Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category
GRL here I come!
Oct 8, 2015
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I’m so excited about attending my fourth GayRomLit conference. I’ll be heading to San Diego in 3 days. I’ll be around the hotel and at many of the events but here are some specific events I’m participating in:
I’ll have book at the Indie Publishers Table in the Book Sellers Room throughout the conference.
Authors’ Lounge – Thursday October 15 12:30-1:15
Dine With An Author Dinner – Thursday October 156:30-8:30
Erotic Romance Storyteller Panel – Friday October 16 11:25-12:20
Featured Author Signing – Saturday October 17 12:30-3:00

Where I’ll Be At GRL
Oct 2, 2014
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I’m really looking forward to my third Gay Rom Lit Conference. I can’t wait to see old friends and meet new ones! I’m happy to meet up any time during the conference but here’s where you can definitely find me:
Stamping Books in the Atrium: Thursday 10-12
Author’s Lounge: Thursday 12:00-12:40
Scrapbooking at the Fun Fair: Friday 2:30-4:20
Reading from Shifting Hearts (Falling Waters Lounge): Saturday 9:00-9:55
Featured Author Signing: Saturday 2:00-5:00
Time Travel Party: Saturday 9-11 (I’ll probably be at the other evening parties but I’m not much of a night owl. I have a costume so I’ll definitely be at this one.)
I’ll have some free books so come ask me for one and I’ll also have these guys to give away!

GRL 2014 Pre-Order Form
Aug 11, 2014
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You can preorder copies of my print books at a discount and I will deliver them to you at GRL. I will be selling books at GRL but the prices will be a bit higher than the preorder price.

My Silver Publishing Titles
Apr 13, 2014
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As you may have heard, Silver Publishing has now closed it’s doors. Rights have reverted to the authors and many are in the process of finding new homes for their stories or self-publishing them. Many authors have or will be making posts like this one to let readers know where to find their titles so check the blogs of your favorite authors. All my former Silver titles have been re-released and this is where you can find them.
Astronomical is available from Loose Id and I continued the series with a new title, Meteor Strike
All my other former Silver books are available from Silvia Violet Books.
Finding Release (Wild R Farm 1) and 4 new volumes in this series which you can find links to here.
Abandoned (Galactic Betrayal 1)
Deceived (Galactic Betrayal 2)
You can read excerpts of all these books here on my website on each book’s page.

Willing Hands Excerpt
Feb 9, 2014
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Willing Hands is available now at Amazon, BN, and ARe!
Here’s a taste from Chapter 1…
Will followed the trail out of the woods and gave his horse her head. They raced across fields, and Will reveled in the freedom of a good hard ride. Despite Will’s size, his favorite mare carried him effortlessly, seeming to barely touch the ground. The beast didn’t even mind that he was as much bear as human. Animals understood him in a way no human or shifter ever had.
He could have made a damn good vet. Too bad he’d fucked that up. But that was his MO, wasn’t it? Get settled in a new place, start to make friends, lose his goddamn bear of a temper and scare the shit out of everyone, then move on and try again. He’d managed to take care of himself for most of his life, and he ought to be used to being alone, but lately his bed—hell, his whole life—felt colder and lonelier than ever.
He slowed the horse to a canter, then to a trot as he neared the main corral, but his heart rate didn’t come down as he slowed the pace of the ride. Ryan was in the corral putting Sandstorm, a feisty colt, through his paces, patiently waiting for him to settle down before trying over and over to get him to accelerate only at Ryan’s signal.
Ryan. The man could stir Will up with a mere glance.
Will dismounted and led his horse into the barn. He wanted to rush through untacking and grooming so he could watch Ryan work, but he forced himself to go slowly. His horse deserved a good brushing after making Will feel so free as they ate up the ground. He imagined he’d feel the same way thrusting into Ryan, riding him just as hard. Fuck. He really needed to stop thinking about that. As it was, he became a tongue-tied idiot every time he was around Ryan.
When Will walked out of the barn, Ryan was still there, as focused and calm as he’d been earlier despite Sandstorm’s reluctance to obey.
Will leaned against the corral and watched, fascinated by how in tune Ryan was with the colt he was training. If only Ryan would give him the same attention he gave the horses. It had been nearly a month since Will had laughed off his friend Tristan’s suggestion that he had a thing for Ryan. He’d known what he felt then, but he hadn’t been ready to talk about it. The infatuation hadn’t gone away though, and now he wished Tristan was here. When he took a minute to be serious, he gave good advice, and Will could use some.
Ryan was as elusive as a breeze in the August heat. When he caught Will staring—something that happened all too often—Ryan never looked offended. A few times he’d even smiled, and that smile felt like a gift. Will shook his head. How pathetic could he get, following Ryan around like a lost puppy, getting as turned on from a hint of a smile as he would from an in-your-face, pin-you-to-the-wall proposition from another man? He couldn’t keep this up. Ryan might be skittish like the colt he was training, but Will needed to make a move. He just hoped if he got more aggressive, he wouldn’t scare Ryan off.
At least if Ryan rejected him outright, he could move on, instead of watching every move the man made, every sexy twist of his body, every drop of sweat that rolled down his chest as he studied the colt, not even seeming to notice the heat, every scar on his back that told something of the hell he’d been through. Who the hell was he kidding? There wasn’t any moving on from something this powerful. Will wanted to kiss each of those scars, to hold Ryan and tell him he was safe, but he doubted Ryan would believe him. Ryan never let his guard down, and he was rarely still unless he was working with a horse that was more skittish than he was.
Several times he’d considered pressing Tristan for more information about Ryan. He was sure Tristan knew more about Ryan’s past than he’d told Will, but every time he was tempted, he stopped himself. It was Ryan’s story to tell, and Tristan had his own issues to deal with. Less than a month had passed since Tristan had left for Nashville with his boyfriend, Wes, so they could find out whether they’d kill each other living together. Every time he imagined putting up with Tristan day in and day out, he wasn’t sure whether to laugh or send Wes a sympathy card. He hoped they found happiness together. They sure as hell deserved it.
“Whoa,” Ryan called to Sandstorm. The horse slowed and finally stopped. Ryan held up a hand, indicating that the colt should stand still. Then he walked slowly toward the animal. He didn’t make a sound. How had he learned to move like that? Had it been out of necessity?
Sandstorm nuzzled Ryan when he reached his side. Ryan pulled a carrot from his pocket and fed the horse as he rubbed his neck and whispered something to him. Oh what Will would give for Ryan’s hand to move over him like that.
Ryan started leading the colt toward the gate, but he stopped when he saw Will standing there.
Say something. Something that won’t spook him.
“I’d be happy to brush him down for you.”
Ryan shook his head. “He’s not let anyone else groom him yet, but um…you could get his feed, I guess.”
Not a ringing endorsement for wanting Will around, but he’d seize any chance he could.
The more he watched Ryan, the worse he wanted him. The more the man hid, the more Will longed to bring him out of his shell.
What if he only likes girls?
Tristan had said no one had seen him with a man or a woman. Ryan rarely left the farm, not even to go into town for supplies. Will had offered to bring things back for him and he’d gotten a smile, a thank you, and a list in return. Ryan had been conspicuously absent when he’d returned. He’d set the things by the door of Ryan’s room, resisting the urge to use delivery as an excuse to go in and snoop.
Will entered the barn ahead of Ryan, not wanting to make Sandstorm—or Ryan—nervous by walking behind them. He headed to the feed bins and measured out the right amount for Sandstorm. Then he filled a bucket with water so he could fill the water trough in his stall. When he got to the stall, Ryan was busy working Sandstorm over with a brush. The flex of his muscles as he swept his arm over the horse’s back made Will suck in his breath. How the hell was he so far gone over this man when they’d never even had a real conversation?
“Will you have dinner with me?” The words were out before Will could stop them.
Ryan whirled around and dropped the brush. Sandstorm stomped and snorted, but Ryan didn’t seem to notice.
Check out the rest of the Wild R Farm, series!

Visit Me on Facebook
Jan 12, 2011
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I now have a page on Facebook. Stop by and click on like while you’re there.

Author Spotlight at Samhain Cafe 8pm
Jun 30, 2008
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I’ll be in the Samhain Cafe tonight for an Author Spotlight hour from 8-9pm EDT. Please join me!

List Mom Hour Today At Samhain Cafe
Jun 25, 2008
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I’ll be running a List Mom Hour at the Samhain Cafe from 1-2 EDT today. Stop by to learn more about To Capture A Spy. If you join the conversation, you’ll be eligible for a few prizes.

Heat Stroke: Stallion’s Summer Available Now!
Jun 23, 2008
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Changeling Press has released the first stories in the new Heat Stroke series and Stallion’s Summer is one of them. Check it out here!
The beginning of the story:
Raya exited the aged transport that had brought her to Oriana and thanked all the deities she could name that she’d made it there in one piece. The planet was beautiful, and a few months ago she’d had the best sex of her life on this backwater outpost, but gods above, couldn’t the locals invest in some modern ships?
She used her absurd lace handkerchief to wipe the sweat from her brow. She’d thought the weather hot the last time she’d visited Oriana. But now it was full summer, and the transport pilot had reported a surface temperature of 110 degrees Fahrenheit.
She wondered what the locals would do if she donned a short, cool-cloth suit, the only garment she’d normally consider in such heat. They’d probably arrest her for indecency. Calder would get the charges dropped and her comfort would almost make it worth the trouble. But getting thrown in jail would delay the long, hard fuck she needed from Calder. That was not acceptable.
Between her raging desire she’d been unable to slake and the blazing Orianian sun, she feared she might explode. She needed to find Calder fast, get some relief for her aching pussy, and then sleep for about twelve hours in a climate-controlled room.
Since she hadn’t bothered to inform Calder that her client was finally ready to close their land deal, no carriage awaited her. She would have to walk the three miles to his estate. As the heat pushed against her in oppressive waves, she wished she had called. But if she had, Calder might have asked annoying questions like how long she planned to stay and whether she had reconsidered his offer.
No, he wouldn’t ask that. He’d warned her that he wouldn’t ask her to stay again. She’d blown her chance. Surely that didn’t mean he wouldn’t be excited to see her? She supposed he had a right to be angry. She had left without saying goodbye. But his cock would respond to her, and that was what mattered, wasn’t it?

New Releases Coming Soon!!
Jun 9, 2008
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On July 1, Samhain Publishing will release my spicy historical, To Capture A Spy, which is set in France in 1814. And in a few weeks, Changeling Press will release my latest short story, Stallion’s Summer which is a sequel to Stallion’s Gambit. I’m s-l-o-w-l-y working on a novella to wrap up Raya and Calder’s story so look for news about that.
To Capture A Spy by Silvia Violet
When danger lurks, is courage alone enough to save a country—and a heart?
It’s not enough Meg Wentworth has suffered kidnapping, imprisonment and torture. She kept her wits about her and escaped with her life, only to be captured by a handsome British officer—and promptly accused of spying for the French. Convincing him otherwise turns out to be easier than dealing with her next discovery: that Lucien just might be the man to help her put her life back together. If only he will let go of his rigid control long enough to let her show him they belong together.
Recovering from a near-fatal injury, British intelligence officer Lucien Archer hoped to leave the shadowy, violent world that left him scarred, body and soul. But a mysterious letter calls him back to duty, and nothing prepares him for Meg. The beautiful spy’s fiery spirit threatens to break through the shell Lucien has built around his heart.
But Meg’s kidnapper wasn’t looking for simple ransom. He’s an old enemy of Lucien’s, Le Lézard, who’s resurfaced with a single goal. To raise magical forces dark and powerful enough to destroy England. To do it, blood must flow. The blood of Lucien and Meg.
And the fire of passion that burns between them is the perfect lure to get them both where he wants them. On an altar of sacrifice.
Learn more here.