Archive for the ‘shapeshifter’ Category
Denying Yourself – Amazing Reviews
May 20, 2013
Filed under: book release, m/m, paranormal, review, shapeshifter
I’m so excited about the wonderful reviews I’ve gotten of Denying Yourself like this one from Whitney at Live Your Life, Buy the Book – “This book left me all swooney and happy. I was sucked from the first few pages. Matt and Shane were just meant to be together. This is one of those hard-fought roads to love for a love that was there from the start. Really tragic but beautiful.”
And this one from Tyra at Guilty Indulgences -“This book may be a paranormal but the feelings of self loathing and denial not to mention the addictive personality traits are very real. Shane could be any teen today struggling, looking for approval and love. This is an emotionally intense story about self acceptance.”
Lucky from Mrs. Condit Reads Books had this to say – “Silvia Violet writes stories of amazing and powerful shifters, but what happens when the shifter doesn’t want to be one? What happens when he has fallen so far that there is nowhere else he can go? These are the questions that begin in the next section of the book. They’re not easy things to answer. Some of the answers are not pretty. Some are disturbing, even to the point of wanting to scream no at what Shane does. Ms. Violet doesn’t sugarcoat it at all. I know that Shane is meant to be with Matt, but it’s a lesson he needs to learn.”
To read an excerpt, go here.

Arresting Love – Chapter One Sample and a Contest
Jan 2, 2013
Filed under: book release, cowboy, first chapter, m/m, paranormal, shapeshifter
Here’s the first chapter of my brand new release, Arresting Love (Wild R Farm 2). Leave a comment on this post for a chance to win book 1 in the series.
Arresting Love (Wild R Farm 2) by Silvia Violet
Billy Lawson is jealous. Every day he watches his boss, Cole, and his boss’s lover, Jonah, prove again and again how deeply in love they are. Billy’s never had a real relationship, and he didn’t believe true love existed until Cole proved otherwise. Now, he longs for what Cole and Jonah have.
When he meets Levi, a scared, wounded shifter who needs his help, he ignores the chemistry that flares between them, thinking he’d be taking advantage of Levi at a vulnerable time in his life. Before Levi can convince Billy they were made for each other, his past catches up to him, and both men must fight for a chance at love.
The crazy cuckoo clock his boss’s lover had rescued from the farmhouse attic began to chirp, signaling the start of a new year. Cheers went up from the hands, and Billy watched his boss, farm owner Cole Wilder, pull Jonah to him for a kiss.
Billy took a pull from his beer and tried to make himself look away, but he couldn’t keep from staring as Cole staked his claim, seeming to devour his young lover. Jonah gave back as good as he got, and Billy’s cock stirred in his pants. The two men were beautiful together.
When Cole finally pulled back, the look on his face made Billy’s chest ache. No one could miss seeing Cole’s love for Jonah. They had a bond that was strong as steel, and Billy was jealous.
Four years ago when he’d been hired as barn manager at Wild R Farm, Billy had developed a crush on Cole, but he’d quickly realized Cole would never see him as more than a friend. He’d accepted that. He treasured their friendship, and he’d never forgotten that Cole had given him a chance when he could have hired someone better educated with years more management experience. But watching Cole and Jonah together made him long to connect with someone. Having a man look at him the way Jonah looked at Cole would be a taste of heaven.
Billy drained the rest of his beer. That line of thinking would do nothing but depress him. He needed to be thankful for what he had. The chance of finding the kind of love Cole and Jonah shared was nearly non-existent. He was starting another year doing a job he loved on a farm where he didn’t have to hide the fact that he was gay. Considering he’d been kicked out by his family at seventeen, he’d done a damn fine job of pulling his life together.
It wasn’t in his nature to be morose, but he’d be turning thirty this year, and he was getting tired of living in a bunkhouse, no matter how much he enjoyed the company of the hands he shared it with. He was weary of men who wanted nothing more than a hard, rough fuck behind a trailer at a horse show. He wanted a home and someone to share it with. Age was making him soft.
He stepped onto the farmhouse porch and took a breath of the chilly night air. He shivered, but he’d rather be out here than in the crowded house especially in his current mood. He leaned against the porch railing and listened to the rush of water in the stream that ran behind the house as he tried to push his depressing thoughts away. One of the horses whinnied, and he wondered if going for a midnight ride would help.
“What you doing out here?” Cole asked, stepping out on the porch and letting the screen door slam behind him.
Billy shrugged. “Just gettin’ some fresh air.”
Cole frowned. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, you know I don’t like crowds.”
Cole snorted. “Me either. I’m about to get rid of everybody since we’ve rung in the New Year. This whole party thing was Jonah’s idea. I had a much better plan for the night, but he wouldn’t listen.”
Billy forced himself to smile. “I’m guessing your plan involved Jonah naked and flat on his back.”
Cole grinned. Then he narrowed his eyes and studied Billy. “Are you sure you’re all right? You’ve been grouchy for weeks now.”
Billy raised his brows and looked pointedly at Cole.
“Yeah, yeah. I’m grouchy all the time. I know it.” Cole said.
Billy rolled his eyes. “Damn temperamental wolf.”
Cole snorted. “I’m better than I used to be, now that I’ve got Jonah.” As soon as those words came out, Cole tensed.
Jonah’s brother, Nathan, had kidnapped Jonah, drugged him so he had to remain in horse form, then sold him. Fortunately, he’d ended up at Cole’s friend’s horse sanctuary. As Cole and the rest of the crew at the farm fought to keep Jonah safe, Billy ended up in a fistfight with Nathan. In the aftermath, Cole finally realized Billy had hoped for more than friendship between them. Fortunately, Cole hadn’t freaked out, but he was still sensitive about talking to Billy about his relationship with Jonah. Billy wished he’d just get over it.
“You’re right. Jonah’s been good for you.” Billy clapped him on the shoulder, and Cole looked his way, tension easing.
“You should take some time off,” Cole said. “With planning the addition to the barn and new horses coming in, you’ve been working non-stop for weeks.”
That was true, but when he was working, Billy didn’t feel lonely, and he didn’t have time to be jealous of Cole. “I don’t mind. I’d rather be working with the horses than doing anything else.”
Cole frowned. “When was the last time you left the farm?”
Billy shrugged. “I don’t know. I went into town a few weeks ago.”
Cole raised his brows and glared.
“I’m fine. Really.”
“You need a vacation.”
Billy shook his head. “I’m happy here. There’s nowhere else I want to go.”
He’d spent his late teens and early twenties wandering, finding work where he could, never staying anywhere long. Now that he had a place he felt safe and accepted, he never wanted to leave.
Cole leaned closer and sniffed. It had taken Billy a while to get used to Cole’s werewolf habits, but now he took such things for granted.
“Something’s bothering you,” Cole said. “I can smell it.”
“I’m just keyed up. It’s probably the barn addition. I want to be sure I’ve got all the details right before we break ground.”
“You need to relax,” Cole insisted.
Billy scowled. “The last thing I need to is sit around on my ass. You know I can’t stay still long.”
“Maybe you need to learn how. You’re taking a three-day weekend starting next Friday, and I won’t listen to any complaints.”
Three whole days to think about everything he didn’t have instead of concentrating on what was right in his life. “Where the hell do you expect me to go?”
Cole frowned. “I don’t know, but I’ll figure it out and let you know.”
Billy glared at him. “You’re not sending me on a trip.”
Cole growled. “The hell I’m not. Consider it a bonus.”
* * * *
Billy put up a token fight, but in the end, giving into Cole’s plan was the only option since he threatened to bodily remove Billy from the farm. So, against his wishes, Billy had driven to Nashville, checked into a fancier hotel than he’d ever stayed at in his life, plopped down on the bed, and stubbornly started making spreadsheets for the next week’s horse training rotations. Cole could make him leave the farm, but Billy would be damned if Cole would keep him from thinking about farm business.
A few hours later Billy ordered a burger and watched a pointless movie filled with motorcycle chases and things blowing up. At least the fast-paced film distracted him from the quiet of his room. At the farm, he was never lonely for long. Here, in a hotel room, it was painfully obvious he had no one to share this forced vacation with.
He survived the evening holed up on his own, but the next day he got restless and decided to go for a walk. The temperature was hovering around freezing, and the wind cut right through his fleece-lined jacket. He noticed some beautiful carvings of horses in a gallery window. Danielle, the farm’s head trainer, would love them.
The gallery appeared to be having a craft fair, and he decided to take the opportunity to get out of the cold. He found the booth with the horse carvings. They were so detailed and life-like they looked like they might take off running despite being only six inches high. He purchased a galloping stallion for Danielle then spent nearly half an hour talking with the artist and his partner. They reminded him of Cole and Jonah. They had the same settled, unabashedly-in-love look about them. He sighed as he waved good-bye and headed back into the cold.
He shivered as he stepped out of the gallery. The wind howled along the storefronts, and it felt as if snow was on the way. He scurried across the street into a coffee shop. He’d joked about designer coffee plenty of times, preferring his brew strong and black, but he was supposed to be on vacation, and he did have a thing for chocolate. So, after a casual glance to make sure he didn’t see anyone he knew, he ordered an enormous mocha with whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles on top.
He sat down with his drink and pulled his tablet from his satchel. He read some articles on the care of newborn foals. Then he scanned through some of the horse care message boards he frequented. By the time he’d finished his drink, he was jumpy from the caffeine. He couldn’t sit still any longer. He walked around the city for a while, trying to ignore the cold that seemed to settle all the way to his bones. He hated winter. He’d much rather be dripping with sweat on a burning August day than checking the sky anxiously for snow. Sooner than he wanted to, he headed back to his hotel where he flipped through channels and paced the room.
When the silence got to be too much, he decided to go find a bar. He didn’t think there was a chance in hell he was going to meet someone who was interested in more than a quick fuck, but if a warm body next to his for a few hours was all he could have, he’d take it. He was on vacation after all. Maybe with a few drinks in him, he wouldn’t care so much.
He did a search for gay bars in the area and found one a few miles away. He considered walking so he could drink as much as he liked, but when he glanced out the window a wet mix of sleet and snow had started to fall. No way was he walking in that crap. He shouldn’t drive in it either, but he couldn’t spend one more minute in the hotel.
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Wild R Farm 1: Finding Release is available here.

Finding Release – First Chapter
Dec 19, 2012
Filed under: book release, cowboy, excerpts, m/m, paranormal, shapeshifter
Read the prologue and first chapter of Finding Release and if Cole and Jonah seduce you, buy the book at Amazon, ARe, or Barnes and Noble.
Finding Release (Wild R Farm 1)
“That should be the last of it.” Jonah tossed the final sack of feed on the back of Cole’s truck parked outside his family’s feed store. “You need anything else?”
Jonah looked at Cole with his big brown eyes as if he needed something. Cole caught his scent, and his wolf stirred to life. He smelled like horse and sweat with an underlying citrusy scent, young and clean. Prey. Cole’s cock wanted to fulfill all Jonah’s needs, but Cole wasn’t stupid enough to even flirt with an eighteen-year-old high school senior whose stepfather had been the most vocally anti-gay preacher in town. The only reason the Marks family deigned to sell him grain was because in these hard times they needed his money.
Cole tried to ignore the fantasies playing out in his mind. “Nope. We’re good.”
Jonah looked down at his dusty boots. “You got a minute?”
Cole took a deep breath. He glanced around. They couldn’t talk here, not openly. Jonah needed a friend, and Cole had once been young and different and scared. “Sure. You wanna get a cup of coffee?” He tilted his head toward the diner down the street.
“Yeah.” Jonah looked at his watch. “I’m due for a break.”
“All right. Mind if I leave the truck here?” Cole asked.
“Nah, we’re not expecting another big delivery until this afternoon.”
They walked to the diner in awkward silence.
Cole couldn’t let himself think about how gorgeous Jonah looked, staring at him with those puppy dog eyes. Jonah was off limits for too many reasons to count.
They got a booth by the front windows, and Cole ordered coffee for them. Once the waitress brought the steaming mugs, Cole let himself look at Jonah. His red-brown hair was rumpled from finger combing. A combination of sunburn and embarrassment tinted his cheeks. His denim jacket hugged his broad shoulders and… No! Cole wasn’t going to let his perusal go any lower, not even in his imagination. His wolf growled deep inside, his werewolf nature recognizing the equine inside Jonah, the shifter side his family forced him to deny.
He concentrated on Jonah’s strong, pale hands as they wrapped around the coffee cup, holding it tight for warmth and stability. Cole wanted to reach out and take Jonah’s hands in his own, but that would be bad for both of them.
Cole realized he’d made a mistake. He should have told Jonah he was in a hurry to get back to the farm, or something that would’ve kept him from sitting here alone with a very young horse shifter who was having an indescribable effect on him.
“Mr Wilder?”
Well, being addressed as ‘Mister’ certainly burst the lurid fantasy in his mind. He was only thirty, but now he felt ancient. “You know you can call me Cole.”
Jonah’s cheeks got even redder. “I know… it’s just… I was wondering if you’d consider hiring me. I know I don’t have experience working in a barn, but, I… well… I’m kind of a natural with horses.” He grinned as he said this.
His cutely upturned mouth made him look even younger, and Cole cursed his inappropriate thoughts. The boy needed his help, not his perving.
Jonah’s home life had to be hell. His father had left them when he was little, and his mother and elder brother were both self-righteous Bible-thumpers. From what he could tell, Jonah couldn’t do a damn thing right in their eyes, but Jonah working at Wild R Farm would be a disaster. Cole could smell Jonah’s desire for him. Sooner or later, he’d give into his own desire and exploit that. Jonah deserved freedom and a man who had more self-control.
Cole’s wolf growled, the sound almost escaping Cole’s mouth. If he put his hands on Jonah, he feared his wolfish instincts would take over. Jonah smelled like prey, like something to be consumed, possessed. Cole shuddered. No. He could never let those desires loose. “Jonah, I—”
“Please…” He dropped his voice to a whisper. “My family… I can’t live with them anymore.”
“Your mother’s not going to let you work for me.”
“I’m eighteen. She can’t stop me.”
Cole tried a different tactic. “You need to finish school. Didn’t I hear you’d won a scholarship?”
Jonah looked directly into Cole’s eyes as if willing him to understand. “Yeah, but I can’t take it anymore.”
“You’ll graduate in four months. Then you can get out of here, go to college.”
He shook his head. “I won’t last that long.”
He wouldn’t last long on Cole’s farm either, if Cole snapped and let his werewolf side take control. “Why ask me?” Cole thought he knew, but he wanted confirmation.
Jonah glanced around the restaurant. Only a few tables were occupied, and no one sat nearby. In a voice so low even Cole’s sensitive ears could barely hear, he said “Cole, I’m… different, like you. If my brother finds out…”
If Nathan found out, he’d kick Jonah out, maybe beat him. Cole wished Jonah didn’t stir him up so much. “I’m sorry. I’ve got all the hands I need right now.”
The eager light went out of Jonah’s eyes. He sloshed coffee on the table in his haste to get out of the booth. “OK, I understand. I’m sorry.”
Cole grabbed Jonah’s arm before he could run. Heat snapped between them, nearly making Cole let go. “I’m sorry for what you’re going through.”
Jonah shook his head. “Not sorry enough.” He pulled free and left.
Jonah’s condemnation hit Cole like a punch to the gut. Cole leaned back and closed his eyes, willing the thick, bitter coffee to stay down.
Chapter 1
One year later
What the hell was Cole doing at a horse rescue center? He needed some promising colts, not another stray. But he’d run into his friend April when he stopped for lunch on the way to visit a breeder, and she’d sweet-talked him into coming out to her farm to see her rescue organization’s latest adoptees. Cole was probably the most soft-hearted werewolf in the history of his kind. His inability to resist a stray was legendary.
April ushered them into her kitchen and plied him with her illegally delicious chocolate chip cookies. Cole let himself relax and enjoy just sitting and talking for a while. He’d forgotten how much he enjoyed April’s company. They’d met when he was in college, and when he’d moved back to Cranford, they’d gotten reacquainted, though he saw her less than he meant to. Billy, his barn manager, kept telling him to take more time off. Working all the time made Cole act old and cranky.
Eventually, they headed to the barn, and Cole braced himself for a hard sell. As they walked down the aisle looking at the latest rescues, Cole saw a quarter horse he thought a friend could use so he gave April the contact info. As they neared the end of the barn, Cole thought he was going to escape empty-handed. Then a terrified whinny broke the silence, making Cole shudder.
“That’s Demon.” April walked toward the heart-rending sound. “His owner died and a neighbor saved him from being destroyed and brought him here. He’s been beaten and starved. He won’t let any of us touch him, and he’s not eating.”
Cole followed her. He heard stomping and banging as if the horse was slamming himself against the stall door in his panic. His heart ached for the poor horse. “He’s going to hurt himself.”
April nodded. “I know. He’s already been injured trying to escape. I’m scared we’ll have to put him down if we can’t get him to eat.”
Cole reached the end of the barn and saw the roan stallion. His ribs stood out. His coat had the potential to shine like autumn leaves in the sun, but lack of grooming had made it dull, and scars and saddle sores marred his back. Demon lifted his head and stared at Cole. Suddenly the fight drained out of him.
The force of his stare made Cole step back, instincts on high alert. Something in Demon’s eyes called to him, melting his heart and making the hair on the back of his neck stand up at the same time. Cole wasn’t sure how he knew, but his life was about to change irrevocably.
Demon stared at Cole for several seconds, standing nearly motionless. Then he stuck his head over the door of his stall, snorted gently, and stretched his neck. He was hoping for a treat.
Cole hardly dared to breathe. Nervous horses normally got more skittish around him. He’d never been able to gentle a horse before. His human half made riding possible, but he still needed much longer to bond with a horse than a pure human would. Some of the animals grew to trust him, but the truly wild ones never accepted him.
April laid a hand on Cole’s arm. “I’ve never seen Demon act this way. He’s never shown interest in any of us.”
Cole stayed where he was, but spoke to the horse in a low voice. “Easy, boy. You want a treat?”
Demon whinnied softly. Cole took a step toward him.
Demon stayed put.
Cole took a deep breath and counted to three, not wanting to move too fast. As he waited, frozen in place, he noticed something in the barn smelled familiar, a bright scent he couldn’t place.
April laid a hand on his back. “Keep walking slowly. See if he stays calm.”
Cole took a few more steps. Demon whinnied loudly, but it was a happy sound. No hint of his earlier terror remained. “Wait here,” April instructed. She backed away slowly, and then returned with some carrots in her hand.
Cole couldn’t figure out what was going on. Why would a terrified horse show an interest in him? Had a werewolf been kind to him in the past? The familiar smell tantalized him again. He tried to pull it deep enough into his lungs to figure out what it was, but memories only teased him.
Demon flared his nostrils. He smelled the carrots, but he wasn’t looking at Cole’s hand as most horses would. He looked right into Cole’s eyes, studying him as if he knew him.
Cole had never seen this horse before. No one would forget him. If the animal hadn’t been abused, he’d be stunning. But the sense that their meeting held a deep significance took hold and wouldn’t let go.
Cole held out his hand, palm up, offering the carrot. Demon ate it quickly, and then nuzzled Cole’s hand. Cole stared, unable to believe what he was seeing. The horse was starving. If he’d snatched the treat and backed away, Cole might have dismissed his easy acceptance of a man with wolf blood, but Demon still wanted attention. He rubbed Demon between the ears. The tantalizingly familiar smell was stronger now. Was it coming from Demon? He rubbed the horse’s nose and concentrated, but he couldn’t grab the memory before the scent of hay, leather, sweat, and other horses overwhelmed Cole’s senses.
April cautiously stepped up beside him. “I can’t believe it.”
“Me either.”
“He hasn’t responded to anyone else. We’ve barely been able to take care of his wounds and offer him food without getting hurt. Then in walks a half-breed werewolf, and he’s as content as can be.”
“Do you think he’s known a wolf before, a civilized one like me?”
April grinned. “Sweetie, there aren’t many like you.”
Demon snuffled as Cole scratched his ears. How could someone treat such a wonderful horse so badly? His gut knotted as he looked at the horrible scars on Demon’s back. He couldn’t imagine what could make someone think they needed to beat a horse. “You’re going to be OK, now. You know that don’t you, boy?”
Demon snorted and nodded as if truly answering. Cole smiled. “You’re a smart boy, aren’t you? April is going to take such good care of you.”
Demon pulled back and stomped his foot as he shook his head vehemently.
Cole looked at April. “Is he saying ‘no’?”
She grinned. “Looks like it.” April stepped up to the door of the stall, and Demon laid his ears back. His nostrils flared. “Demon, do you want to go with Cole?”
“April.” Cole growled, but Demon’s ears perked up, and he nodded.
Cole didn’t need another rescued animal to join the growing pack of dogs and cats, and… hell, some of his grooms were rescues too. He didn’t have time for this project, but how could he say no? The last time he’d turned someone away… well… Jonah had never been found. He might have died because Cole didn’t have the courage to hire him.
He couldn’t atone for what he’d done to Jonah by taking in an abused horse. But ever since Jonah disappeared, Cole had been incapable of saying no to someone in need. Billy kept pointing out how expensive this habit had become. They’d nearly come to blows over his decision to hire an ex-con Cole believed had been wrongly accused. So far the man had exceeded every one of Cole’s expectations.
Maybe Cole could turn Demon into an all-star horse. Demon was asking for help in the only way he could. Yes, cozying up to a man with werewolf blood was strange behavior, but Cole had already begun to think of Demon as his horse
April studied Demon carefully. “Did somebody teach you how to answer questions?”
Demon snorted and shook his head.
Cole was astounded. “Are you sure he’s not a shifter?”
“If he could turn into a human, why did he stay with his former owner? Wouldn’t he have shifted and run?”
Cole considered her statement. “What if he was hiding from something or someone?”
April pointed to the scars on Demon’s flank. “What could make him endure that?”
Cole forced himself to look, to imagine enduring such torture. “You’re right. No secret could be worth such pain.”
April turned to him, but before she asked the inevitable question, he preempted her.
“Yes, I’ll take him.”
She grinned. “Thank you. I know Demon thanks you too.”
The horse snorted and nodded vigorously.
Cole was going to nurse him back to full strength. He had horses he trusted and loved, but he’d never truly bonded with one. He could bond with Demon, he was sure of it. They were perfect for each other.
* * * *
After leaving April’s, Cole spent a long, grueling day haggling with some of the best breeders in the area. Fortunately, his efforts paid off. He purchased two beautiful colts, the most perfectly gaited Tennessee walkers he’d seen since he’d taken over the farm. If his instincts were right, he’d gotten them at a bargain price.
Rain poured down on him all afternoon. He was splattered with mud, sweat-soaked after the adrenaline rush of haggling for fine horseflesh, and starving. He wanted to run into the house, grab something to eat, and take a hot shower, but he had to see to Demon first.
A terrified whinny sent Cole rushing to the trailer. “I’ll lead him out.”
His trainer, Danielle, eyed him as if he’d lost his mind. “I don’t mean to disrespect you, Boss, but I’m not sure you’re the best one to coax him out.”
“I’m the only one who can coax him out.”
Billy gave Danielle a look that told her to back off. She did, though she obviously wanted to know what was going on.
Cole approached the trailer. “Demon, it’s OK. I’m here.” He kept his voice low, talking like he would to a shy dog rather than a horse, an animal that “got” him, that could be convinced he was part of Cole’s pack.
The horse calmed and Cole climbed into the trailer. He rubbed Demon’s flank as he approached. “Easy, boy. We’re on my farm now. I need to put a halter on you and lead you to a stall. No one here will hurt you.”
Demon’s eyes were wide. A shiver ran along his back, and he tossed his head.
“Shhh!” Cole leaned close and hugged Demon’s neck. “I know this is hard. You’ve been hurt, but so have a lot of us here. We want to help you.”
Demon pawed the floor of the trailer. His ears swiveled, trying to interpret all the new sounds and check for danger.
Cole sighed. He worried his legs would fold under him. He’d give anything to lie down on a soft bed, but Demon needed him.
“I’ll stay with you as long as you need me, OK?”
Demon nodded. And snuffled softly.
Cole slipped the bridle over Demon’s head, feeling the horse tremble under his hands. “I’ll take it off once you’re in the stall.”
Demon nodded again. How the hell could the horse understand and answer so clearly if he wasn’t a shifter? But April was right. A shifter would’ve changed and gotten free. Demon had probably been owned by someone who trained him for a circus. Although Cole had never heard of another horse who could answer complex questions so easily.
He clipped the lead rope to Demon’s halter, clucked his tongue, and encouraged Demon to back out of the trailer. “Clear the way for us, or he’s going to panic.”
Billy, Danielle, and the grooms moved back, but they all stared.
“What the hell’s going on, Boss?” Shep asked. The groom had worked for Cole’s grandparents. He was the only employee who’d stayed on after they died. He’d witnessed first-hand how hard Cole worked to get the horses to accept him when he’d first come to the farm as a grieving teenager.
“I wish I knew. I don’t understand it either,” Cole said in a low voice as he emerged from the trailer. Demon nuzzled him and snuggled against his side as if he were a security blanket.
“Can he really talk?” another of the grooms asked.
Cole grinned. “His grammar’s not so good, but he’s got ‘yes’ and ‘no’ down.”
“Hell, my grammar ain’t so good either, city boy. You saying that horse is as smart as me?”
Cole laughed. When he got to the barn door, Demon pulled back and neighed nervously. “What is it, boy?”
Demon shook his head. Billy and Shep had entered the barn ahead of him. They were settling the colts he’d bought into their stalls.
He stepped back and scratched Demon between the ears. “You’re going to have to get used to being around the other horses.”
Demon snorted.
Cole tugged hard on the lead, but the horse scrambled backward. “Damn it.” Cole was exhausted, tired, and hungry. He should’ve stopped for a burger on the way home. He tugged again.
Demon flattened his ears.
“Fuck.” Cole kicked at the ground. “You’re going in the barn. I’m not going to hurt you, but we’ve got to get you into a stall.”
Demon still refused to budge. Cole forced himself to take a slow breath. “Is it the horses? Did you think you’d get a private barn?”
Demon shook his head.
“Then what the—oh, you don’t want my men in the barn, right?”
Demon’s ears came back up, and he gave a small nod.
“Billy, Shep, you got those colts settled?”
“Yes, sir,” Shep answered.
“Then do me a favor and head on to the bunkhouse. I don’t think Demon’s going to let anyone else be in the barn.”
Billy raised a brow. “That is one odd horse.”
“Yeah, but I guess we got to give him his quirks after all he’s been through.”
“Sure, but cozying up to a wolf. Hmmph. No accounting for taste.”
Cole flipped him off. “Fuck you.”
“Let me shower first, Boss.” Billy retorted.
“Ha. Like I’d want your bony ass.” Cole laughed as he remembered how lucky he was to have a manager he could joke with.
“I’ll make sure they leave some supper for you, Boss,” Shep called as the two men headed out the far door of the barn.
Once the men were gone, Demon followed Cole into the barn without further protest. The light outside was beginning to fade. Cole turned on the lights over the aisles, but the stalls remained deeply shadowed.
Cole’s stomach growled as they walked to one of the far stalls. He usually managed to keep his lupine instincts under control, but he’d let himself get way too hungry, and now the barn smelled like food. He wished Demon would let someone else groom him. By the time he got back to the house, he’d have to grab a steak from the fridge and eat it raw. Cole tried to live like a pure-blooded human, but sometimes the wolf inside him was damned hard to fight.
At least the others would be in the bunkhouse and wouldn’t see him. A few months ago, Billy had caught him stuffing raw meat in his face like a maniac. Cole feared his friend would run, maybe even quit, but he just made a joke about working for a savage. Other than ribbing him about it occasionally in private, he’d never said anything else. But Billy’s acceptance didn’t keep Cole from being embarrassed about letting his animal needs control him.
How much pull would his predatory instincts have if he were a full-blooded werewolf? He couldn’t imagine fighting stronger urges than those he already felt. No wonder so few werewolves were civilized enough to live among humans. He’d once longed to be a pureblood, but after a year of trying as hard as he could to shift with no success, he’d denied his wolf whenever possible and worked at being human.
Being pulled in both directions was tearing him apart. He imagined hunting prey on four legs, racing through the woods like sleek muscular vengeance. He’d sink his teeth into his prey and… no, best not to think about that. Such animalistic freedom might make it hard to become human again.
As he led Demon into the stall, he smelled the familiar scent again, a bit like fresh hay but orangey and bright and… young? What did that mean? Maybe he was going crazy.
He’d found a horse that preferred a half-werewolf to a human, and he believed the horse could answer his questions. Yep, he sounded crazy all right. Smelling strange things was just an added bonus. Thankfully, April had seen the horse answer him, or he’d be convinced he’d lost it.
Cole unhooked the lead rope but kept hold of Demon’s halter. “Are you going to let me groom you? I promise to be gentle.”
Demon nodded.
“Good. I’ll be right back.” Cole slipped out of the stall door, latched it behind him, and went to get a grooming kit. When he returned, Demon was waiting patiently for him. He selected a curry comb and started working the dust out of the horse’s coat. Demon hadn’t let anyone on April’s farm groom him, and his hair was a mess. Tonight wasn’t the time to really get him good and clean, but Cole wanted to make a start. He rubbed in firm circles, careful to avoid the freshest wounds which were still healing.
As he worked on Demon’s flanks, the horse studied him curiously. His big brown eyes held confusion, fear, and longing—for safety? For a real home? Cole sympathized, and he hoped to God he could give Demon some security.
He finished with the curry comb and rubbed Demon’s nose. “I’m going to brush you and clean your hooves. Then I’ll get you some dinner.”
Demon pushed against Cole’s hand and watched him, his eyes soulful, familiar.
What? How could they be familiar? Cole stepped back. The barn spun around him, and the citrusy smell floated in the air again. What was wrong with him? He shook off the feeling that he was missing something important and grabbed the brush. He’d be OK once he got some protein in him. He’d just waited too long to eat. That would explain the swirling of his thoughts and the sloshy feeling in his stomach.
He brushed Demon quickly. The horse continued to watch him as if he was trying to figure something out or trying to memorize every inch of Cole. The constant attention unnerved Cole.
By the time he finished brushing Demon and cleaning his hooves, the horse’s ears stood up and Cole would have sworn his mouth curled up in a smile. “Do you feel better, boy?”
Demon nodded vigorously.
“Good. I’m going to get you some hay, and then I’ll have to get my own dinner.”
Demon nodded again and nuzzled Cole.
Cole patted his nose before leaving the stall. He headed to the far end of the barn and grabbed a feeding bucket. But a few seconds later, a clattering sound made his skin prickle. Something was wrong. He dropped the bucket and ran to Demon’s stall.
Demon wasn’t there.
Jonah stood in the middle of the stall, pale and thin and completely naked.
Cole rubbed his eyes. He had really gone over the edge now. “J-Jonah?”

Next Big Thing Blog Hop – Arresting Love
Dec 12, 2012
Filed under: cowboy, m/m, shapeshifter, web event
Welcome to the Next Big Thing Blog Hop. The delightfully talented Angel Martinez tagged me last week so now I’m here to share a little about my current work-in-progress.
What is the working title of your book?
Arresting Love
Where did the idea come from for the book?
This is Book 2 in my Wild R Farm series, and as I was writing Book 1, Finding Release, I developed quite a soft spot for Billy, the barn manager at the farm, and I decided he needed his own book.
What genre does your book fall under?
M/M Shapeshifter Cowboy Erotic Romance – I like to get specific J
Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie?
Billy: David Boreanaz
Levi: Colton Haynes
What is a one sentence synopsis of your book?
Billy Lawson wants a real relationship, but he’s just about given up hope when he meets Levi, a wounded cat shifter who needs his help.
Will your book be self published or represented by an agency?
I am self-publishing this series.
How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
a month
What other books would you compare this story to within your genre.
The farm setting combined with some suspense make it similar to Laura Harner’s Willow Springs Ranch series and Sara York’s Texas Soul series, but since I’ve combined my favorite elements of both western-themed romances and shapeshifter stories, it’s difficult to find an exact comparison.
Who or What inspired you to write this book?
The horse farm setting was inspired by taking my daughter to horseback riding lessons and observing the horses in the barn and the paddock.
What else about your book might interest the reader?
Levi can take on the form of a mountain lion and I spent time observing the pair we have at a local zoo in order to visualize how he would move and behave. When I write shapeshifters, I like to make sure the characteristics of their animal form are also reflected in the gestures they make as humans.
I’m tagging Hank Edwards and Sara Jay to post next week 12/19. I’m looking forward to hearing about what they’re working on.

Thanksgiving Recipe Blog Swap
Nov 20, 2012
Filed under: bears, holiday, m/m, men in uniform, paranormal, shapeshifter, web event
I love pie. Really I do – fruit pies, pecan pie, savory pies. I don’t think I’ve ever been confronted with a type of pie I wouldn’t eat – even mincemeat. When it comes to Thanksgiving dinner, I enjoy the turkey and stuffing and cranberry sauce but to me, Thanksgiving is a holiday for pie.
Growing up my family always went to my Grandma’s house for Thanksgiving dinner, and the desserts had their own buffet. Grandma’s specialty was lemon merigue pie but there were also sweet potato pies, pumpkin pies, and chocolate pie made from a recipe passed down from her grandmother. My dad was the oldest of five children, and it had been decided either before I was born or when I was very small that no one got to take leftovers home. You had to be the first one back to Grandma’s house the next day to get your pick of whatever was left after we’d all filled our bellies. I remember many a day after Thanksgiving waking up a 4am not to get in line in front of Wal-mart but to get to Grandma’s for the leftover lemon pie.
Silvia’s Grandma’s Lemon Pie
Vanilla Wafer crust
1.5 cups of crushed vanilla wafers
1/2 cup melted butter
Combine and press into a 9in pie pan. Grandma only pressed the crumbs into the bottom and put whole vanilla wafers around the edge but you can press the crumbs up the sides if you like.
1 can sweetened condensed milk
1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
1 tsp lemon zest
3 egg yolks (save whites for meringue)
1 tsp vanilla
Combine and pour into pie shell.
Beat 3 egg whites until stiff peaks form. Add 1/3 cup sugar and 1/2 tsp vanilla. Beat to combine.
Top filling with meringue.
Bake at 350F until meringue browns just a bit. It doesn’t take long. Then refrigerate for at least three hours.
I like to include pie in my stories. My free Thanksgiving short, Heat in the Kitchen, involves the demise of a pumpkin pie and in Paws on Me, Brandon and Seth get creative with apple pie.
Protect and Serve: Paws on Me by Silvia Violet
Lieutenant Seth Morrison loves being a cop, but with budget cuts and crime both on the rise, he’s stopped making time for anything but his job.
On the outside, Brandon Lord is an easy-going, flirtatious club owner. On the inside he’s a man trying to overcome a difficult past.
When a murder investigation brings the two men together, passion roars to life. They’re both willing to break the rules to be together. Because as mismatched as they might seem, each man is exactly what the other needs.
I’m Seth Morrison. I’m a cop, a police lieutenant to be precise. I’ve been on the force more years than I want to think about. I’ve seen good men get killed, turn dirty, lose themselves in the bottle, lose their fucking minds, but I’m still here doing what I do. I don’t know any other life. People tell me I need a break, a vacation, to relax. I don’t want to fucking relax. I just want to do my job and keep this city from falling apart.
I park my car, grab my coffee from the cup holder, and charge up the front steps of the station. I could take the side door, it’s closer to my office, but I love the chaos of the bullpen. When I open the door, I breathe deeply, enjoying the variety of smells: coffee that’s been on the warmer far too long, the sickeningly sweet smell of candy and doughnuts, pine-scented cleaner from the scrubbing the janitors gave the floors last night, and something unnamable that simply smells like cops and hard work. I shake my head as I try to imagine not being here nearly 24/7. This is where I belong.
My stomach rumbles. I should’ve had dinner, but after pretending an afternoon nap was a night’s sleep, I’m running late. I’ll grab something from the vending machine while I dream about a juicy burger and thick home fries. It sure would be nice to have someone cook for me. I don’t seem to get along with stoves. Years ago, I tried being married. That worked for about 30 seconds. My wife wanted me to work shorter hours. I wanted her to talk less, or maybe never.
Friends tell me I should make an effort to date, but I’m more comfortable at a gruesome homicide scene than making small talk at dinner with a woman or a man. Yeah, I like both. I stopped going out with men when I entered the academy. I just couldn’t deal with the shit the guys would give me. Now, I don’t advertise what I like, but I pick up a guy now and then. I’m discreet, but if somebody finds out, I’ll deal.
One-night stands I can handle, but relationships are beyond me. People think police work is draining, but I’d rather spend all day in the field and all night at my desk filling out fucking paperwork — and often I do — than try to decode relationship signals. I inevitably screw things up and never understand why.
Sex I need. Romance I don’t.
My phone rings. I pull it out of my pocket hoping the call will save me from the mountain of paperwork on my desk. It’s Drew Danvers, detective and vampire. That’s right, a vampire who works for the good guys. We’ve got a werewolf in homicide too. And he’s a damn fine cop.
I remember when the shifters came out of the closet, scaring the hell out of us humans. One by one other monsters made themselves known. Most people assumed they were all assholes who wanted to eat us, but I quickly learned not to judge a man because he sucked blood or turned into a wolf. I judge men based on how they treat others.
I answer the call. “What’s up, Detective?”
“Two dead werewolves found in a closet at Shift. Hacked up pretty bad. The scene’s a circus. Jenkins called in sick. I’m on my own, and –”
“I’ll be there in ten.”
“Thanks, sir.”
“No problem. Murder scene or paperwork, which would you choose?”
* * *
I step inside the club. A crime lab team is there and several uniformed officers are talking with employees. I spot Drew in the entryway of an office. He’s frowning as he questions a tall hairy hunk of a man. I’ve seen this man around the area several times, and just like every other time, he makes my cock sit up and take notice.
Our most recent encounter was a week ago. When I want to grab a beer and be left the fuck alone, I go to Mitch’s, a dive just down the street from Shift. Last time I spent the evening there, he sat next to me at the bar and came on strong. I was in a shitty mood. I wanted him, and it pissed me off. He’s not my type. He’s young, hip, and outrageously flirtatious. I walked away, but I regretted it later that night when I couldn’t stop fantasizing about him.
The man looks my way and catches me staring. His grin says he knows the direction my thoughts are going. Fucking bastard winks at me. Drew scowls.
I turn to face him. He grins down at me, that same cocky-as-fuck little smile he’d given me earlier, making me even more aware of how close we are and how big he is. At 6’2″, I’m hardly small, but he’s got several inches on me. And while I’ve got a rather thick pelt, the fur visible above the vee of his t-shirt is astounding.
He smiles mischievously. “You gonna cuff me if you take me in?”
“Impeding a murder investigation will get you thrown in jail.”
He rolls his eyes. “I found two dead guys in my closet when I came to work tonight. My business is shut down, and I’ll be losing money every minute that you’re here. But at least I have a sense of humor.”
“Well, I don’t.”
He shakes his head. “Are you taken too?”
I take another step back. “You’re making a lot of assumptions.”
I look over at Drew and realize he and Jason are grinning like loons. Fuck. All I need is the two of them ragging me.
I glare at Drew. “Detective, do you think you can question this man without killing him?”
“Fine. Fleetfoot, head back to the lab. Take my car. I’ll get a ride with Danvers.” I throw him my keys, and he snatches them out of the air as he gives Drew’s hand a final squeeze. Jason is better in the lab than any tech we have. We only send him into the field when we’re desperately short-handed. I run a hand through my hair, wishing I knew how I’m going to hold the homicide division together if we don’t get more funds.
He holds out his hand. “I’m Brandon Lord. I own Shift.”
“Lieutenant Morrison.” I shake his hand. His skin is surprisingly smooth, his grip tight and warm. I want to feel those big hands running over me. I want to rub his furry body with my own. Fuck! I should assign someone else to this case right now and get the hell away from him. But some crazy restlessness he’s dredged up in me makes me fight my instincts.
“Nice to meet you, Lieutenant.” His voice is low and rich. And his grin lets me know he’s well aware of my body’s reaction to him.
I need to get away. His smell alone is making me hard. “I’m not here to play games. Drop the act and treat this case seriously, or I’ll find an excuse to throw your ass in jail.”
He grins. Fuck, he knows he’s got me rattled. “I’d never kill anyone, Lieutenant. I’m just a cuddly teddy bear.”
The bear shifter and the bear. Ridiculous. I need to leave now. This man is no cuddly toy. I don’t think he’s our murderer, but he’s far smarter than he wants me to believe and likely far more dangerous. “I know what cuddling leads to.”
Brandon laughs, a deep, infectious sound. I can’t help but respond. Now I want him more than ever. Taking this case was a supremely stupid idea, staying on it now is unprofessional.
But I won’t walk away.
Buy it at Changeling Press, Amazon, ARe
Now go visit other posts and find more great books and delicious recipes
Angel Martinez –
Havan Fellows – http://
Laura Harner –
Lee Brazil – http://
Tom Webb –

Hoofin’ it to the Altar now at Amazon, ARe, and BN.
Nov 16, 2012
Filed under: book release, erotica, m/m, men in uniform, paranormal, shapeshifter, vampire
Hoofin’ it to the Altar, my most recent contribution to the multi-author Protect and Serve series, is now at Amazon and ARe and Barnes and Noble.
Deer shifter Jason Fleetfoot and vampire detective Drew Danvers have been together for a year. When Drew proposes, Jason is thrilled but shocked. Vampires aren’t usually the marrying kind, even the few who side with the good guys. Drew wants to elope, but Jason’s sister, Natalie, insists on planning an elaborate ceremony.
As Jason and Drew fend off well-meaning friends and family, a far more serious problem threatens their union. A vampire killer is on the loose. He subdues his undead victims without a struggle and finishes them off by literally curdling their blood. Drew has no idea what could kill a vampire so easily, and everyone suspects he’s next on the killer’s list. Can he stop the killer in time for “Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today…” to start his wedding instead of his funeral?
Reviews for Hoofin’ It to the Altar
“Ms. Violet has the knack for infusing lots of witty humor into the dialogue between the characters. They click as friends and even better as lovers. The storyline was interesting and very sexy. This author knows how to write some hot sex scenes.”
— 4 Hearts from Beverly, The Romance Studio
“I absolutely adore Silvia Violet’s Protect and Serve stories in this multi-author series. She infuses her stories with some humor, lots of lovin’ and amazing characters. The writing is tight, story moves along at a nice pace and there were a few twists that had me flipping the pages quickly to see what would happen next.”
— 4 Hearts from Dawn, Love Romances & More

BDSM Excerpt Week – Savage Wolf (Protect and Serve)
Oct 5, 2012
Filed under: BDSM, BDSM Excerpt Week, D/s, erotica, m/f, men in uniform, paranormal, shapeshifter, web event, werewolf
Protect and Serve: Savage Wolf by Silvia Violet
I’m Wolf, Officer Aidan “Wolf” Savage. I’m a werewolf. But unlike most of my kind these days, I’m one of the good guys even if I do scare the hell out of most people the first time they meet me. When a white-tailed deer shifter comes leaping into my life, she makes my body hotter than an erupting volcano. She’s on the run, and she doesn’t want my help. But I’m not about to let her get herself killed, and I’ll use any means necessary to keep her safe.
I tried to make myself be a gentlemen and roll off my naked little shifter. But werewolves aren’t gentlemen. I heard her racing heart and smelled the hot cream between her legs, and my wolfish side begged me to shove her legs up onto her chest and bury my cock in her pussy. Then she shocked me by opening her legs and inviting me in. How could a man say no?
And, by all that’s holy, she said those four words that just about made me lose it before I’d even gotten inside. “I like it rough.” Just what an alpha wolf like me needs. A woman who appreciates my appetite.
When I drive into her, holding nothing back, she cries out. Her pussy holds me tight. I fight to hold still and let her adjust to my size. But she wraps her legs around my hips and bucks against me.
“More,” she begs, and I’m not about to deny her. I slide out nearly all the way. She whimpers.
I thrust back in, and she groans, “Yes.” After that I ride her hard and fast. She meets every stroke, slamming her hips against mine. I fuck her with brutal strength, and she keeps crying for more. I’m in heaven.
Her gorgeous breasts bounce up and down in rhythm with my thrusts. I can’t wait another second to get better acquainted with them.
I shift my weight to one arm, and use the other hand to cup the tantalizing flesh, which is as soft and smooth as it looks. I slide my thumb back and forth over her tightly puckered nipple, and I’m rewarded with a sharp cry.
I keep up the light, teasing strokes. She arches toward my hand, whimpering. I pinch and tug on the pink bud. She bucks so hard she nearly unseats me. “Yes, God, yes!” she cries.
I need one of those sensitive nipples in my mouth like I need to breathe. I grab her hips, holding her firmly on my cock as I sit back on my heels. She lets her torn dress and bra slide from her arms. Then she wraps her arms around my neck and pulls herself up until she’s seated in my lap. Now I can lick and suck and bite those hard buds all I want while driving myself even deeper inside her tight, wet cunt.
As if she can read my mind, my doe pulls my head down to her breast. I draw a pink tip into my mouth and suck hard, letting my teeth sink in just enough for her to feel them. She cries out, digging her hands into my scalp. “Harder, oh God, harder. I . . .”
I glance up without letting go of her nipple, desperate to know what she wants to say. Her deep brown eyes are wide and filled with need. “I like it to hurt.”
I nearly choke around the hard flesh in my mouth. Have I died and gone to werewolf heaven? I bite hard enough to make her scream. She writhes against me. Before she’s recovered, I give her other nipple a vicious pinch.
Buy it at Amazon.
Buy it at ARe
Buy it at Changeling Press

BDSM Excerpt Week – Shifter’s Station Collection
Oct 4, 2012
Filed under: BDSM, BDSM Excerpt Week, D/s, erotica, men in uniform, menage, paranormal, sci fi, shapeshifter
Shifter’s Station Collection by Silvia Violet
Years ago, the Terran Government betrayed special forces officer Marc Devlin, forcing him to flee for his life. He rescued several fellow officers and built a new life as the head of his own mercenary force. When he captures a beautiful Cerian diplomat, he thinks to torture the man to learn Cerian secrets. Instead, he finds a lover. Months later, Marc and his Cerian lover, Kirlos, take a young woman captive, fearful she might be an agent of one of Marc’s oldest enemies. The two men strike a bargain with her that lands her in their bed for a month. As they dole out exquisite torment with their Cerian sex table, passion builds and turns to love. But Marc and Kirlos must fight to keep her and the life they’ve made for themselves.
This e-book collection contains the previously released Shifter’s Station series novellas Pilot’s Bargain, Pilot’s Heart, Loving the Enemy, and Eye of the Tigress.
*Warning: This is an X-rated excerpt*
Excerpt from Book 2: Pilot’s Heart
“I want you at the side of the table.” Larissa didn’t move, unsure if Devlin were directing her or Kirlos. “Now. Both of you.”
Larissa took a deep breath as she stepped up to the long side of the Cerian sex table Anticipation zinged through her body. She’d expected a simple spanking but Devlin obviously had something more complex in mind. Whatever it was, it would ultimately be delicious but with his current mood, she knew he would work them both over thoroughly first. She glanced over her shoulder at him. Why did he have to look his finest when he was about to deal out pain?
“Table, take their wrists and stretch them out.”
Tentacles snaked out and captured Larissa’s wrists. They pulled her forward until her chest lay flat on the table. She raised her head enough to see Kirlos lying beside her in the same position.
“Secure their ankles.”
More tentacles slid over the side of the table and dangled down until they reached her feet. They wrapped her ankles to two of the numerous thin legs that supported the table. Devlin leaned forward and caressed her spine. “Ready?”
She nodded and sucked in her breath.
Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him take something out of the drawer at the end of the table. But before she could register what she saw, he cracked it against her ass. Lines of fire sizzled down her legs and up her spine. Gods of earth, it was his most wicked crop. It had a large, soft, leather loop at the end that delivered a fiendish sting.
He caressed her other buttock with the tip. She tensed, waiting for the blow. She heard it snap but didn’t feel any pain. Then she realized he’d hit Kirlos. She opened her eyes and peeked at the Cerian, watching him as Devlin nailed his ass again and again. Kirlos’s teeth sank deeply into his dark, red lips. His ribs expanded and contracted rapidly, but he didn’t make a sound. He loved to make Devlin work for the cries the captain wanted to hear.
She was so mesmerized by Kirlos’s beauty that she failed to notice Devlin shifting his attention to her. His blow caught her by surprise, and she screamed. The sound echoed in the room. She forced herself to focus on the sound rather than the fire on her ass. Devlin kept the blows coming fast and hard.
Finally, he stopped. Larissa floated, feeling lost and unaware until Devlin laid his hand on her back. “Deep breaths.”
She obeyed without thought. Pushing his hand up as she pulled air in until her lungs could take no more. Then, Devlin pushed his hand down, forcing her to exhale. “You’re mine, and I will protect you.”
His voice had a haunted edge to it. She wanted to turn over and pull him into her arms. She longed for him to accept the comfort she wanted to give. But sending her to heights of sensation and pleasure was his way of working through his emotions,. She smiled as she thought how life with him could be a lot worse.
Pleasure rushed in to fill the void of sensation as her pain receded. She squirmed her hips against the side of the table. Devlin slapped her sore ass with his palm. “Don’t move”. She fought for control as her body screamed for release..
Devlin slipped two fingers inside her and pumped them in and out. She pushed back against him. Another slap with his hand. “I said don’t move.” He drew the nails of his other hand slowly, deliberately across her welted ass. She sucked in her breath and squeezed her eyes shut, fighting the pain.
“Relax and breathe.” Devlin wiggled the fingers he’d kept inside her, curling them against her g-spot. She panted. How could she possibly relax if he expected her to stay still?
“Table, wrap her hips.” A tentacle streamed out and circled her upper thighs right under her buttocks, pinning her to the side of the table. Devlin worked his fingers under it and started plundering her again.
She gasped as he flexed his fingers, filling and stretching her. As he kept driving in and out, she fought the growing wave of orgasm, knowing he would expect her to wait for permission.
Buy it at Changeling Press.
Buy it at Amazon
Buy it at ARe

BDSM Excerpt Week – Seduction of the Captain (Surrender 3)
Oct 3, 2012
Filed under: BDSM, BDSM Excerpt Week, D/s, erotica, m/f, paranormal, sci fi, shapeshifter
Here’s an excerpt from the third book in my BDSM Sci fi series, Surrender, starring another sexy Lalatian dominant.
Seduction of the Captain by Silvia Violet
Kajinek is a Lalatian Dominant who must feed on fear, pain, and sex for survival. Since leaving his homeworld, he hasn’t met a woman who could truly satisfy his needs.
Mercenary captain Saida Alexander needs a pilot for the most dangerous mission she’s ever undertaken. She chooses Kajinek, because he’s reputed to be the very best. She never suspects that he’ll awaken the submissive desires she’s ignored for years.
When Saida knocks on Kajinek’s door, he senses that she’s the partner he’s been looking for. He agrees to fly her ship under one condition; she must personally feed his darkest desires. Can Saida give in to what her body wants or will submitting sexually shatter the careful control she wields over the rest of her life?
*Warning: This is an X-rated excerpt*
Kajinek followed Saida down the corridor toward their quarters, fighting the urge to throw her over his shoulders and run just to get there a few seconds faster. His cock felt like an iron rod in his pants, and the need to take her burned through his veins. At every stop along the tour, she‟d managed to brush against him, lean over him, flaunt her body at him, all without seeming to do a thing.
When her ass had brushed his cock as she stepped back into him while reaching for an overhead hatch, he‟d almost lost it. He‟d planned to introduce her to more of his implements of torment that night. He‟d wanted to work her up, make her beg, make her acknowledge what she was to him, but that would have to wait until he got some relief. The second the door to her quarters was closed, he was going to take her hard and fast. Then he was going to torment her until she surrendered her very soul.
Saida laid her palm against the sensor beside her door. Kajinek smiled when he noticed her hand trembling. He breathed deep, drawing in a satisfying stream of hunger and fear.
The door slid back. Saida stepped through. He stepped in behind her, so close they were nearly touching. She smacked the interior sensor. The door slid closed ever so slowly. Kaj didn‟t move. Neither did Saida. The door clicked shut.
“Full privacy screens.” Saida’s voice was low and husky.
The control computer responded. “Confirmed.”
Kaj grabbed her shoulders, spun her, and slammed her back against the door. He crushed his lips to hers in a brutal kiss. He wasn‟t interested in finesse or seduction or even forcing her submission—he simply wanted. Wanted what she‟d been flaunting all night, wanted relief from the hunger that raged through him.
“Fuck me,” Saida demanded, arching her hips to slide her pussy along the hard length of his cock.
He felt the heat of her through her suit and his pants. But that wasn’t enough. He needed her naked; he needed to be inside her. He needed to make her scream. But he couldn’t seem to tear himself away from her mouth.They bit and sucked at each other. Their tongues were like weapons fighting to devour each other. She dug her nails into his back, tearing into him like the claws she could form. He groaned and used his hips to pin her to the wall while he ground his cock against her pussy lips, which were as clearly defined against her suit as if she were already naked.
She growled and bit his lip hard enough to draw blood. Pleasure jolted through him. He might not need pain like a submissive did, but he‟d been taught to appreciate any heightening of sensation. He sucked her tongue into his mouth so hard, she groaned and bucked against him, trying to get him to move, working her clit against the hardness of his shaft. He drank down her fierce need, wanting more, wanting her surrender, wanting to eat her up.
She raked her nails down his back—no longer fingernails, but claws—ripping the fabric of his shirt. He gasped and pulled away from her. Her eyes burned with passion, but they still looked human. “Saida?”
Her need assaulted him, nearly making him choke. She struggled to draw in air. “I‟m controlling it. Some of my lovers…like the…danger. I thought you…would too.” She worked the fastening of his pants. Once she got them open, she shoved them over his hips, freeing his cock.
She wrapped her still-clawed hand around his cock and slid it up and down. He didn’t think it was possible to get any harder, but she proved him wrong. He was supposed to be the one who inspired fear, the one who fed his partner‟s need for danger, but the sight of her claws wrapped around his cock was making him hotter than he‟d thought possible. If she didn’t stop soon, he was going to come.
“Enough.” He closed his fingers around her wrist. She released him, but she trailed one of her claws down the length of his cock, barely skimming the delicate skin. He sucked in his breath. His cock jerked, reaching for her touch, wanting the danger she offered.
Saida chuckled. “I knew you were addicted to danger.”
Anger burned inside him. How the hell had she gotten the upper hand? As soon as he‟d slaked the lust burning through him enough to think again, he was going to torture her until she begged to serve him. He‟d make her his slave. He looked up, letting her see the anger burning like fire in his eyes. “You have no sense of self-preservation.”
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Hoofin’ it to the Altar is available now!
Aug 30, 2012
Filed under: D/s, excerpts, m/m, men in uniform, paranormal, shapeshifter, vampire
Bound on over to Changeling Press and grab my latest contribution to the Protect and Serve series!
Deer shifter Jason Fleetfoot and vampire detective Drew Danvers have been together for a year. When Drew proposes, Jason is thrilled but shocked. Vampires aren’t usually the marrying kind, even the few who side with the good guys. Drew wants to elope, but Jason’s sister, Natalie, insists on planning an elaborate ceremony.
As Jason and Drew fend off well-meaning friends and family, a far more serious problem threatens their union. A vampire killer is on the loose. He subdues his undead victims without a struggle and finishes them off by literally curdling their blood. Drew has no idea what could kill a vampire so easily, and everyone suspects he’s next on the killer’s list. Can he stop the killer in time for “Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today…” to start his wedding instead of his funeral?
I’m Jason Fleetfoot, deer shifter and crime lab tech. I might look like a badass, but lately, I’m embarrassingly domesticated. I’m living like an old married man with a vampire. That’s right, a vampire. Me and my man have settled down into a predictable routine just like upstanding normal folks. A few months ago, I moved in with him and volunteered to keep working the night shift at the crime lab while he’s out chasing down bad guys. He’s a big, bad detective. Yeah, a vamp who works for the good guys. We come home from work, have dinner, well, I do. He has me for dinner. Then we watch a little TV and tuck in for the night or, rather, day.
What about the sex? Don’t look shocked, I know you’re interested. The sex is anything but predictable. Drew is hotter than a solar flare. We’re both stronger and faster than humans and willing to try almost anything. I’ll just say we’ve damn near brought the building down a few times and leave it at that.
I can barely believe we’ve been together for a whole year. Before I met Drew, if I fucked the same guy for a week, I started to get antsy, but now I’m in love. Yeah, I admit it. This badass stag shifter is all mushy-gushy, I-don’t-ever-want-to-leave-you in love. And love makes you dumb. Dumb enough to think a vampire would care about celebrating our anniversary.
I made us reservations and kept them a secret until today. I surprised Drew with the plans when he woke up early this evening, and he seemed happy, if a little distracted. I thought he was into my idea even though we rarely go out unless we stop by Shift for a beer on our night off. Drew doesn’t eat, but he likes to watch me when I order something special. I love to eat, and sometimes I really get into my food. Drew says I look like I’m about to come from the deliciousness, and he likes that, a lot.
So I got all dressed up, well, all dressed up for me, which means a collared shirt and a coat with my jeans, and planned to have a nice, civilized evening. But Drew went to do some errands after he got up, and now he’s a half hour late meeting me at the restaurant, and he’s not answering his phone.
Now, my anger turns to fear as I think how unlike him it is to be late. He just closed a case involving a werewolf pack that was kidnapping young women. Supposedly, the guilty parties were in jail, but what if they’ve found a way to get retribution? And they are far from the only people who’d like to see Drew permanently dead. Thanks to the news coverage of his kidnapping and forced Change at the hands of a vampire crime boss and the city’s unlikely decision to let him keep his job with the police force, Drew is fairly well known. There are plenty of people out there, human and vampire, who don’t like the idea of his kind fighting crime.
I grab my phone to call Drew again, but as I do, he walks through the door. He looks amazing. He’s wearing gray dress pants and a pale blue shirt that strains against his broad shoulders. He even has on a tie, blood red, of course. He must have bought the outfit while he was out, because I’ve never seen any of those clothes in his closet. He smiles at the hostess, the smile that gets most female witnesses to tell him anything he needs to hear. It used to make me jealous when he looked at others like that, but now I just smile and think how lucky I am to have him all to myself.
He catches sight of me, and his smile widens. My heart pounds. Even after a year, I still get excited when he looks at me like that. I’m so relieved he’s not decapitated in an alley somewhere that I can’t stay angry about his tardiness. He’s too damn charming in his suave clothes.
When the hostess walks away, Drew’s hot gaze pins me in place. “I’m sorry I’m so late,” he says.
“You didn’t answer your phone.” Shit! I sound like a nagging wife.
“First time you called I was paying for something. Then I rushed home to change. I thought it would be better to get here as fast as I could rather than wasting time calling you.”
Logical, but annoying. “I was worried.”
Drew frowns. “Why?”
“Um, you’re a detective, remember? You chase bad guys who’d be happy to see you dead, and you just put some savage pieces of shit in jail.”
“Oh yeah.” He looks thoughtful.
“What’s wrong? Did something happen tonight?”
He shakes his head. “No, I’m just distracted.”
“Did Seth call? Did you get a new case?” Seth is Drew’s lieutenant and also a good friend.
“No. I’m fine, really.”
Our server approaches the table. Drew looks relieved that I can’t question him any more.
We place our drink orders, and I try to engage Drew in conversation, but he’s doing his cold, distant vamp routine, and it’s pissing me off. “If you didn’t want to go out, why the fuck didn’t you say so?”
The server times his reappearance perfectly to save Drew again. I wonder if he heard me, but I’m too angry, and I don’t care about making a spectacle. Why was Drew acting like he’d rather be anywhere else?
I order, and the server turns to Drew expectantly. Drew gives him a smile that shows fang. His eyes widen, and he steps back. “So that will be all then, gentlemen?” He nearly chokes on the last word.
“Yes, thank you,” I say. I glare at Drew. “What was that for?”
“I don’t want him hovering.”
“You don’t want him flirting.”
He shrugs.
Drew attracts men and women without trying, whether it’s because he’s a vampire or just his natural magnetism. He usually finds several admirers wherever we go, but he’s more likely to scare them away than flirt back.
He smiles at me, and instead of looking disinterested like he did before, he looks turned on. What game is he playing?