Posts Tagged ‘Regency romance’
A Persistent Attraction Available Now!
Feb 12, 2008
Filed under: historical
Tags: erotic romance, historical fiction, historical romance, Regency, Regency romance, romance
A Persistent Attraction is now available so hop on over to Samhain and get your copy. Buy it here!

Countdown: A Persistent Attraction Excerpt #2
Feb 11, 2008
Filed under: excerpts, historical
Tags: erotic romance, historical fiction, historical romance, Regency, Regency romance, romance
One Day Until the Release of A Persistent Attraction
Here’s a second excerpt to get you ready for the big day….
Rhys ran after Amanda. He wasn’t letting her go until he knew why she’d come. As much as his clouded mind wanted to believe she’d finally succumbed to his sensual lure, he knew better.
He reached her as she started down the steps to the street. He caught her waist and pulled her against him.
Once she caught her breath, she began to struggle. “Let me go.”
“You’re not leaving until you tell me why you came.” He fought to ignore the delicious sensations coursing through his body as she writhed against him, rubbing her tight, barely covered derrière against his thighs.
“You are in no condition to help me,” she snarled.
“Stop this before we draw unwanted attention. I’m not letting you go until you agree to talk to me.”
He watched as she glanced from side to side, likely looking to see if they had attracted onlookers. Eventually, her struggles ceased. “Fine. If you promise not to touch me again, I’ll come inside and talk to you.”
“You ask much considering how you are dressed, but nevertheless, I won’t touch you even if you beg me too.”
“You needn’t worry about that.”
“Ever so confident, are we?” he asked, before turning to go back into his house.
She followed him into his study and eyed him closely as he sank into a leather chair.
“Can you possibly be sober enough to comprehend what I’m saying?”
He cursed his stupidity. If only he’d known she was coming, he never would have drunk so much. What had made him want to lose himself in the bottle anyway? The answer nagged at his consciousness, but he couldn’t quite catch it. His mind was filled with base urges that made him want to use Amanda’s body in a way no man should.
Why did she look so angry? Oh, right, she’d asked him a question. What was it? Sober. Was he sober? No, definitely not. Maybe he could fake it. He sat up straighter. “Get on with your story. I’m tired of waiting.”
She looked ready to murder him, but the rapid rise and fall of her chest had him mesmerized.
“I would ask Aunt Claire for help, but as you probably know, she’s been in poor health recently. I refuse to endanger Elise. Mark and Cassandra have enough to think about, and they are too far away. You were the only other person I could think of.”
She said the last sentence as if the very idea of speaking to him disgusted her.
“I’m sorry you are faced with such an odious option. I’m still waiting to hear what this problem is.” He stood and leaned over his desk to grab the whiskey decanter. “Would you like some?”
“No thanks. I prefer not to dull my senses when I’m near you.”
“No, you mustn’t give an evil rake a chance at seduction.”
Her pink cheeks brought him satisfaction.
“I received this note the afternoon before the Leightons’ ball.” She extracted a piece of paper from the waist of her breeches and handed it to him.
It was warm from her body. The feel of her heat made his cock harden instantly. He unfolded the paper and forced his tired eyes to focus on the words.
When he finished reading he was ready to use his bare hands to strangle the man who’d written it. The cold terror that ran down his spine sobered him. “Why didn’t you come to me the day you received this?”
“I thought it was a joke. I figured some man I’d jilted sent it to frighten me.”
“Damn it, Amanda. You were almost killed.”
“I’m fine. But I received a second letter today. That’s why I came. He wants me to meet the same demand in three days.”
“And you want me to help you find him before then?”
“Yes.” She kept her jaw tight as though her response pained her.
An evil idea came to him. He had every intention of finding this bastard and making him pay dearly for harming Amanda, but her situation had given him a wonderful opportunity to toy with her. For just a second, reason broke through his alcohol-laden haze. He knew better, but he couldn’t stop himself.
“I deserve some payment for my assistance, don’t you think?”
“What?” Amanda’s eyes widened.
“Every day that I’m helping you, I will be given one chance to seduce you.”
She shook her head back and forth vigorously. Her fists clenched at her sides. He watched her attempt to get her anger under control. For a few moments, he thought she would send the vase on the table next to her toward his head, but she reined herself in.
“You told me that if I ever needed help, I should come to you. I should have known better than to trust you. Mark may think you have a heart under your detached façade, but he’s wrong.” She stood and grabbed her cloak from the back of her chair. “I’ll handle the problem myself.”
He cursed himself and considered following her once again, but decided against it. Instead he rang for Meadows. When the valet appeared, he said, “I want Miss Halverston followed and guarded. She should be in the sight of one of my men any time she leaves her aunt’s residence.”
“Yes, sir. Anything else?”
“No, that is all.” He sat at his desk and proceeded to drain the rest of the whiskey. His last thought before he passed out over the hard wooden surface was that he could never drink enough to forget the feelings Amanda stirred in him. Feelings a man like him should never have.

Countdown: Researching the Regency
Feb 10, 2008
Filed under: historical, writing
Tags: erotic romance, historical fiction, historical romance, Regency, Regency romance, romance
Two Days Until the Release of A Persistent Attraction
Here are some of the resources I use frequently for Regency era research:
What Jane Austen Ate and Charles Dickens Knew by Daniel Pool
Our Tempestuous Day: A History of Regency England by Carolly Erickson.
The Prince of Pleasure and His Regency by J.B. Priestly
Life in the English Country House by Mark Girouard
English Landed Society in the 19th Century by F.M.L. Thompson
The Regency Collection
Regency England
Republic of Pemberly
Online Etymology Dictionary

Countdown: How Rhys and Amanda met
Feb 8, 2008
Filed under: historical
Tags: erotic romance, historical fiction, historical romance, Regency, Regency romance, romance
Four Days Left Until the Release of A Persistent Attraction
Rhys and Amanda first met when Cassandra and Mark were investigating the nefarious activities of Cassandra’s deceased husband in Book 1: A Carnal Agreement. Rhys was shocked by his reaction to such a young innocent woman, and when he learns that she is as strong and self-reliant as her older sister, he fears his heart has been stolen. Here’s their first encounter…..
Excerpted from A Carnal Agreement
Mark looked around when Cassandra said “Mr. Stanton” as if registering Stanton’s presence for the first time. Rhys stood from his chair and bowed toward Amanda. “We have not been properly introduced, but I can only assume you are Cassandra’s sister. You are a perfect replica of her except for your most exotic eyes.”
He walked behind Amanda and reached his arms around her as if to undo the clasp of her cloak. “May I?”
Amanda nodded and he took the cloak from her shoulders. Rather than putting it down, he held it over his arm, letting his fingers run absently over the fabric. Cassandra should have scolded him for flirting with her sister in such a ludicrous manner, but she found it rather amusing, so she simply introduced them.
“Rhys, as you guessed, this is my sister, Miss Amanda Halverston. Amanda, this is Mr. Rhys Stanton. He is a friend of Mark’s.”
Amanda gave Stanton a withering look. “I would prefer if you did not maul my cloak. It was given to me by my aunt, and I am rather attached to it.”
Stanton looked down at his hands as if he had not realized what he was doing. “Of course. I meant no harm. It is a beautiful garment, almost as beautiful as you.”
Mark scowled at him. “What’s wrong with you, Stanton? This is no time for your ridiculous games.”
Stanton shook his head. “Do forgive me. I was quite overcome by the young lady.”
Mark gave him a withering look. “Take a seat.”
Purchase A Carnal Agreement in print.
Purchase A Carnal Agreement in ebook.

Countdown: A Persistent Attraction in the Making
Feb 6, 2008
Filed under: historical, writing
Tags: erotic romance, historical fiction, historical romance, Regency, Regency romance, romance
6 days left until the release of A Persistent Attraction. I’ll be here every day for the next week counting down the days and posting excerpts and Regency info. Every time you comment, your name is thrown into the hat to win a book from my backlist so join in the fun.
A Persistent Attraction is the sequel to A Carnal Agreement and I am thrilled to be able to share both of these books with my readers. This series has been a long time in the making. I wrote the first book seven years ago when I was teaching high school. I would snatch time to write during my planning period when I should have been grading papers and in the evenings while I sat drinking shot after shot of espresso and my husband typed away on his dissertation. When it was finished I submitted it to several publishers. I got several encouraging personal rejection letters, but no takers.
Even though I hadn’t found a home for book one, Rhys and Amanda called for me and I knew I had to write their story, so I started it in 2003, when I was pregnant with my first child. I wrote as quickly as I could, but some complications in my third trimester prevented me from finishing it before the baby came. I took a writing hiatus for almost a year and I focused on a sci fi novella when I started back to work, so Rhys and Amanda’s story stayed unfinished.
Then in 2005, I decided to revise A Carnal Agreement. I was overjoyed when it was accepted by Samhain. As soon as my writing schedule allowed, I wanted to finish book 2, but once I again, I found myself trying to complete and revise it when I was pregnant. I had two chapters left when my second child was born, but this time, I jumped write back into writing and wrote whenever I could, sometimes when I was awake with the baby in the middle of the night. I feel such relief that it’s done and ready for readers. Rhys is one of my favorite heroes and I can’t wait for you to get a hold of him.

Coutndown Contest : Free Story
Feb 5, 2008
Filed under: free story, historical
Tags: erotic romance, erotica, historical romance, Regency romance
Only 7 days left until the release of A Persistent Attraction. I’ll be here every day for the next week counting down the days and posting excerpts and Regency info. Every time you comment, your name is thrown into the hat to win a book from my backlist so join in the fun.
To get us in the proper mood for more Regency Intrigue, here’s a little Regency-era short…
(Just to clarify – this is not an excerpt from A Persistent Attraction. It’s a separate story I wrote for fun that might one day develop into a longer story.)
As Brodie pushed the door closed behind them and clicked the lock into place, Alice’s heart pounded. What did he think he was doing?
But she thought she knew the answer all too well, and when her lover turned and flashed a wicked grin, her suspicions were confirmed. He meant to seduce her. In her aunt’s house. In the middle of a ball.
She shook her head. “We can’t. Not here.”
“The hell we can’t.” He sat down on the settee and pulled her into her lap so abruptly her breath whooshed from her lungs. Before she draw in more air, he pulled her head down and took her lips in a ferocious kiss.
Heat and need spiraled through her.. She tried to pull away, but Brodie’s hands were already unbuttoning the back of her dress.
He tugged so hard on her bodice she heard stitches rip. Dear God, she hoped she’d be decent enough to return to the ballroom.
She gasped as Brodie’s mouth left hers and closed around her nipple. He was always a passionate lover, but tonight he was relentless as if he wanted to devour her. Her body responded with abandon even as her mind screamed out the need to stop.
“Lift your dress.”
His pause to speak gave her a chance to protest. “My aunt will be looking for me. We’ve got to stop.”
His eyes darkened. “If you think you can tease me like that and not suffer the consequences you are quite wrong.”
Alice smiled at his mock anger. She’d been feeling a bit wild all evening, contemplating the night she and Brodie had planned. So when he’d pulled her onto the dance floor for a waltz, ignoring the fact that the dance had been claimed by her cousin, she’d allowed herself to stand quite a bit closer than propriety allowed. Once or twice she’d even allowed her belly to brush against his cock, delighting in the feel of it hardening in response.
Brodie growled. “Now.”
Alice smiled and did as he commanded, raising her dress and straddling him while he worked the fastenings of his pants.
When he’d freed his cock, he lifted her and thrust deep. She had to bite her lip to hold in a scream. They’d been lovers for weeks now, but she’d still not gotten used to his size. He filled her nearly to the point of pain. Yet it felt so wickedly good.
She rose on her knees and brought herself down hard. He gasped, and she laughed.
He grabbed her hips in response, taking over control and driving into her over and over, so fast she couldn’t catch her breath.
Her aunt’s voice. In the hall. She tired to find the will to stop. But her hands clasped Brodie’s shoulders rather than pushing him away.
“Alice! Where are you?” Someone, presumably her aunt, tried the door. Thank God Brodie had locked it. She opened her eyes and looked at him pointedly.
Brodie shook his head. “Can’t . . . stop.” The words sounded pained.
He reached up and brushed his thumbs across booth her nipples as he flexed his cock inside her, brushing across the spot inside her that made her sizzle.
Her aunt knocked again, but Alice no longer cared. All she cared about was Brodie and what his hands and his cock were doing ot her.
He tormented her nipples as he thrust fully into her. Her nails bit into his shoulders, nearly ripping the fabric of his jacket. “Come for me, Alice.”
She moaned, slamming herself onto his cock, letting him fill her until she exploded. Hard bursts of passion raced through her. At just the right moment, Brodie took her lips with his and swallowed her scream of release.
As her body writhed against his, he lifted her and she felt the hot splash of his seed against her thigh. As the aftershocks of passion slowed, she realized something she’d been trying to deny. She needed this man with her very soul. She would have to find a way to keep him.