Archive for the ‘chat/contest’ Category
Multi Author $50 Amazon Card Giveaway
Oct 8, 2018
Filed under: chat/contest, m/m
Follow me on BookBub, and you might win a $50 Amazon Gift Card!
I’m one of ten authors of LGBTQ fiction teaming up to share the love for BookBub!
BookBub is a great place to go to find out about new releases and discounts. You can select preferences and get a filtered list of recommendations plus new release announcements.
We would all love for you to follow us on BookBub, so we’re offering a prize to one of you for doing so. Entering is simple. Click the Rafflecopter Giveaway below, and then click the names of each of the ten authors and follow them on BookBub.
You will need a BookBub account to enter, but it’s free to sign up, and you can decide how often they email you. For each author you follow, you’ll receive one contest entry. You can also receive three more entries for sharing the giveaway on Twitter.
One winner will be selected at random to receive a $50 USD Amazon gift card – or the equivalent, if you’d prefer a different currency or source.
It’s as simple as that! We look forward to seeing you on BookBub.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
The giveaway starts at 12:00 am (EST) 8 October 2018 and runs for seven days. The winner will be selected at random on 15 October 2018.

Contest – Tell Me About Your Favorite Books
Apr 30, 2013
Filed under: chat/contest, reading
I love to read at least as much as I love to write and I always enjoy talking about books so I’ve decided to start a series of give-aways based on questions about your favorite books. Share one or two of your favorite recent reads and you’ll be entered to win your choice of any of my ebooks.
Two books I’ve read recently and loved are Touch and Geaux by Abi Roux (if you haven’t met Ty and Zane, run and do so now) and Dirty Laundry by Rhys Ford which manages to be hilarious, romantic, suspenseful, and hot all at the same time. Cole and Jae are two of my all time favorite characters.

Christmas Recipe Blog Swap and Contest
Dec 22, 2012
Filed under: chat/contest, contemporary, excerpts, holiday, m/m, recipes, sweet treats
Today some of my favorite authors and I are going to be sharing holiday recipes. If you comment and share a favorite recipe of your own (a link to one is fine) you’ll be entered to win your choice of my Christmas titles, One Kiss and Needing a Little Christmas (These stories are temporarily unavailable).
One of my favorite things about the holidays is making cookies. I love to bake year round but at Christmas I usually go a little crazy making as many as a dozen different types of cookies and giving them as gifts. But one kind that we make every year are Oatmeal Hershey Bar Cookies. They hold together well for shipping once the chocolate bars on top are set and they are usually gobbled up quick as lightning. I always save plenty for our family and I have been known to eat embarrassing amounts of them when someone else doesn’t beat me to it.
Oatmeal Hershey Bar Cookies
(This recipe makes 10-12 dozen cookies. When I make it at other times of year, I usually halve it.)
2 c. Butter (4 sticks)
2 c. Sugar
2 c. Brown Sugar
4 Eggs
2 t. Vanilla
4 c. Flour
5 c. Oatmeal, ground into powder (I do this in the food processor)
1 t. Salt
2 t. Baking Powder
2 t. Baking Soda
2 c. Chopped Pecans
3 cups Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips
12 Hershey Bars (the plain milk chocolate ones that are divided into 12 pieces)
Preheat oven to 375F.
Cream butter and both sugars. Add eggs and vanilla and blend until creamy. Add flour, oatmeal, salt, baking powder and baking soda. Blend just until combined. Add pecans and chocolate chips and blend on the mixer’s lowest setting. (If I make a full batch, it overflows from my mixer and I have to do the chips and pecans by hand.)
Drop by tablespoons onto a parhment lined cookie sheet. Bake 6-8 minutes. The cookies will be soft and will not look done when you take them out. The edges may have just a hint of brown. Do not overbake!
Before removing them from the pan, top each cookie with one section of a Hershey bar. After about 2 minutes, remove them from the pan and let cool. The chocoalte will remain gooey and soft for a long time.
Needing a Little Christmas by Silvia Violet
Discovering his boyfriend’s affair with a co-worker wrecks Eli’s holiday plans. With his parents on a cruise and his brother and sister out of town, he’s on his own. His mother insists he escape to her friend’s mountain cabin. Eli reluctantly agrees, but he takes off unprepared and ends up driving into the worst snowstorm the area has seen in years.
He survives the trip, but he’s stuck with no logs for the woodstove and little food. Fortunately, he gets the number for Mac’s Wood Delivery. Mac doesn’t mind riding to the rescue, and his deep, sultry voice has Eli eagerly anticipating the delivery. Is Mac the little bit of Christmas cheer Eli has been needing?
“What do mean you’re not going to be with Dave’s family for Christmas? Why?”
I pulled the phone away from my ear. I’d known my mother would be upset, but her reaction was even more vehement and loud than I expected. “Apparently one of the junior partners at his firm isn’t nearly as boring as I am. They’ve been having an affair for months.”
My mother made a sound of disgust. “Oh, honey, I’m so sorry, and you are not boring.”
“Sure, I know, but Dave thinks I am.” And honestly, I thought he was probably right. I preferred to stay at home rather than go out. I spent most days in sweats and T-shirts. When Dave did drag me to a party with his socialite friends, I inevitably embarrassed him with my lack of knowledge of current affairs. I’d taken to hiding out in the bathroom writing notes for my next book on my phone. He’d even attempted to coach me in the art of party conversation. I’d used his lessons in a book but ignored them as they applied to me. The book had done well; readers found the lessons hilarious.
When Dave suggested I was not only an uninteresting social companion but boring in bed as well, I’d taken that seriously. I might prefer a quiet lifestyle, but I knew how to please a partner sexually. After pondering what I could do to shock him, I’d gotten my nipples pierced, something I’d secretly wanted to do for years. He’d laughed. I should have broken up with him that night. We’d only had sex a few times after that, and each time, Dave raced to completion, showered off the scent of me, and promptly fell asleep.
I heard my mother’s heels click against the floor. She must be pacing, something she always did when strategizing. “I’m so sorry, honey. Do you want us to cancel our cruise?”
That was the last thing I wanted. “Of course not. You’ve been looking forward to it for months. I’m fine. Really.”
“Are you sure?”
I held the phone between my shoulder and ear as I poured myself a generous measure of whiskey. “Yeah, things hadn’t been great between me and Dave for a long time.”
She huffed. “That doesn’t give him any excuse to—”
I held up my hand even though she couldn’t see me. “No it doesn’t. He acted like an ass, and I think he knows it. He moved out of his beloved apartment and told me I could keep it.” Not that I could afford it for long unless my next book was a runaway hit.
Mom sighed. “I don’t want you spending Christmas alone.”
After draining my drink, I’d wandered into my bedroom and caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. My eyes were red from lack of sleep and they looked more hazel than their usual bright green. My curly dark hair stood out at odd angles. The stress of trying to meet the deadline for my book and trying to hold on to a relationship that had died well before I caught Dave fucking his colleague in his office hadn’t been good for my appetite. I’d lost weight and the bones in my face showed prominently. I was definitely not looking my best, but I wanted a few more days to wallow in self-pity. “I really don’t want to be around anyone right now.”
My mom sighed. “But it’s Christmas.”
I ran my hand through my hair, making it stick out even more. “I’m not in the mood for holiday cheer.”
“Your dad and I can go on a cruise another year.”
“No, arranging this once was difficult enough. Rick and Cindy will want to spend next year with you since they’re with Cindy’s family this year. And Ally’s trip to California is a special one-time deal. This is our gift to you, and I won’t be responsible for screwing it up.”
“You wouldn’t be responsible; Dave would be.”
“I wasn’t exactly looking forward to listening to his family brag about how wonderful they all are. I’ll have a better time alone.” My mom’s pacing stopped, and I realized I’d said the wrong thing.
“Eli, why didn’t you tell us you didn’t want to go home with Dave? We would never have agreed to the cruise if we thought you’d be miserable at Christmas.”
I tried to back pedal. “It would have been fine. I enjoy visiting Boston even if the company leaves something to be desired.”
“Hmm.” My mom didn’t sound convinced. “Maybe we could get you a ticket for the cruise. It might not be full.”
The cruise was supposed to give my parents some uninterrupted time together. And the last thing I wanted was be trapped on a ship with lots of happy, smiling people encouraging me to socialize while my mom fussed over me. “No, thanks. I really, truly would rather be on my own.”
“But what will you do?”
“Stay home and drown my sorrows in Christmas cookies and eggnog.”
Buy it at Amazon, ARe, or Silver
Visit the other post in the Christmas Blog Hop:
Angel Martinez:
Laura Harner:
Lee Brazil: http://
Em Woods:
Havan: http://

A Sexy Mind Blog Hop: Contest Time!
Apr 27, 2012
Filed under: book release, chat/contest, contemporary, m/m, Sexy Mind Blog Hop, web event
And the winner of a copy of Always MJ from the interview post with Matty and Jay is …….
Jo will contact you soon about your prize.
And now for a chance to win all three Blog Hop Titles, Moving Mountains by Freddy MacKay, Always MJ by Jo Peterson, and Astronomical by me, click here and answer a question related to each book.
We’ll announce the winner tomorrow when we take over the Silver Publishing FB page. Stop on by and see what kind of trouble we can get into!

Bear Talk Blog Tour
Feb 13, 2012
Filed under: Bear Talk, bears, chat/contest, m/m, web event
I love petting a nice, furry bear, don’t you? From February 27-March 2, I’ll join a group of fantastic m/m authors to celebrate bears. I’ll be offering a copy of Paws on Me for your furry reading pleasure. And they’ll be sexy pics galore. Check back here for links and more information.

Interview and Chat at Whipped Cream
Jun 22, 2011
Filed under: chat/contest, erotica, web event
Stop by Whipped Cream today and read my interview where I discuss erotica, porn, and sexy foods such as chocolate cake.
Then hop on over to the Whipped Cream Yahoo group and chat with me today. I’ll be sharing excerpts, recipes, and answering your questions.

Guest Blogger: Viki Lyn
Jun 21, 2011
Filed under: chat/contest, guest blogger, m/m
Today author Viki Lyn joins us to talk about her brand new book and help us get to know her better.
Leave a comment on this post for a chance to win a free ebook from her backlist.
Tell us about your new release.
Fighting Chance is the second book in my m/m vampire series Chances. Corbin Hamilton is a vampire slayer (Kresnik) that has the responsibility of keeping an eye on vampire, Johan. Johan is taking an experimental anti-vampire serum, hoping to turn back into a human. Much to Corbin’s irritation, he’d rather killed the bloodsucker, not rehab him. Yet, he can’t ignore the sexual tension between them. It’s thick and rife with obstacles.
What happens when a slayer begins to desire his enemy?
I didn’t set out to write this book, but when I finished the last chapter of the first book in the series – Last Chance – the story between Johan and Corbin had to be told! Plus I received tons of fan mail asking for their story.
What is your favorite genre to write? What other genres do you enjoy?
I love writing male/male romances, both contemporary and paranormal. I have written a few historical romances (under another pen name!), and I enjoyed researching the different time periods.
Do you have a favorite character from one of your books?
I get asked this a lot, and really, all my characters have a special place in my heart. My parents didn’t play favorites, and that’s how I’ve come to view my characters, as my children!
Is there a style or genre of writing that you haven’t tired yet but you’d like to explore?
I would like to write a fantasy novel. My paranormals are very close to fantasy in the way I approach world building. I’d almost name them para-fantasy, but I’d love to write a story with elves and dwarves and wizards!
How do you make time in your life for writing?
This is my career so I’m blessed that I don’t have to work 8 to 5. That doesn’t mean I write every day. My creative self is fickle! I see myself as an ocean wave. Crashing forward and then receding – crashing forward – receding. My friends and family come first. Then my writing… I’m lucky to publish three books a year because it takes me a while for the story to unfold in my head. I live with my characters 24/7 until the story is completed. When I’m not writing, it doesn’t mean that I’m not thinking about the characters or the storyline.
What do you like to read? Do you have some favorite authors?
I enjoy reading across genres, mysteries topping the list. I collect DC comics and Japanese manga (yaoi), and these give me my quick-fix reads. On my nightstand is a mystery by Rennie Airth, River of Darkness. It was nominated for the Edgar Award. The setting is England after WWI. I enjoy historical mysteries, and Jacqueline Winspear writes beautifully. She has a mystery series I’d highly recommend – Masie Dobbs.
If you decide to take a Saturday off, what are we likely to find you doing?
Meeting friends for coffee and dessert and watching a movie on Netflix.
Choose six adjectives to describe yourself.
Casual, curious, odd, optimistic, impulsive, nerdy
Describe the perfect meal.
Roast beef and vegetables cooked by my grandfather (he was an incredible cook!), served with a Cabernet, and afterwards, espresso and a piece of lemon cake.
If you were a dessert what would you be and why?
Lemon Meringue Pie – sweet but with a tangy aftertaste!
Thanks for joining us today Viki!! Learn more about Viki at her website or her blog. Or join her on Twitter.
Don’t forget to leave a comment for Viki so you can be entered to win a free book!

Where I’ll Be This Week
Apr 7, 2011
Filed under: chat/contest, web event
No, I won’t be at RT (The Romantic Times Convention) in LA though I’m going to do my best to make next year’s convention in Chicago. However, there’s lots of partying for those of us who are home. I’m going to be at two parties:
I had a fun-filled day posting and chatting and adding to my tbr list at the TRS Staying Home Party yesterday. I’ll be there again today for a Release Party where I’ll be chatting about Savage Wolf. Then the Staying Home Party continues through the weekend. Come join us!
And today the party starts at the Romance Junkies Book Club. I remember attending these in years past and watching the email come in at a dizzying rate. I’m going to be posting excerpts, recipes, and chatting about some of my favorite recent reads. So come on out!

Chat at Love Romances
Feb 27, 2008
Filed under: chat/contest
I’ll be chatting tomorrow (Feb 28) from 1-3pm EST at the Love Romances Cafe. I’d love for everyone to drop by and keep me company 🙂