Archive for the ‘menage’ Category
Release Day for Love Times Three!
Mar 12, 2019
Filed under: book release, m/m, menage, paranormal, shapeshifter, werewolf
Love Times Three (Trillium Creek 2) is out now so grab yourself a copy or borrow it from KU!
If you love something let it go…
Brett thought letting Ryder go was the best way to show how much he loved him. Ryder would be free to find an omega and start the family he’d always wanted. Ryder doesn’t want anyone but Brett, and he will do whatever necessary to convince him they belong together.
If it comes back to you…
Cam is on the run from his pack. He’s not looking for love, but when he’s rescued by Brett, his childhood crush, he realizes those feelings he had for his former packmate haven’t faded. Then fate steps in when Cam meets Ryder, Brett’s alpha mate, and a bond is formed. Cam tries to fight his attraction to both men, but the pull he feels toward them may prove too strong.
It’s yours…
Ryder knows Cam is the omega he and Brett need to complete their dream of happily ever after. He’s their missing piece, and it will take them both to convince Brett the three of them belong together
If you haven’t started the Trllium Creek series yet, the prequel, Love at Lupine Bakery and Book 1, Love at Long Last are out now.

Going Deep is out now!
Feb 22, 2016
Filed under: BDSM, book release, contemporary, m/m, menage
Woohoo! It’s release day for Going Deep (Fitting In 4). Grab your copy now at Amazon, All Romance eBooks, iTunes, Barnes and Noble, and Kobo.

Birthday Sale!
Sep 16, 2014
Filed under: cops, cowboy, D/s, m/m, men in uniform, menage, Sale
I’m entering a new decade in my life this week and to celebrate, I’m having a sale on some of my titles. Also tomorrow, Wednesday, I’ll be sharing lots of beautiful men on Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr.
Say Yes is free through 9/18 at All Romance eBooks.
Fitting In is 75% off through 9/18 at Amazon and All Romance ebooks.
If Wishes Were Horses is 40% off through 9/21 at Amazon and All Romance ebooks.

Sorting Out is available now!
Dec 29, 2013
Filed under: BDSM, book release, contemporary, excerpts, first chapter, m/m, men in uniform, menage
Sorting Out, the sequel to Fitting In is now available at Amazon, ARe, BN, and Smashwords. Here’s an excerpt from Chapter One….
Jack heard the door open as he pulled a pan of hot caramel popcorn from the oven. Perfect timing. Mason was home and hopefully Gray had been able to get most of his paperwork finished, so the three of them could curl up together and continue their third run through the fourteen brilliant episodes of Firefly. Why oh why had it been cancelled and how had he not known about its awesomeness until Mason came into his life?
Their schedules had kept them apart for the last few nights and Jack had been looking forward to this all day, the three of them snuggled on the couch, watching TV until they started to doze off like an old married threesome. Who would need to go out with two amazing men at home? He could happily hole up for weeks just cuddling, fucking, and cooking for them.
Mason dropped his bag on the table and came up behind him. He kissed Jack’s neck as he grabbed a handful of popcorn that he immediately threw back into the pan, yelling, “Hot!”
“Of course it’s hot. It just came out of the oven.” Laughing, Jack grabbed Mason’s hand and kissed his palm. “Is that better?”
“No, but this will fix it.” Mason kissed him, sliding his tongue along the seam of Jack’s lips until he opened for his lover, letting him get a taste. Desire rose swiftly, and he clutched at Mason’s hips, pulling him in tight, letting him feel his cock, which was now hard and needy. Maybe Captain Mal would have to wait after all.
The sound of Gray clearing his throat brought them up for air. Mason stepped back, grinning at Jack. “That was a delicious hello.” He turned toward Gray, but when Jack saw the expression on their lover’s face, he knew they weren’t getting the same kind of greeting from him. He looked serious and…scared? Jack’s stomach knotted.
“What is it?”
“I need to talk to you. I waited until Mason was home, but I… Maybe you should sit down.”
“Gray, what’s wrong?” Jack asked, the caramel he’d tasted as he coated the popcorn lying heavy in his stomach.
Mason laid a hand on his arm. “Are you okay? You’re really pale.”
Jack ignored the question. “Don’t make us wait.”
“Thornton, the lieutenant from Major Crimes that I told you about—”
He glanced at Mason. “He’s been encouraging me to take the detective exam. He wants me in his unit.”
Gray held up a hand. “Yes, it would mean we wouldn’t be partners anymore, but it would also mean we could be out if we wanted to. We’ve been talking about making a change, and you’ve known I was thinking about going for a promotion.”
“Yeah, but, I…” Nausea tightened Jack’s throat.
Mason reached for Jack’s hand and squeezed. “This could be good for all of us. Let’s think about it.”
Jack looked at Mason. He had known this would happen sooner or later. Gray was right about it being for the best, but Jack had continually pushed it to the back of his mind.
“I just want us to—” he started, but Gray interrupted him.
“I told him I’d take the exam.” Gray looked at the floor as he spoke.
“What?” Jack roared, fear replaced by anger that threatened to scorch him. “How dare you do that without talking to us!”
“I shouldn’t have, but he’d already asked me before, and I’d put him off. He told me I had to let him know today, and you said you’d support whatever I wanted so—”
“I didn’t mean for you not to even tell me. Couldn’t you have mentioned this when he asked you the first time?”
“I—” Gray ran a hand over his ruthlessly short hair. “I should have. I’m sorry, but—”
“But what?” Mason asked after Gray was silent for several seconds. Jack was glad he’d spoken up, because he wasn’t capable of saying anything nice.
Gray sighed. “I knew Jack would react just like this.”
Fuck you. “When it was still something to actually discuss instead of something dictated to me, I would have talked to you. Now that you’ve kept it from me and decided to just walk away—”
“I’m not walking away.”
Jack snarled at him. “We’re partners, Gray, and now we won’t be.”
“We’ll still be partners in the way that really counts.”
Would they? “What about Mason? Didn’t you think maybe he wanted a say in this?”
Mason glanced at Gray, and suddenly, Jack knew. “You told him, didn’t you? When Thornton first asked you, you fucking told Mason and not me.”
Gray closed his eyes and took a long, slow breath. “He told me to tell you, told me I shouldn’t wait, but I wanted to think about it. I didn’t want to upset you if I was just going to turn it down.”
“Newsflash. I’m upset.”
Mason started to interject, but Jack held up his hand. “There’s no point in talking anymore. Gray’s made his decision. Thank you for actually trying to bring me into it.”
“I made up my mind to take the exam. That doesn’t mean I’ll take the position. That’s why I wanted to talk.”
Jack shook his head. “You’ve made up your mind. I can tell. If you get the job, you’ll take it.”
“I want to stop hiding,” Gray said. “But I want this to be a decision we all three make.”
“No, you just want me and Mason to agree with you,” Jack said, venom in his tone.
“That’s not true. I…fuck, Jack. I love you.”
Jack’s anger deflated, leaving him feeling wrung out and hurt. “I can’t imagine being a cop without you.”
Gray took a step toward Jack. “I’ll still be here.”
“We’ll all be together.” Mason spoke at almost the same time. He sounded scared, desperate. Fuck Gray for putting Mason in the middle like this, for going to him when they’d sworn they’d keep everything out in the open.
Like the time you talked to Mason about Gray seeming depressed, and he encouraged you to talk to Gray, but you didn’t. Is that what you mean by out in the open?
God, Jack hated that sanctimonious voice in his head.
He held up his hand, knowing he’d cave if Gray touched him. He’d let Gray have his way and forget how angry and hurt he was until it simmered long enough to explode again. “If you really wanted to discuss it, you would have talked with me the minute you started seriously considering taking the exam.”
“Would you have listened? Really listened?”
Jack wanted to scream that he would always listen to Gray, always consider what was best for his lover without being selfish. He wanted to stop being scared he couldn’t hold it together as a cop if Gray weren’t by his side, but he couldn’t make the words come.
Instead, he grabbed the pan of caramel popcorn and flung it across the kitchen, enjoying the ear-splitting clatter as the pan bounced on the tile. Then he stomped to their bedroom and slammed the door.
Seconds later, he heard the front door bang shut.

BDSM Excerpt Week – Amber Skyze
Oct 6, 2012
Filed under: BDSM, BDSM Excerpt Week, contemporary, guest blogger, menage
Adrift by Amber Skyze
Ben Eckhart has been the object of Kari Kirkland’s lust for almost three years. Yet he’s never spoken a word to her and why would he? She’s a plus-sized woman with scars that haunt her every day. And although Kari longs for happily ever after, she’s pretty much given up on love.
When their boss declares he’s having a mandatory picnic, Ben not only talks to Kari, he wants to know if she’s going and if she’ll be alone. Kari is, if only to fantasize about Ben in his swim shorts.
But Ben has other ideas in mind for Kari. He’s bringing along his best friend and lover Adam – to help him seduce Kari into believing there’s great sex and true love in her future.
Unexpectedly trapped on a deserted island, Kari witnesses the men having sex then lets herself get talked into sex on the beach and a whole lot more. But when they’re rescued, will Kari accept their proposition or cast their newfound love Adrift?
“I expect everyone to be there.” Mr. Carlton stood up and continued talking to the small group in the conference room. “My wife looks forward to this every year, so I don’t want to disappoint her. There will be boats at the dock to take people back and forth to Carlton Island.”
Kari cringed just thinking about getting into a boat and being escorted over to her boss’s island. The last thing she wanted to do over her weekend was spend it with him and fellow coworkers. Kari enjoyed the peace and serenity of her apartment. She didn’t have to make small talk except with Pepper, her cat.
Last year she’d been able to get out of the company picnic, but something told her this time she wouldn’t be so lucky.
“This is bullshit.”
Kari swiveled her chair to see who else felt like she did, but was brave enough to voice his opinion. She was met with the most amazing blue eyes.
Her heart caught in her throat. Was he speaking to me?
Ben Eckhart hadn’t uttered a word to her in the three years he’d worked at Carlton Technologies. Kari had admired him from afar, knowing he’d never be interested in someone like her. She wasn’t a size 2 pinup model like Ben probably dated.
“Does he think we don’t have a life outside of work?”
He was talking to her.
Hanging out on her deck with a book wasn’t in the cards for her this weekend.
“Have you ever been?” he asked.
“Once. I’ve managed to escape all the other yearly get-togethers, but I don’t see that happening this weekend.”
“I heard people have gotten let go for not attending.”
She’d heard that too, but thankfully it hadn’t happened to her. With the economy in dire straits, she wasn’t risking it this year. “That’s what they say. I can’t afford to take any chances. I’ll be going.”
“Me too, I guess.”
Kari groaned inwardly. She didn’t want to spend the weekend lusting over Ben. At work she could cover up her scars, but on Carlton Island she’d be expected to dress more casually.
Maybe she could think of a way out of this.
“Spouses and significant others are more than welcome too,” Mr. Carlton continued.
Kari turned her attention back to her boss. Right about now, she wished she had someone in her life she could bring along to ease the pain of watching Ben. Fortunately he wasn’t aware of her feelings for him.
He leaned closer to her chair and whispered in her ear. “You bringing someone?” Heat from his breath trickled down her neck, straight to her core. Images of Ben wearing only swim trunks filled her mind. She pictured a hard, smooth chest and abs of steel she could run her fingers along.
“No,” she snapped.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you.”
She swiveled her chair slightly and glanced over her shoulder. His lips were close. Close enough that if she leaned just a little bit, she could graze them with her own. “I didn’t mean to snap. I’m just really frustrated about having to go this weekend. I’m going alone.”
“Hmmm. I guess I’ll see you there.”
“Guess so.”
Mr. Carlton ended the meeting. Kari gathered her notebook, pen, and coffee mug before heading back to her office. She wondered if Ben would be coming alone or if he would be bringing some lucky lady.
She prayed he came alone. He’d broken the ice by talking to her in the meeting. Maybe they could get to know each other better over the weekend.
As she sat in her chair, she realized she was fooling herself. Ben would never be interested in a size 12 disfigured woman. Even if he did show an interest, Kari couldn’t take her clothes off for him. Her scars were a reminder that she’d never have a love life again. It was bad enough that the memories of that horrible night still haunted her; visible scars stared back from the mirror. They screamed at her, taunting that she’d be lonely the rest of her life.
* * * * *
Try as she might, Kari couldn’t find a way out of the weekend. She packed enough clothes for the overnight excursion. Maybe she could feign sickness later in the evening. Surely Mr. Carlton would understand her leaving if she was sick.
Kari parked her car in the parking lot just above the boat launch. Grabbing her overnight bag from the trunk, she made her way to the dock. There wasn’t anyone waiting, and the boat ferrying people to the island was nowhere in sight.
She set her bag down and leaned against a wooden pole, waiting for the boat to return. The warm sun cascaded its rays down on her. Sweat beaded on her forehead. She’d have to remove the sweater she’d worn over her tank top soon.
“Hey, are you waiting for the boat?”
Wariness crept into her body. Kari was certain she knew that voice but prayed it wasn’t him.
She used her hand to shade the sun from her eyes; even with sunglasses, the brightness was blinding. She looked toward the voice calling her name. Sure enough, it was Ben. He wasn’t alone; he was with another guy, who appeared to be around five-ten, Ben’s height. He had jet-black hair, a contrast to Ben’s sandy blond.
They dressed like twins in khaki cargo shorts and tight T-shirts. Ben’s was hunter green, and his friend’s an orange color. As they drew nearer, she noticed they moved in sync. Were they lovers? Their motions were as familiar as a couple. She dismissed the idea. Ben had seemed interested in her during the conference. He couldn’t be gay. They each carried backpacks in one hand and a cooler in the other, swinging it as they walked.
She hadn’t thought about bringing anything to drink. She had assumed Mr. Carlton would provide all the food and drinks they needed.
“Hey, Ben,” she said as they drew nearer.
“This is Adam. Adam, this is Kari. We work on the project management team together.”
“Nice to meet you, Kari.”
He placed the cooler on the ground and offered her a hand. She accepted. Tingling sensations filled her body. She pulled her hand back quickly, afraid he’d sense her arousal at his touch.
“The boat’s not here right now,” she said, looking out at the water.
“We’re not taking Mr. Carlton’s boat,” Ben said. “I have my own. Want to join us?”
Absolutely not!
She was not getting into a boat with these two gorgeous guys.
“Thanks for the offer, but I’ll wait for the boat.”
“Are you sure? There’s no one else here. At least you can talk to us on the ride over.”
Ben had a point, but Kari couldn’t get her mind off him. Being on a boat making small talk should produce warm, fuzzy emotions, but she was nervous. She didn’t know what to talk about with either of them.
“Come on,” Adam urged. “We won’t bite.”
Too bad.
What the hell was she thinking? Neither of them would be interested in her.
Kari swung her head toward Ben. He’d moved to her side and whispered softly. Was she imagining it, or was there desire in his eyes? He looked like he was undressing her with those crystal blue eyes. For a moment she allowed herself to be mesmerized.
She swallowed the moan that threatened to escape and said, “Yes, please.”
Adam touched her arm, and Kari felt faint. How could she resist when they were practically begging?
“Okay, you’ve convinced me. I’ll go with you guys.” She took a step back, regaining some of her personal space. She couldn’t help but wonder if she’d made the right decision.

BDSM Excerpt Week – Shifter’s Station Collection
Oct 4, 2012
Filed under: BDSM, BDSM Excerpt Week, D/s, erotica, men in uniform, menage, paranormal, sci fi, shapeshifter
Shifter’s Station Collection by Silvia Violet
Years ago, the Terran Government betrayed special forces officer Marc Devlin, forcing him to flee for his life. He rescued several fellow officers and built a new life as the head of his own mercenary force. When he captures a beautiful Cerian diplomat, he thinks to torture the man to learn Cerian secrets. Instead, he finds a lover. Months later, Marc and his Cerian lover, Kirlos, take a young woman captive, fearful she might be an agent of one of Marc’s oldest enemies. The two men strike a bargain with her that lands her in their bed for a month. As they dole out exquisite torment with their Cerian sex table, passion builds and turns to love. But Marc and Kirlos must fight to keep her and the life they’ve made for themselves.
This e-book collection contains the previously released Shifter’s Station series novellas Pilot’s Bargain, Pilot’s Heart, Loving the Enemy, and Eye of the Tigress.
*Warning: This is an X-rated excerpt*
Excerpt from Book 2: Pilot’s Heart
“I want you at the side of the table.” Larissa didn’t move, unsure if Devlin were directing her or Kirlos. “Now. Both of you.”
Larissa took a deep breath as she stepped up to the long side of the Cerian sex table Anticipation zinged through her body. She’d expected a simple spanking but Devlin obviously had something more complex in mind. Whatever it was, it would ultimately be delicious but with his current mood, she knew he would work them both over thoroughly first. She glanced over her shoulder at him. Why did he have to look his finest when he was about to deal out pain?
“Table, take their wrists and stretch them out.”
Tentacles snaked out and captured Larissa’s wrists. They pulled her forward until her chest lay flat on the table. She raised her head enough to see Kirlos lying beside her in the same position.
“Secure their ankles.”
More tentacles slid over the side of the table and dangled down until they reached her feet. They wrapped her ankles to two of the numerous thin legs that supported the table. Devlin leaned forward and caressed her spine. “Ready?”
She nodded and sucked in her breath.
Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him take something out of the drawer at the end of the table. But before she could register what she saw, he cracked it against her ass. Lines of fire sizzled down her legs and up her spine. Gods of earth, it was his most wicked crop. It had a large, soft, leather loop at the end that delivered a fiendish sting.
He caressed her other buttock with the tip. She tensed, waiting for the blow. She heard it snap but didn’t feel any pain. Then she realized he’d hit Kirlos. She opened her eyes and peeked at the Cerian, watching him as Devlin nailed his ass again and again. Kirlos’s teeth sank deeply into his dark, red lips. His ribs expanded and contracted rapidly, but he didn’t make a sound. He loved to make Devlin work for the cries the captain wanted to hear.
She was so mesmerized by Kirlos’s beauty that she failed to notice Devlin shifting his attention to her. His blow caught her by surprise, and she screamed. The sound echoed in the room. She forced herself to focus on the sound rather than the fire on her ass. Devlin kept the blows coming fast and hard.
Finally, he stopped. Larissa floated, feeling lost and unaware until Devlin laid his hand on her back. “Deep breaths.”
She obeyed without thought. Pushing his hand up as she pulled air in until her lungs could take no more. Then, Devlin pushed his hand down, forcing her to exhale. “You’re mine, and I will protect you.”
His voice had a haunted edge to it. She wanted to turn over and pull him into her arms. She longed for him to accept the comfort she wanted to give. But sending her to heights of sensation and pleasure was his way of working through his emotions,. She smiled as she thought how life with him could be a lot worse.
Pleasure rushed in to fill the void of sensation as her pain receded. She squirmed her hips against the side of the table. Devlin slapped her sore ass with his palm. “Don’t move”. She fought for control as her body screamed for release..
Devlin slipped two fingers inside her and pumped them in and out. She pushed back against him. Another slap with his hand. “I said don’t move.” He drew the nails of his other hand slowly, deliberately across her welted ass. She sucked in her breath and squeezed her eyes shut, fighting the pain.
“Relax and breathe.” Devlin wiggled the fingers he’d kept inside her, curling them against her g-spot. She panted. How could she possibly relax if he expected her to stay still?
“Table, wrap her hips.” A tentacle streamed out and circled her upper thighs right under her buttocks, pinning her to the side of the table. Devlin worked his fingers under it and started plundering her again.
She gasped as he flexed his fingers, filling and stretching her. As he kept driving in and out, she fought the growing wave of orgasm, knowing he would expect her to wait for permission.
Buy it at Changeling Press.
Buy it at Amazon
Buy it at ARe

Dinner with a Hero – Marc Devlin
Oct 21, 2011
Filed under: BDSM, D/s, excerpts, m/m, menage, paranormal, sci fi, shapeshifter, werewolf
Today I’ll be cooking for Marc Devlin, captain of Shifter’s Station. The four stories in this collection are some of my earliest publications and Marc is a character I think about a lot. Though he’s not always good at expressing it, the love he has for Kirlos and Larissa moves me to tears when I look back at these stories.
Marc grew up in a coastal Terran town and often laments that he can’t get good Terran seafood on his remote space station. Tender, melt in your mouth scallops are his favorite so I’ll make those, coconut couscous, and roasted asparagus. We’ll finish the meal with a dense piece of cheesecake with cherry topping.
I love these seared scallops from Alton Brown.
Coconut milk gives couscous a delicious creamy flavor.
Roated Asparagus: Break off tough ends of asparagus stalks. If you hold the stalk in the middle and snap the end with the other hand, it will usually break in the right place. Place the stalks on a foil-line baking sheet. Drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with coarse salt. Place under the broiler for approximately 10 minutes or until they start to brown and are tender.
This cherry cheesecake is amazing!
Excerpt from Book 1 of the Shifter’s Station Collection
Available from Amazon, ARe, and Changeling Press
The commander cut off whatever Captain Devlin was going to say. “I have the ability to probe your mind to determine if you’re telling the truth. And if you are lying, I can compel the truth from you.”
Larissa studied him for a moment. He seemed sincere and somewhat dismayed by the captain’s brusque manner. “Do it.”
She felt pressure on her head, as if someone were mashing the heel of their hand against her forehead. Then the pressure turned to pain. It grew sharper until it felt like a needle was boring into her skull.
She felt tension radiating from Adesta. “Stop fighting it.”
“I… can’t. I don’t –”
Then the pain spread as if her skull had cracked. She fell to her knees, panting. The world began to go black. But just before she passed out, the pain disappeared.
“Fires of hell, she’s strong.”
The captain snorted. “Did you get through?”
“Yes, she’s telling the truth.”
Thank the gods. They would have to let her go now. Larissa heard the men speaking, but they sounded very far away. A dull pounding still echoed in her head. Nothing like the tearing pain of the scan, but she still wasn’t sure she could stand.
Then she felt a hand on her arm. It was the commander. She wanted to refuse his assistance, but she didn’t want to be on her knees in front of the captain. He was arrogant enough without her prostrating herself like a slave.
When the commander helped her to her feet, she stepped away and forced herself to focus on Devlin. His dark eyes were narrow and cold. “Who taught you to shield your thoughts?”
“My boss.”
Devlin raised his brows. “You need this ability often on cargo runs?”
“When you take these kinds of jobs, you do.”
He laughed. “I suppose you are right. Federated Transport isn’t exactly a legitimate business.”
“And yours is?”
Adesta’s lips curled into a wicked smile. “You seem to be losing your touch, Captain. You usually have them trembling in their boots by now.”
Larissa just managed to keep from rolling her eyes. The captain might be one delightfully put together man, but she had no intention of rolling over for him. “Can I go now?”
Devlin scowled. “No.”
“The commander has established my innocence.”
“He has established that you were unaware that the weapons were faulty. But I still have one dead crewman and several more injured. Someone has to pay.”
“Yes. That someone is my bastard of a boss.”
“But he’s not here, and you are.”
“Captain.” The warning glare in the commander’s eyes gave Larissa hope he might convince his superior to let her go.
“She stays.”
Larissa’s heart pounded. “You can’t be serious.”
He gave a cold smile. “I’m always serious.”
Larissa clasped her hands behind her back to hide their shaking. “You can’t just keep me here.”
“I can do anything I damn well please.”
“But –”
The captain stepped toward her. She stabbed her nails into her palms, hoping the pain would dull her fear and help her hold her ground.
Devlin grasped the single braid that hung down her back and jerked her head to the side. “I am the law here. No one questions what I do. If I wanted to shove you out an airlock, that’s exactly what I’d do. No one would dare protest.”
She held her breath, and commanded her suddenly rubbery legs to keep her upright.
He let her go and stepped back. “Fortunately for you, I have something far more pleasant in mind as repayment for your crimes.”
Larissa’s lungs burned, but she couldn’t seem to fill them with air. She forced herself to look him in the eye. “I have no intention of letting you punish me for a crime I didn’t commit.”
Adesta smirked. “I like her spirit.”
The captain stared at her intently. “So do I. The spirited ones are so much more fun to break.”
Larissa’s heart hammered against her chest. She knew her eyes were wide and her fear shone all too plainly. She felt like a rabbit cornered by a wolf — a big bad wolf with plans to eat her.
Now why the hell did that thought make her body feel hot and tight? She was so damn wet she’d likely soaked through her flight suit. What was wrong with her?
Devlin took a long, deliberate inhale. “Mmm. I think she likes us more than she wants us to know.”
Shit! The last thing she needed was for him to be aware of how she was responding to them. She needed to convince them to let her go. But before she could think of anything to say, Devlin’s lips curled up in a wicked smile.
“Since you seem so interested in the issue of fairness, why don’t we strike a bargain?”
“What bargain would that be?” Larissa mentally cursed the quaver she heard in her voice.
His smile widened. “I will spend the next two hours convincing you that you want to stay. If you can resist, you go free. If you can’t, you agree to remain on the station as my servant for the next month.”
Larissa took a deep breath. Her initial reaction was to tell him to go to hell, but something told her this might be her only way off the station. “How will you convince me to stay?”
“That’s my secret, but you have my word you will come to no harm.”
“Why should I trust you?”
The captain’s face froze, and a sound too like an animal’s growl rose from his chest. Larissa glanced at Adesta. He shook his head. “I wouldn’t go down that road if I were you.”
“Fine. If I were to lose, which I have no intention of doing, how would you expect me to serve you?”
The captain’s smile returned instantly. “With every last inch of your naked body.”

Just Released! Shifter’s Galaxy: Accommodating Desire
May 19, 2011
Filed under: BDSM, book release, erotica, menage, paranormal, sci fi, shapeshifter
Tags: BDSM, erotic romance, erotica, m/m/f, menage, panther shifter, paranormal romance, sci fi, sci fi romance
Here’s a second excerpt from my brand new m/m/f, BDSM, sci fi release, Shifter’s Galaxy: Accommodating Desire. Read the first excerpt here.
Accommodating Desire by Silvia Violet
A sexy captain, his dominating security chief, an outrageous proposition. How could a girl say no?
Lucy Vasilia is the director of the Alkestis Market, a well run trading center catering to both legitimate and black market concerns. She’s not a woman who normally mixes business with pleasure, but shipping tycoon Ian Hadley’s dominating presence and cool control make her knees weak.
When he matter-of-factly proposes a three way with his lover, Security Chief Connor Langley, she decides to make an exception and give herself over to pleasure for an afternoon.
But Ian and his dark, dominating lover want far more from her than a few hours’ dalliance. They intend to make her acknowledge their soul-deep connection, and they won’t be satisfied until they’ve claimed her in every possible way.
Ian ran a hand over her hair. “I do believe Langley enjoyed the show. You may stand and turn so he can get a better look at you.”
Lucy did as he asked. Hot desire stabbed through her core, and her legs shook as
she got her feet under her. Her pussy was so wet from the delicious taste of
Ian’s cock that she could feel moisture on her inner thighs. She thrummed with
need to look at Langley, but she knew what he and Ian expected, and she craved
their mastery even more.
After several long seconds, Langley spoke. “Look at me.”
She raised her eyes slowly, taking in the supple leather boots that encased his
lower legs, the powerful straining muscles of his thighs. The massive erection
outlined so clearly by his tight leather pants. His flat stomach and wide
Finally, she looked at his beautiful face. His long black hair was pulled back
in a tight braid and his forest green eyes showed a combination of hot need and
icy control that made her stomach flip flop. Ian’s dominance made her squirm,
but this man might be able to touch her very soul.
Ian ran a finger slowly down her spine. She couldn’t help but arch into his
touch. Langley smiled and she feared she might melt into a puddle.
Buy it here.

Coming Soon! Shifter’s Galaxy: Accommodating Desire
May 15, 2011
Filed under: BDSM, book release, erotica, excerpts, menage, paranormal, sci fi, shapeshifter
Tags: BDSM, panther shifter, paranormal, paranormal romance, sci fi romance, shapeshifters, spanking
Shifter’s Galaxy: Accommodating Desire is an m/m/f BDSM sci fi story set in the same world world of my Shifter’s Station collection and it’s coming your way in less than a week. Here’s a little sneak peak…..
Shifter’s Galaxy: Accommodating Desire
by Silvia Violet
Ian Hadley opened the door to the reception area for the Alkestis offices. A Vindolesian with the characteristic grass green hair and onyx eyes burst out of Ms Vasilia’s office. “Stupid bitch,” he yelled as he threw a nano tablet at the receptionist, narrowly missing her head. “If that slut thinks she can keep us out of her fucking market, she’s even stupider than I thought.”
Ian stepped into his path. “You would be wise to retract that last statement.”
The Vindo shoved at Ian’s chest. “Fuck off, asshole.”
In one swift motion Ian drew his plasma gun and shoved the man up against the wall, weapon pressed under his chin. “If I or one of my employees hear you refer to Ms. Vasilia like that again, those will be the last words you ever speak.”
“Jeez, lighten up man. You fucking her or something?” Ian shoved the weapon harder against the man’s chin. The Vindo made a choked gasp. “Fine. Fine. I’ll lay off your girlfriend.”
“I respect the women I do business with, and I will defend their honor even if that means some asshole has to die. Don’t let me see you on this station again.”
Ian stepped back and the Vindo scrambled to the door and disappeared down the corridor.
Lucy Vasilia electronically signed a document and folded her nano tablet before looking up at Ian Hadley. She made a final, slow perusal of his well-toned physique, suppressing a sigh that their meeting had come to an end. “That should conclude our business. I’ve sent a copy of the contract to your ship’s computer.”
He smiled, a slow, sensuous curve of his lips. “Excellent.” He made no move to leave her office.
“Did you have further questions?” Lucy managed to keep her tone professional though he made her want to purr.
“I do have one question.” He paused, his bright blue eyes hot and unrelenting. “Would you like company?”
Lucy titled her head and stared at him. “For what?”
His smile deepened. “When I fuck you.”
Lucy sucked in her breath. “Presumptuous, aren’t you?”
“I’ve seen your eyes drifting down to my cock. You want this as much as I do.”
She stared pointedly at his crotch. His erection threatened to burst one of the seams of his expensive suit. “You certainly are making a rather impressive display.”
He smirked. “Indeed.”
“I assume you’d like your Head of Security to join us?”
“Ah, so you did do your homework.”
“I never meet with anyone I haven’t researched thoroughly. You hired Langley at Captain Devlin’s suggestion.” It was a statement, not a question.
Ian nodded. “Devlin said to tell you hello by the way.”
“Did he indeed? I take it Chief Langley isn’t fully human.”
Ian shook his head. “He’s not, but I have the impression you won’t be disturbed by his particular needs.”
She grinned. “I’m not as fragile as I look.”
“I never thought you were. So what will it be? How much hard use are you game for today?”
She nearly choked. “I can take whatever you and your lover want to give.”
“You may live to regret that statement. When?”
She held up a finger signaling him to wait and pressed a button on her desk unit, paging her receptionist. “Cynthia.”
“Yes, Director?”
“Cancel my next two appointments.”
Ian raised his brows, studying her curiously.
A sharp voiced erupted from the comm. Unit. “With all due respect, Director, the delegation from-“
“My business with Mr. Hadley is taking longer than expected. I will simply have to reschedule.”
“Yes, Director.” Cynthia sounded resigned.
Lucy looked at Ian, fighting the urge to tremble. The sexual heat in his eyes was devastating. She’d never slept with a business associate, and she’d certainly never cancelled an appointment so she could get a quick fuck in her office.
Then again, she couldn’t recall a man who’d ever turned her on as hard and fast as Ian did. She’d glimpsed him with his lover as she’d headed to dinner the night before. Connor Langley was a glorious mix of beauty and pure animal power. He moved with a panther’s grace, but she had no doubt he could kill most men one-handed. She’d been working her ass off. She deserved a treat. “Call Langley now.”
He pressed a button on his wrist unit. “Langley, you’re needed in the Director’s office.”
“Is there a problem, sir?”
“No, we are simply in need of a . . . consultation.”
“I will be right there, sir, ” Langley responded.
Learn more here.

Writing Update
May 2, 2011
Filed under: BDSM, book release, erotica, eye candy, m/m, menage, paranormal, shapeshifter, writing
Tags: BDSM, Changeling Press, erotic romance, erotica, eye candy, gay romance, john barrowman, Loose Id, m/m romance, menage, paranormal, paranormal romance, sci fi, shapeshifters, writing
Coming Soon:
Shifter’s Galaxy: Accommodating Desire, an m/m/f short story, will be available very soon from Changeling Press. I loved having the chance to revisit my Shifter’s Station world with this story, and I’ve got several more story ideas for this spin off series. Here’s an unofficial blurb:
Shifter’s Galaxy: Accommodating Desire by Silvia Violet
Lucy Vasilia is the director of the Alkestis Market, a well-run trading center
catering to both legitimate and black market concerns. She’s not a woman who
normally mixes business with pleasure, but shipping tycoon, Ian Hadley’s
dominating presence and cool control make her knees weak. When he
matter-of-factly proposes a three way with his lover, Security Chief, Connor
Langley, she decides to make an exception and give herself over to pleasure
for an afternoon. But Ian and his dark, dominating lover want far more from
her than a few hour’s dalliance. They intend to make her acknowledge their
soul-deep connection, and they won’t be satisfied until they’ve claimed her in
every possible way.
Seduction of the Captain, a BDSM sci fi set in the same world as Surrender in the Dark, will be coming your way this summer.
Works in Progress
I’m currently working on Protect and Serve: Sex on the Hoof. This is Jason, Natalie’s brother from Savage Wolf‘s, story. I love writing for this series and Jason and his lover, Drew, are a roller coaster ride of humor, angst, and dirty fun.
I’ve got lots of other projects bouncing around in my head. But I think once Sex on the Hoof is done, I’ll be focused on Wet: Reef’s Guardian, part of an upcoming multi-author series for Changeling. I know this one is going to be fun because one of the characters is a cuttlefish shifter. Oh the things I’ll be able to do with that 🙂
After that I’ve got a m/m Christmas story that’s been begging for my attention as well as one featuring intergalactic spies, betrayal, confusion and seriously hot sex.