Archive for the ‘erotica’ Category
Visit Me at Coffee and Porn
Jul 13, 2011
Filed under: erotica, guest blogger, m/m, paranormal, shapeshifter, vampire, web event, writing
I’m over at the Coffee and Porn blog talking about Vampires and Stereotypes and how they relate to my new release Sex on the Hoof.

Sex on the Hoof is out now!
Jul 7, 2011
Filed under: book release, erotica, m/m, paranormal, shapeshifter, vampire
Tags: cop romance, deer shifter, erotic romance, erotica, m/m, m/m romance, paranormal romance, shapeshifter, vampire, vampire romance
Protect and Serve: Sex on the Hoof has been released by Changeling Press. I’m so excited about sharing this story with readers!
Deer shifter Jason Fleetfoot has turned his life around. After years of taking chances, he’s got a job as a crime lab technician, and he’s determined to forgo the risky behavior of his past.
Then he meets Drew Danvers, the only undead detective in the city. Jason hates vampires, or does he? Drew defies all the stereotypes of his kind and something about him has taken hold of Jason and won’t let go.
Will Jason take a chance on a man others would label a risk to his health if not his very life?

Hot Cover Art for Sex on the Hoof!
Jul 1, 2011
Filed under: book release, erotica, eye candy, m/m, paranormal, shapeshifter, vampire
Tags: deer shifter, erotic romance, erotica, gay romance, m/m, m/m romance, paranormal romance, shapeshifer, vampire
I’m so excited about my cover for Sex on the Hoof. Check out the hotness!
Protect and Serve: Sex on the Hoof by Silvia Violet
Deer shifter Jason Fleetfoot has turned his life around. After years of taking chances, he’s got a job as a crime lab technician, and he’s determined to forgo the risky behavior of his past.
Then he meets Drew Danvers, the only undead detective in the city. Jason hates vampires, or does he? Drew defies all the stereotypes of his kind and something about him has taken hold of Jason and won’t let go.
Will Jason take a chance on a man others would label a risk to his health if not his very life?
I’m Jason Fleetfoot. I’ve made a lot of stupid mistakes in my life. The stupidest of all was taking a job with some assholes intent on manufacturing illegal chemical weapons.
My sister, Natalie, lost her job when her company folded, and I lost mine because my fucking boss was a bastard. I’ve got authority issues. And control issues. Alright, I’m seriously fucked up, but I wasn’t going to let my sister starve because I couldn’t keep it together.
So I made a deal with the devil and damn near got myself and Natalie killed. She saved me, she and her cop boyfriend, Wolf. The name’s not a joke. He’s a werewolf. Did I mention we’re shifters, Natalie and I. Deer shifters. If you think my human form is impressive, you should see me as a ten point buck. So yeah, a werewolf and a deer shifter. Somehow they’re making it work.
As much as I hate being beholden to Wolf, I wouldn’t be where I am now if it wasn’t for him. Once the cops cleared me, Wolf helped me get a job in the crime lab where I can use my knowledge of chemistry and computers for the good guys.
As the newest hire, I work nights, babysitting the equipment and working on what comes in during the wee hours. For the most part, I like it. It’s quiet and I get a chance to play around with new techniques and do a bit of programming. There’s only one problem, Detective Drew Danvers.
He works nights too. Not because he’s new, because he’s a God-damned vampire. They say he was Changed against his will. But what the hell was he doing picking up a vampire at a bar? I certainly have no intention of fucking a vampire. No matter how damn fuckable Drew is. Yeah, I like men, what of it? And Drew is a fine specimen of a man, like some Viking warrior. He’s at least 6’3” with sculpted arms and pecs that make him look like he could lift a truck one-handed. Considering he’s a vamp, he probably can.
Getting involved with Drew would be stupid on too many levels to count. And I’m finished with making stupid decisions. So why does my body want so desperately to be impaled on him – his cock, his fangs, anything he’d like to stick in me. Natalie’s right, my dick really doesn’t communicate with my brain. I don’t just want to fuck him, I want to be taken by him, and I never want that. Like I said, I have control issues. But with Drew . . . No, there’s never going to be anything with Drew.
I hear the buzz that signals someone entering the lab. I glance around from behind the mass spec machine. Shit! Speak of the devil or in this case his undead minion.
My pride will not let me hide even though I want to. I’m not afraid of him, even if I should be. I’m just afraid my unruly cock will give away my interest.
His gaze slides up and down my body. He’s looked at me like this before. But I have never been sure whether it’s sexual interest or him salivating over me like I’m a piece of the lush chocolate cake my grandma used to make on Sundays. “You alone in here, Fleetfoot?”
Shit, maybe he does mean to make a meal out of me. No point in lying though. He probably already knows the answer. Aren’t vampires supposed to be damn near omnipotent? “Newton called in sick, and everyone else is out in the field.
“Good.” Danvers smiles, still eyeing me like I’m prey. If I was in deer form I’d bolt, white tail flagging danger. But I’m a man and his ice blue gaze has me glued to the spot. God above, he’s gorgeous when he smiles. My cock is starting to get uncomfortable in my jeans.
My heart pounds as I try to interpret his response. Does he mean “good I’m going to give you to the best fuck of your life” or “good I’m going to drain your blood and leave you for dead”.

Guest Blogger – Amber Skyze
Jun 28, 2011
Filed under: erotica, guest blogger
Today we welcome Amber Skyze. Come on in and see what she has to tell us about herself and her writing….
Tell us about your latest release.
My newest release Chasing Forever, is about two best friends crossing that line and becoming lovers and the struggles it can cause.
What is your favorite genre to write? What other genres do you enjoy?
My favorite is contemporary erotic romance. I also enjoy adding suspense to a few of my books.
Do you have a favorite character from one of your books? My favorite character is the hero, Nathan Donovan from Splashing Good Time. It was my second published book, but this hero still holds my heart.
Is there a style or genre of writing that you haven’t tired yet but you’d like to explore?
I’d like to try a shape shifter one day. I love white tigers and would love to write a story around one.
How do you make time in your life for writing?
I get up extra early, usually around 4am, when the house is quiet. I write until it’s time to get my teen up for school. Now that school is out I may sleep an extra hour. :o)
What do you like to read? Do you have some favorite authors?
I read a variety of books from historical to chick-lit and non-fiction.
If you decide to take a Saturday off, what are we likely to find you doing?
If it’s summer I’m at the ocean or floating around my pool.
Choose six adjectives to describe yourself.
Hmmm, shy, quiet, inquisitive, protective, caring, and passionate
Describe the perfect meal.
Surf and Turf – a nice filet and lobster tails…yes, plural I can eat two tails. :o)
If you were a dessert what would you be and why?
My favorite – strawberry cheesecake!
Thank you for joining us, Amber. Learn more about Amber and her writing at her website or her blog.
Chasing Forever by Amber Skyze
Jordyn has longed to make her relationship with best friend Diego more than platonic. Her body drips with need to know what it would feel like to have his lips kissing every inch of her skin. Desire to wrap her legs around his waist and plunge into deep waters with him fills her every dream.
Diego is one with the ocean. His passion is surfing and chasing that ultimate wave. He doesn’t have time for a relationship. Or does he?
A storm is brewing and when a tragedy occurs, Diego and Jordyn need to decide if they’re both chasing the same dreams.
Copyright © AMBER SKYZE, 2011
All Rights Reserved, Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Inc.
Chapter One
Jordyn sat on the beach towel watching Diego riding out the waves. Her pulse raced. He knew he shouldn’t be out there. Hurricane Ivan was heading inland and the weatherman had warned of the dangerous undertow. She’d attempted to chase a few waves, but once she’d swum a few yards she knew it was a mistake. She’d quickly swum back to shore and waited while her best friend tried to prove he was smarter than the ocean.
The waters had turned mean and ugly over the last twenty minutes and the sky was an ominous gray. The hurricane was moving closer. A breeze came in off the water and a chill passed through her body. She’d unzipped her wet suit down to her waist, exposing her bikini top when she exited the water. She should cover up again in case the rains poured down.
She scanned the waters. Someone on a Jet Ski buzzed around, stopping every so often to take some pictures. She hoped he would keep away from the jagged rocks. The razor-sharp rocks were Jordyn’s bigger fear with Diego being out on the water. One wrong move and a wave could drag him under and throw him against the rocks, ending his life.
Jet skis were prohibited at any time on this part of the beach, but it didn’t stop them, especially on a day like today. They’d swarm around the surfers—in this case, just Diego—hoping to get a great shot of him nailing a thirty-foot wave.
Hopefully that’s all he catches.
She scanned the beach looking for any other fools. People with cameras hoping to click the ideal picture of the perfect storm peppered the sand.
“Dumbasses,” she muttered. What did that make her? She was on the beach too. Why had she allowed Diego to convince her this was a good idea?
“Because I’m a fool too.” She buried her foot in the sand and watched how the tiny particles glided between her toes. If she was smart she’d grab her board, jump in her Jeep and hightail it back to her place. Common sense flew out the window when it came to Diego, because she was head over heels in love with him.
Too bad he doesn’t feel the same. He loved her like a sister he’d said a few too many times, especially on drunken occasions.
If she’d had a nickel for all the times he’d said, “If you weren’t like a sister to me, I’d fuck you.”
How her pussy moistened with the thought. A few times she’d been tempted to sock him one and other times she’d wanted to tackle him and show him the woman inside waiting for him to fill that void deep within.
Instead she’d sat back and waited.

Coming Soon: Seduction of the Captain
Jun 27, 2011
Filed under: BDSM, book release, erotica, excerpts, sci fi, shapeshifter
I have two releases in the first half of July: Protect and Serve: Sex on the Hoof and Seduction of the Captain, a BDSM sci fi set in the same world as Surrender in the Dark.
Seduction of the Captain by Silvia Violet
When Saida knocks on Kajinek’s door, he senses that she’s the partner he’s been looking for. He agrees to fly her ship under one condition; she must personally feed his darkest desires. Can Saida give in to what her body wants or will submitting sexually shatter the careful control she wields over the rest of her life?
Unofficial Excerpt:
Kaj opened the door of his resort-class suite and nearly stumbled as a heady female scent hit him with tangible force. He’d yet to probe the mind of the woman who’d interrupted his quiet afternoon, but her submissive needs screamed at him, begging him to take notice. His cock hardened instantly.
Her long blonde hair was pulled back in a braid that reached her waist. He fought the urge wrap it around his hand and crush her against him. Her skintight flight suit left little of her body to his imagination. Her muscles tensed under his gaze, and her green-gold eyes studied him suspiciously. She reminded him of a feline preparing to spring. He could smell her desire. Apparently he was affecting her as much as she affected him.
“Kajinek of Lalatia?”
He nodded, not sure he could keep the predatory growl out of his voice.
“I’m Captain Saida Alexander of the Allied Mercenary Corporation ship the Ascendant. I’ve come to offer you a job.”
Kaj smiled. He’d heard of Captain Alexander. She was well respected as a hard-ass leader who always accomplished her mission objective. For a captain of her standing to show up unannounced at his personal quarters, she must be desperate for his help. This must be his lucky day. “Do come in.”
He pressed at the edges of her impressive mental shields and gleaned just enough information to confirm what was already clear to him. While he doubted anyone else realized it, Captain Alexander longed to find a man strong enough to dominate her. She was desperate for the release she could never find with a partner who refused to test the limits of her strong will.
He’d not met a woman this compatible for his needs since leaving Lalatia. And he wasn’t about to let her get away. Before this day ended, she would be his.
“Have a seat, Captain.” He gestured toward the plush chairs in the small seating area near the window, which overlooked the station garden. “I’ll order us some refreshments.”
The sexy captain moved through his quarters with silent, controlled grace. He suppressed a shudder of anticipation as he imagined how she would move under him as he thrust deep in her body. If he didn’t watch it, he wasn’t going to be able to focus on the business at hand. He’d take whatever job she was offering, but he doubted she’d like his terms.
He knew his smile must be particularly predatory when her eyes widened. By Varin, she was going to be a feast. “Would you like some coffee?”
She still looked wary, but now he saw a hint of a smile. “Real, honest-to-God coffee?”
He laughed. “Of course.”
“Yes, please.”
He walked to his comm unit and pressed down the button that connected him with the resort concierge. “Please send up coffee and an assortment of pastries immediately.”
“Yes, sir.”
Captain Alexander smiled, briefly losing her controlled exterior and looking almost girlish. “You needn’t go to the trouble, but I do appreciate it. I haven’t tasted real coffee in months.”
Her joy at this simple gesture stirred something in him even stronger and more potent than lust. Hearing her cry out his name as he whipped her ass would be delicious. But satisfying her enough to bring that smile to her face might feed something more than physical hunger in him. The thought unnerved him but made him no less determined to have her.
He sat in the chair facing hers. “So you’re in need of a pilot?”
The captain nodded. “The last pilot I hired proved unsatisfactory. We have a job in three days. I’d like you in the pilot’s chair.”
“What is this job?” His sensitive ears heard her pulse accelerate. What was she up to?
“We will act as escort for three ships intent on sailing through the Rebel-controlled sector of Quadrant 16. They’ll appear to be private cargo ships, but they’ll be manned by Imperial Intelligence agents.”
Kaj snarled. “I don’t do Imperial jobs.”
Captain Alexander arched a brow and held his gaze. The delicious smell of her fear belied her confidence. “I’ve heard you’ll take any job as long as the price is right.”
He gestured at the opulent room. “Does it look like I’m in need of work?”
“Lovely as all this is, you don’t strike me as a man who likes to sit on his ass. I think you need to fly. I think you need the rush of danger.”
He smiled, knowing she could see the swirl of orange and yellow flames in his eyes, a sure sign of a Lalatian’s anger or lust. “I do enjoy a thrill, but I can get that right here. You seem like a rather dangerous woman.”
Anger flashed in her eyes. The scent of fear deepened.
The doorbell rang, signaling the arrival of coffee. Kaj was thankful for the distraction. His cock was harder than a steel rod, and he was close to pinning Captain Alexander to the wall and taking exactly what he wanted. His lack of control was appalling, but she was doing things to his libido that made him feel like a boy with his first trainer.
He took the tray from the delivery bot and poured coffee for the captain. As he handed her the mug, he let his fingers brush hers. He was rewarded by her sharp intake of breath.
The contact distracted her, and he felt her fear ease, supplanted in part by lust. He couldn’t help but smile as he sat down, taking a sip of the delicious, strong coffee he’d grown addicted to.

Giving Alpha Males the Partners They Deserve
Jun 23, 2011
Filed under: erotica, guest blogger, web event, writing
I’m blogging at TRS today about why I think alpha males deserve partners with strong personalities. Stop by and let me know what you think.

Interview and Chat at Whipped Cream
Jun 22, 2011
Filed under: chat/contest, erotica, web event
Stop by Whipped Cream today and read my interview where I discuss erotica, porn, and sexy foods such as chocolate cake.
Then hop on over to the Whipped Cream Yahoo group and chat with me today. I’ll be sharing excerpts, recipes, and answering your questions.

Coming Soon! Protect and Serve: Sex on the Hoof
Jun 16, 2011
Filed under: book release, erotica, excerpts, m/m, paranormal, shapeshifter, vampire
Tags: deer shifter, gay erotica, gay romance, m/m, m/m romance, men in uniform, paranormal, paranormal romance, shapeshifter, vampire
Only three weeks left until the release of Sex on the Hoof, this is my second contribution to the Protect and Serve series and my first m/m story. Sex on the Hoof features Jason, Natalie’s brother from Savage Wolf and it was a blast to write. I can’t wait to share it with everyone!
Sex on the Hoof by Silvia Violet
A stag and a vampire. Mortal peril. True love.
Deer shifter Jason Fleetfoot has turned his life around. After years of taking chances, he’s got a job as a crime lab technician, and he’s determined to forgo the risky behavior of his past.
Then he meets Drew Danvers, the only undead detective in the city. Jason hates vampires, or does he? Drew defies all the stereotypes of his kind and something about him has taken hold of Jason and won’t let go.
Will Jason take a chance on a man others would label a risk to his health if not his very life?
Unedited Excerpt:
I’m Jason Fleetfoot. I’ve made a lot of stupid mistakes in my life. The
stupidest of all was taking a job with some assholes intent on manufacturing
illegal chemical weapons.
My sister, Natalie, lost her job when her company folded, and I lost mine
because my fucking boss was a bastard. I’ve got authority issues. And control
issues. Alright, I’m seriously fucked up, but I wasn’t going to let my sister
starve because I couldn’t keep it together.
So I made a deal with the devil and damn near got myself and Natalie killed. She
saved me, she and her cop boyfriend, Wolf. The name’s not a joke. He’s a
werewolf. Did I mention we’re shifters, Natalie and I. Deer shifters. If you
think my human form is impressive, you should see me as a ten point buck. So
yeah, a werewolf and a deer shifter. Somehow they’re making it work.
As much as I hate being beholden to Wolf, I wouldn’t be where I am now if it
wasn’t for him. Once the cops cleared me, Wolf helped me get a job in the crime
lab where I can use my knowledge of chemistry and computers for the good guys.
As the newest hire, I work nights, babysitting the equipment and working on what
comes in during the wee hours. For the most part, I like it. It’s quiet and I
get a chance to play around with new techniques and do a bit of programming.
There’s only one problem, Detective Drew Danvers.
He works nights too. Not because he’s new, because he’s a God-damned vampire.
They say he was Changed against his will. But what the hell was he doing picking
up a vampire at a bar? I certainly have no intention of fucking a vampire. No
matter how damn fuckable Drew is.
Yeah, I like men, what of it? And Drew is a fine specimen of a man, like some
Viking warrior. He’s at least 6’3″ with sculpted arms and pecs that make him
look like he could lift a truck one-handed. Considering he’s a vamp, he probably
Getting involved with Drew would be stupid on too many levels to count. And I’m
finished with making stupid decisions. So why does my body want so desperately
to be impaled on him – his cock, his fangs, anything he’d like to stick in me.
Natalie’s right, my dick really doesn’t communicate with my brain. I don’t just
want to fuck him, I want to be taken by him, and I never want that. Like I said,
I have control issues. But with Drew . . . No, there’s never going to be
anything with Drew.
I hear the buzz that signals someone entering the lab. I glance around from
behind the mass spec machine. Shit! Speak of the devil or in this case his
undead minion.
My pride will not let me hide even though I want to. I’m not afraid of him, even
if I should be. I’m just afraid my unruly cock will give away my interest.
His gaze slides up and down my body. He’s looked at me like this before. But I
have never been sure whether it’s sexual interest or him salivating over me like
I’m a piece of the lush chocolate cake my grandma used to make on Sundays. “You
alone in here, Fleetfoot?”
Shit, maybe he does mean to make a meal out of me. No point in lying though. He
probably already knows the answer. Aren’t vampires supposed to be damn near
omnipotent? “Newton called in sick, and everyone else is out in the field.
“Good.” Danvers smiles, still eyeing me like I’m prey. If I was in deer form I’d
bolt, white tail flagging danger. But I’m a man and his ice blue gaze has me
glued to the spot. God above, he’s gorgeous when he smiles. My cock is starting
to get uncomfortable in my jeans.
My heart pounds as I try to interpret his response. Does he mean “good I’m going
to give you to the best fuck of your life” or “good I’m going to drain your
blood and leave you for dead”.

Savage Wolf is available at ARe!
Jun 13, 2011
Filed under: BDSM, book release, erotica, paranormal, shapeshifter, werewolf
Tags: BDSM, Changeling Press, cop fantasy, erotic romance, erotica, handcuffs, men in uniform, paranormal romance, shapeshifter, spanking, werewolf
Protect and Serve: Savage Wolf is now available at ARe! I’m so excited about sharing this book with all the readers there. Here’s a little taste to whet your appetite….
Savage Wolf by Silvia Violet
I’m Wolf, Officer Aidan “Wolf” Savage. I’m a werewolf. But unlike most of my kind these days, I’m one of the good guys even if I do scare the hell out of most people the first time they meet me. When a white-tailed deer shifter comes leaping into my life, she makes my body hotter than an erupting volcano. She’s on the run, and she doesn’t want my help. But I’m not about to let her get herself killed, and I’ll use any means necessary to keep her safe.
I tried to make myself be a gentlemen and roll off my naked little shifter. But werewolves aren’t gentlemen. I heard her racing heart and smelled the hot cream between her legs, and my wolfish side begged me to shove her legs up onto her chest and bury my cock in her pussy. Then she shocked me by opening her legs and inviting me in. How could a man say no?
And, by all that’s holy, she said those four words that just about made me lose it before I’d even gotten inside. “I like it rough.” Just what an alpha wolf like me needs. A woman who appreciates my appetite.
When I drive into her, holding nothing back, she cries out. Her pussy holds me tight. I fight to hold still and let her adjust to my size. But she wraps her legs around my hips and bucks against me.
“More,” she begs, and I’m not about to deny her. I slide out nearly all the way. She whimpers.
I thrust back in, and she groans, “Yes.” After that I ride her hard and fast. She meets every stroke, slamming her hips against mine. I fuck her with brutal strength, and she keeps crying for more. I’m in heaven.
Her gorgeous breasts bounce up and down in rhythm with my thrusts. I can’t wait another second to get better acquainted with them.
I shift my weight to one arm, and use the other hand to cup the tantalizing flesh, which is as soft and smooth as it looks. I slide my thumb back and forth over her tightly puckered nipple, and I’m rewarded with a sharp cry.
I keep up the light, teasing strokes. She arches toward my hand, whimpering. I pinch and tug on the pink bud. She bucks so hard she nearly unseats me. “Yes, God, yes!” she cries.
I need one of those sensitive nipples in my mouth like I need to breathe. I grab her hips, holding her firmly on my cock as I sit back on my heels. She lets her torn dress and bra slide from her arms. Then she wraps her arms around my neck and pulls herself up until she’s seated in my lap. Now I can lick and suck and bite those hard buds all I want while driving myself even deeper inside her tight, wet cunt.
As if she can read my mind, my doe pulls my head down to her breast. I draw a pink tip into my mouth and suck hard, letting my teeth sink in just enough for her to feel them. She cries out, digging her hands into my scalp. “Harder, oh God, harder. I . . .”
I glance up without letting go of her nipple, desperate to know what she wants to say. Her deep brown eyes are wide and filled with need. “I like it to hurt.”
I nearly choke around the hard flesh in my mouth. Have I died and gone to werewolf heaven? I bitehard enough to make her scream. She writhes against me. Before she’s recovered, I give her other nipple a vicious pinch.

A Delicious NSFW Photo Prompt…
May 21, 2011
Filed under: erotica, eye candy, free story, m/m, writing
Tags: eye candy, m/m erotica, m/m military erotica, m/m romance, man candy
I recently joined the m/m romance group at Good Reads and when I got an email about the Hot July Days event I knew immediately that I wanted to participate. Readers submit erotic photos and give a brief scenario that they like to have turned into a story. Authors accept the challenge by choosing a photo and writing the story. The stories will then be collected into an anthology for readers to enjoy. I’ll have more details coming soon.
For now, here’s the photo and prompt that I’ll be working with…..