BDSM Excerpt Week – Shifter’s Station Collection
Oct 4, 2012
Filed under: BDSM, BDSM Excerpt Week, D/s, erotica, men in uniform, menage, paranormal, sci fi, shapeshifter
Shifter’s Station Collection by Silvia Violet
Years ago, the Terran Government betrayed special forces officer Marc Devlin, forcing him to flee for his life. He rescued several fellow officers and built a new life as the head of his own mercenary force. When he captures a beautiful Cerian diplomat, he thinks to torture the man to learn Cerian secrets. Instead, he finds a lover. Months later, Marc and his Cerian lover, Kirlos, take a young woman captive, fearful she might be an agent of one of Marc’s oldest enemies. The two men strike a bargain with her that lands her in their bed for a month. As they dole out exquisite torment with their Cerian sex table, passion builds and turns to love. But Marc and Kirlos must fight to keep her and the life they’ve made for themselves.
This e-book collection contains the previously released Shifter’s Station series novellas Pilot’s Bargain, Pilot’s Heart, Loving the Enemy, and Eye of the Tigress.
*Warning: This is an X-rated excerpt*
Excerpt from Book 2: Pilot’s Heart
“I want you at the side of the table.” Larissa didn’t move, unsure if Devlin were directing her or Kirlos. “Now. Both of you.”
Larissa took a deep breath as she stepped up to the long side of the Cerian sex table Anticipation zinged through her body. She’d expected a simple spanking but Devlin obviously had something more complex in mind. Whatever it was, it would ultimately be delicious but with his current mood, she knew he would work them both over thoroughly first. She glanced over her shoulder at him. Why did he have to look his finest when he was about to deal out pain?
“Table, take their wrists and stretch them out.”
Tentacles snaked out and captured Larissa’s wrists. They pulled her forward until her chest lay flat on the table. She raised her head enough to see Kirlos lying beside her in the same position.
“Secure their ankles.”
More tentacles slid over the side of the table and dangled down until they reached her feet. They wrapped her ankles to two of the numerous thin legs that supported the table. Devlin leaned forward and caressed her spine. “Ready?”
She nodded and sucked in her breath.
Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him take something out of the drawer at the end of the table. But before she could register what she saw, he cracked it against her ass. Lines of fire sizzled down her legs and up her spine. Gods of earth, it was his most wicked crop. It had a large, soft, leather loop at the end that delivered a fiendish sting.
He caressed her other buttock with the tip. She tensed, waiting for the blow. She heard it snap but didn’t feel any pain. Then she realized he’d hit Kirlos. She opened her eyes and peeked at the Cerian, watching him as Devlin nailed his ass again and again. Kirlos’s teeth sank deeply into his dark, red lips. His ribs expanded and contracted rapidly, but he didn’t make a sound. He loved to make Devlin work for the cries the captain wanted to hear.
She was so mesmerized by Kirlos’s beauty that she failed to notice Devlin shifting his attention to her. His blow caught her by surprise, and she screamed. The sound echoed in the room. She forced herself to focus on the sound rather than the fire on her ass. Devlin kept the blows coming fast and hard.
Finally, he stopped. Larissa floated, feeling lost and unaware until Devlin laid his hand on her back. “Deep breaths.”
She obeyed without thought. Pushing his hand up as she pulled air in until her lungs could take no more. Then, Devlin pushed his hand down, forcing her to exhale. “You’re mine, and I will protect you.”
His voice had a haunted edge to it. She wanted to turn over and pull him into her arms. She longed for him to accept the comfort she wanted to give. But sending her to heights of sensation and pleasure was his way of working through his emotions,. She smiled as she thought how life with him could be a lot worse.
Pleasure rushed in to fill the void of sensation as her pain receded. She squirmed her hips against the side of the table. Devlin slapped her sore ass with his palm. “Don’t move”. She fought for control as her body screamed for release..
Devlin slipped two fingers inside her and pumped them in and out. She pushed back against him. Another slap with his hand. “I said don’t move.” He drew the nails of his other hand slowly, deliberately across her welted ass. She sucked in her breath and squeezed her eyes shut, fighting the pain.
“Relax and breathe.” Devlin wiggled the fingers he’d kept inside her, curling them against her g-spot. She panted. How could she possibly relax if he expected her to stay still?
“Table, wrap her hips.” A tentacle streamed out and circled her upper thighs right under her buttocks, pinning her to the side of the table. Devlin worked his fingers under it and started plundering her again.
She gasped as he flexed his fingers, filling and stretching her. As he kept driving in and out, she fought the growing wave of orgasm, knowing he would expect her to wait for permission.
Buy it at Changeling Press.
Buy it at Amazon
Buy it at ARe

Joelle Casteel says:
Wow! How insanely unfair! I’ve spent all afternoon looking for the perfect consensual BDSM or spanking excerpt to link to in the blog post I’m writing, I come across this loveliness, and now that I want to add this book to my Goodreads’ want to read list, GR is over capacity. I love the table, Silvia :).
On December 10, 2012 at 1:57 pm
Silvia says:
Naughty Goodreads! I’m so glad you enjoyed the excerpt. The table was a lot of fun to create 🙂
On December 11, 2012 at 6:19 am
Joelle Casteel says:
Yes, very naught of GR lol… but book is in want to read list now and this excerpt is linked to in my blog post for today 😀 I just love linking to other authors’ websites to get people reading more erotica 😀
On December 11, 2012 at 11:41 am