, menage
Woohoo! It’s release day for Going Deep (Fitting In 4). Grab your copy now at Amazon, All Romance eBooks, iTunes, Barnes and Noble, and Kobo.

Professional Distance is up for pre-order!
Nov 19, 2015
Filed under: book release, contemporary, D/s, m/m
Grab your copy of Professional Distance now. You can pre-order at Amazon, ARe, Kobo, or iTunes.
Thornwell Shipton is wealthy, uptight, closeted, and an incurable workaholic. A tragic love affair left him terrified of relationships, so he tells himself sex is better scheduled and paid for.
Riley Dashwood is young, easy-going, and comfortable in his own skin. He’s a passionate baker and an aspiring chef, working as an escort to save up for culinary school.
They’re clearly made for each other.
When Thorne hires Dash, it’s lust at first sight. After a few scorching nights together, both men start to wonder if what’s between them is more than physical, but their age gap and resistance to romance make them afraid to change their professional relationship to a personal one. Dash pushes Thorne to admit he wants things he’s denied himself for years. Kinky things. Soft, caring things. Things that force him to open his heart, not just his body. To move forward, one or the other must take a risk and ask for what he really wants.

Cover Reveal and Giveaway: Professional Distance
Nov 2, 2015
Filed under: book release, m/m
I am thrilled to share this amazing cover by LC Chase! Comment below to be entered to win an advance copy.
Professional Distance releases November 28 so get ready to meet these two amazing men…
Thornwell Shipton is wealthy, uptight, closeted, and an incurable workaholic. A tragic love affair left him terrified of relationships, so he tells himself sex is better scheduled and paid for.
Riley Dashwood is young, easy-going, and comfortable in his own skin. He’s a passionate baker and an aspiring chef, working as an escort to save up for culinary school.
They’re clearly made for each other.
When Thorne hires Dash, it’s lust at first sight. After a few scorching nights together, both men start to wonder if what’s between them is more than physical, but their age gap and resistance to romance make them afraid to change their professional relationship to a personal one. Dash pushes Thorne to admit he wants things he’s denied himself for years. Kinky things. Soft, caring things. Things that force him to open his heart, not just his body. To move forward, one or the other must take a risk and ask for what he really wants.
**Don’t forget to comment to be entered to win an advanced copy.**

Coming Clean is available now!
May 20, 2015
Filed under: book release, contemporary, m/m, men in uniform
Release day is finally here! You can grab Coming Clean at Amazon, All Romance eBooks, iTunes and Smashwords. Barnes and Noble and Kobo are coming soon.
An unexpected inheritance lands Jeremy a large house and plenty of money to take a sabbatical from his job teaching poetry at a small college. He intends to sell the house and take off on a new path to discover what he wants out of life. Then he meets Connor. The attraction he feels to a man so different from himself is no less shocking than his change in financial circumstances, but Connor is in the closet and Jeremy wants a life lived out in the sun.
Connor is a former Force Recon Marine who runs a housecleaning business. When he’s hired to get Jeremy’s house market-ready, he’s startled by how attracted he is to his client despite their many differences. But his past, especially his final mission, weighs heavily on him. He’s not certain he can be the man Jeremy needs, but no man has ever made him want to take a risk like Jeremy does.
Knock! Knock!
Shit! Someone was at the door. Jeremy had been certain he could finish breakfast before the cleaners came but here he was, covered in toast crumbs and only halfway through his eggs. He gulped down a last sip of coffee as he brushed himself with the other hand. Then he ran toward the front door, not wanting to keep the man with the alluring voice waiting. Unfortunately, he’d forgotten how slick the hardwood floors were. He tried to slow himself but it was too late: he went into a uncontrolled skid and landed against the door with a bone-jarring thud.
“I thought I was supposed to be the one knocking,” the man on the other side said, his voice just as low and rich as it had been on the phone.
Jeremy wished he hadn’t made an utter fool of himself in front of Mr. Sexy Voice. With a sigh, he opened the door. “Sorry. The floor’s slippery, especially if you’re…” He glanced down. Fuck. He was wearing his neon paisley socks, the ones David had given him last Christmas in an effort to brighten up his life. He’d really meant to change. Frayed khaki shorts and paisley socks. Yeah, that was a great first impression.
He looked up and for the first time, really saw the man on the other side of the door, Connor, he’d said his name was. Damn, Connor could wear paisley socks, or anything else, and still make a good impression. Better yet, he could wear nothing at all. His light brown hair was buzzed, emphasizing the firm line of his jaw, and his eyes looked like burnished gold. While he wasn’t significantly taller than Jeremy’s five foot eleven, he held himself in a way that made him seem much larger, and he exuded confidence. No doubt he’d be a good man to have on your side in a zombie apocalypse.
“You are Jeremy Parks, right?”
Please let me get through this interview without embarrassing myself. Again. “Yes, and you’re Spit Shine Clean. Not that that’s your name but—”
“I’m Connor.” The amazing specimen of maleness held out his hand. Jeremy hoped to God there wasn’t any egg or jam on his own as he reached out to shake.
Whoa. Connor’s strength and the rough maleness of his hand paralyzed Jeremy as if Connor had hit him with a Taser. Jeremy didn’t usually go for the military type. He was more likely to be uneasy around them than turned on. Maybe his wires were crossed that morning or maybe he’d rattled something loose when he hit the door, because he wanted to drag Connor up to his bedroom and forget about showing him the rest of the house. When Connor let go, Jeremy steadied himself, sure he was going to slide down again.
“You okay?” Connor asked.
“Oh, yes. I’m fine. Just… I meant to change. These socks were a gift. A gag gift.”
“They’re cute.”
Jeremy glanced at Connor and the surprise in his eyes indicated he was as startled as Jeremy that those words had come out of his mouth. “Thanks. My friend has an interesting sense of humor.”
Connor grinned. “I can tell.”

Guilty Indulgence Blog Hop – Cover Reveal for Shifting Hearts
Sep 21, 2014
Filed under: book release, cowboy, m/m, paranormal, shapeshifter, web event
I’m thrilled to be part of the Guilty Indulgence Blog Hop today!
I have a cover reveal for you today for Shifting Hearts, Wild R Farm Book 6. This is one of my all times favorite covers. Meredith Russell has done an amazing job.
In case you haven’t met the men of Wild R Farm, I would like to introduce them to you. Wild R Farm is owned by Cole Wilder, a halfbreed werewolf. The first book in the series, Finding Release, is about Cole and his partner Jonah and each subsequent book tells the story of more of the men who work at the farm or living in the town of Cranford, TN. Finding Release is also available in audio.
And now for the cover reveal, Book 6, Shifting Hearts will be released October 25, check out the gorgeous cover.