Archive for the ‘book release’ Category
Hump Day Eye Candy, April 25
Apr 25, 2012
Filed under: book release, eye candy, Sexy Mind Blog Hop
Some kilted hotness in honor of my kilt-wearing hero from Astronomical.
Today is Day 3 of the A Sexy Mind Blog Hop. Head on over to SJD Peterson’s blog to meet George and Max from Freddy MacKay’s Moving Mountains. If you need to catch up, Greg and Blake from Astronomical were at Freddy’s blog on Monday and Jo’s Matty and Jay from Always MJ were here yesterday. Check out all three posts for chances to win these awesome books!

A Sexy Mind Blog Hop – Matty and Jay from Always MJ
Apr 24, 2012
Filed under: book release, contemporary, guest blogger, interview, m/m, Sexy Mind Blog Hop
It’s Day 2 of the A Sexy Mind Blog Hop and I’m thrilled to welcome SJD Peterson (Jo) to my blog. Actually Jo doesn’t really get any screen time today. Matty and Jay, the very intriguing heroes of Always MJ, have taken over and they’re answering some questions and heating things up. But first, here’s a little more about their story.
Always MJ by SJD Peterson
Matthew Jonathon Parker planned every aspect of his day. From the time he woke up until the exact minute he crawled back into bed, his day was set. He wasn’t the kind of man to seek out other men in chat rooms. He certainly wasn’t the type to fall in love with someone he only knew from typed words.
After a six-month online affair, Matty agrees to meet Jay in Florida for a weekend getaway. Only Jay isn’t what Matty expected; although, perhaps he should have known it was too good to be true.
After all, Jay’s screen name AlwaysMJ stands for ‘Always making jokes’–or does it?
And now on to the interview….
Do you have a nickname? What is it, and where did you get it?
MJ: Matty. I’ve always been called Matty, it’s just short for Matthew.
J: None I can say here. I promised Matty I’d behave.
What do you wear when you go to sleep?
J: Matty.
MJ: What the hell? You can’t wear me.
J: Sure I can. You drape yourself all over me like a blanket. Matty is a major cuddler. No clothes allowed in our bed. I love neekid cuddling.
MJ: ~blushes~
In your opinion, what is your best feature? What is your partner’s best feature?
MJ: My best feature is my brain for sure.
J: Pfft, his ass is by far his best feature.
MJ: You said you love my eyes.
J: Yeah I did, I said I love looking into your eyes when I’m pounding—
MJ: ~glares~ Shut it!!
J: So what’s my best feature?
MJ: I was going to say your mouth, but that will only get you talking all naughty again, so I’ll go with eyes.
Do you have a job? What is it? Do you like it? If no job, where does your money come from?
MJ: Director of Finance and yeah I like my job.
J: Kept man.
MJ: You are not. He’s a software consultant; he just wishes he were a kept man since he hates traveling.
J: No I don’t hate traveling, I hate leaving you.
MJ: Interview over? That needs a special kind of thank you.
J: Not yet, but hot damn I’m getting lucky after this!
What is your boss or employer like?
MJ: He can be a pain in the ass sometimes. Always wanting to know what I’m doing, where I’ve been, when I’m coming over for dinner.
J: Yeah your dad is worse than your mom is. Matty is a daddy’s boy! My boss on the other hand is super-hot, great in bed and a fricken genius.
M: Ego much?
J: You saying I’m not super-hot and great in bed?
Do you tend to save or spend your money? Why?
MJ: I’m a finance specialist, of course I save money. Not any easy thing to do with him around.
J: I like to keep up on the latest technologies.
MJ: No you have a freaky electronics fetish.
J: How else am I going to make, edit and share my homemade porn videos?
MJ: What!
J: Simmer down tiger, I’m only kidding. ~whispers~ about the sharing part.
What song is “your song?” Why?
MJ: Closer to the Edge by 30 seconds to Mars. Fricken love that song, no regrets and I’m living my life the way I want.
J: Oh good song choice, Matty.
MJ: Thanks and yours is?
J: Let’s get it on, by Marvin Gaye and duh! ~starts singing to Matty~ “Don’t you know how sweet and wonderful life can be? I’m asking you, baby, to get it on with me”
MJ: Hell yeah! Interview is over! Bye!
J: ~Races after Matty~
I can’t wait to learn more about these guys! I bet you can’t either. If you’d like to be entered to win a copy of the book, leave a comment with your email and the answer to this question: What is Matty (MJ)’s job?
If you missed the blog hop kick off with Blake and Greg from Astronomical, hop on over to Freddy MacKay’s blog and check it out. Then tomorrow, head to Jo’s blog for a taste of Freddy’s men from Moving Mountains.

A Sexy Mind Blog Hop Starts Today!
Apr 23, 2012
Filed under: book release, contemporary, D/s, interview, m/m, Sexy Mind Blog Hop
Freddy MacKay, SJD Peterson and I are hopping around this week, counting down to the release of our Sexy Mind stories from Silver Publishing. Today I’m over at Freddy’s blog where Blake and Greg from my story, Astronomical, are answering some questions. So head over there to learn more about this sexy pair. You can enter to win a copy of Astronomical while you’re there.
Tomorrow, SJD Peterson will be here and we’ve got some awesome plans and a nice surprise coming up later this week.

Awesome review for Abandoned!
Apr 2, 2012
Filed under: BDSM, book release, D/s, erotica, m/m, review, sci fi
Serena Yates at QMO Books has this to say about Abandoned:
“it starts on a high of tension and doesn’t let up. Not for a single second. This is one of those books where I have to take a deep breath at the end because I feel as if I’ve forgotten to breathe as I was reading.”
“Perfect cloak and dagger – involving me totally and making me feel as if I was right in the middle of the mess these two had maneuvered themselves into. ”
Read the entire review here.

Abandoned is Available Now!
Mar 26, 2012
Filed under: book release, D/s, excerpts, m/m, sci fi
Abandoned by Silvia Violet
Now available from Silver Publishing!
Lark Zaccaro and Derek Carlson were partners and friends. Lark wanted more. Then someone at the Intergalactic Investigations Bureau sold them out to enemy aliens. Lark was forced to abandon Derek to the enemy, and Derek bought the IIB’s story that Lark betrayed them all.
When Lark’s deep cover mission and Derek’s new job in search-and-rescue collide, the desire simmering between them explodes. Lark needs Derek’s help to escape a new enemy, and Derek needs to discover the truth about what really happened on that alien planet. Can they overcome lies and betrayal and find the love and comfort they seek, or will their past forever keep them apart?
Lark Zaccaro smiled as he stepped out of the dripping jungle heat and into the prison building. Even inside, the stale air was so splyvin’ hot it belonged in an oven. He didn’t know how anyone could breathe. Not that he was supposed to give a fuck if his prisoners got air or not. He took as deep a breath as he could and headed straight for the interrogation room.
A few hours earlier, his guards had discovered a man crouched in the underbrush, spying on their enclave. Lark’s morning had been hell so far, and a vicious interrogation suited his mood perfectly. The two guards flanking the door stepped aside, so he could enter what was truly more of a torture chamber than an interrogation room. At least that’s what it had been for his predecessor, and the longer Lark lived on Lancarina, the more he found himself becoming like the man he’d assassinated and replaced. He pushed that disturbing thought away. He wouldn’t dwell on how low he’d sunk since he’d left his partner to die in a Lithusian prison cell.
The captive hung from the ceiling, suspended by a heavy chain circling his bound wrists. His toes barely scraped the floor, forcing his arms to support the weight of his large body. The dirty chain bit into his wrists, and blood dripped down his arms. In this squalid jungle, he’d have a deadly infection in no time. Lark would have to do something about that. The man had a ship with advanced defenses. Thus, he was Lark’s ticket off this cesspool of a planet.
The man’s clothes hung in shreds, and Lark couldn’t help but admire his muscular body. His gaze slid over the captive’s hard thighs, the impressive bulge in his pants, and the well-defined and disturbingly familiar planes of his chest. When he saw the man’s face, he froze. No. It couldn’t be. His former partner would have no reason to be here. But Derek Carlson, the man who had haunted Lark’s nightmares and his fantasies every day for the six Old Earth months he been in this hellhole, was right in front of him. Chained. Suspended. His to do with as he pleased.
Lark’s cock hardened, pressing against the confines of his pants. His body knew what it wanted from Derek, but his mind was less sure. Retribution? Forgiveness? A hot fuck before he threw him in prison to rot? Salvation? His gut knotted at that thought, and he fought to keep his guards from noticing how off-kilter he was. He had to play his role, not rush this moment.
There would be time later, in his private quarters, to decide what he wanted to know and how he was going to get the information. If the vessel they had captured in the jungle was Derek’s private-issue ship, then he’d finally forsaken the lying scum at the Intergalactic Investigation Bureau. They might say their mission is to protect everyone in the five galaxies, but they only care about protecting their own asses. Lark intended to find out why Derek had left, but his guards would play no part in that interrogation. Derek was his.
Lark took a few steps toward the prisoner and studied him. He’d wanted him for years, from the moment they were assigned to work with each other at the IIB. Derek had turned down all his advances, saying they should keep their relationship professional. But now Derek was his prisoner, not his partner. If he wanted to live, he’d do whatever Lark told him to.
From the way Derek hung limply in his bonds, he was either unconscious or doing an excellent job of faking it. His former partner had fought hard from the look of him. A livid bruise stood out on one cheek and purple splotches decorated his ribs. A deep gash on his arm had dripped blood trails that were now dry. He would have to tend to Derek’s wounds.
Lark needed the man’s piloting skills. If he were going to kill Derek for believing those liars from the IIB when they told him Lark had turned traitor, he intended to do so with his own hands–after they got off planet. Fortunately, he kept a fully stocked first aid cabinet in his quarters. He just needed to find a way to get Derek there without making his men suspicious.
Nothing but fear and the promise of a huge payoff on their next deal kept Lark’s men from turning on him, in the same way he’d turned on the man he had been sent here to investigate. He pulled a long, thin blade from his boot and pretended to examine the sharp edge as he circled Derek. He had to suppress a gasp when he saw the maze of scars criss-crossing Derek’s back. If he let himself think about how Derek got those, he might be sick right here.
“Leave us,” he said to the guards who were eyeing the prisoner in obvious hope of getting some play time.
When they didn’t move, Lark turned on them. “Is something wrong with your ears? I said eave.”
The less hostile of the two started for the door, but Grant, the most likely candidate for leading a mutiny, stood his ground, clenching his fists. “The little shit bit me. I want a piece of him.”
“As I understand, it took four of you sorry fuckers to bring him down. I’m hardly going to reward your incompetence with a chance to get your rocks off.”

Abandoned is available for pre-order!
Mar 5, 2012
Filed under: BDSM, book release, D/s, erotica, excerpts, m/m, sci fi
Don’t you love this gorgeous cover by Reese Dante?
Abandoned is available for pre-order now.
Lark Zaccaro and Derek Carlson were partners and friends. Lark wanted more. Then someone at the Intergalactic Investigations Bureau sold them out to enemy aliens. Lark was forced to abandon Derek to the enemy, and Derek bought the IIB’s story that Lark betrayed them all.
When Lark’s deep cover mission and Derek’s new job in search-and-rescue collide, the desire simmering between them explodes. Lark needs Derek’s help to escape a new enemy, and Derek needs to discover the truth about what really happened on that alien planet. Can they overcome lies and betrayal and find the love and comfort they seek, or will their past forever keep them apart?
Unedited Excerpt:
Lark Zaccaro smiled as he stepped out of the dripping jungle heat, and into the
prison building. Even inside, the stale air was so splyvin’ hot it belonged in
an oven. He didn’t know how anyone could breathe. Not that he was supposed to
give a fuck if his prisoners got air or not. He took as deep a breath as he
could and headed straight for the interrogation room.
A few hours earlier, his guards had discovered a man crouched in the underbrush,
spying on their enclave. Lark’s morning had been hell so far, and a vicious
interrogation suited his mood perfectly. The two guards flanking the door
stepped aside, so he could enter what was truly more of a torture chamber than
an interrogation room. At least that’s what it had been for his predecessor, and
the longer Lark lived on Lancarina, the more he found himself becoming like the
man he’d assassinated and replaced. He pushed that disturbing thought away. He
wouldn’t dwell on how low he’d sunk since he’d left his partner to die in a
Lithusian prison cell.
The captive hung from the ceiling, suspended by a heavy chain circling his bound
wrists. His toes barely scraped the floor, forcing his arms to support the
weight of his large body. The dirty chain bit into his wrists, and blood dripped
down his arms. In this squalid jungle, he’d have a deadly infection in no time.
Lark would have to do something about that. The man had a ship with advanced
defenses. Thus, he was Lark’s ticket off this cesspool of a planet.
The man’s clothes hung in shreds, and Lark couldn’t help but admire his muscular
body. His gaze slid over the captive’s hard thighs, the impressive bulge in his
pants, and the well-defined and disturbingly familiar planes of his chest. When
he saw the man’s face, he froze. No. It couldn’t be. His former partner would
have no reason to be here. But Derek Carlson, the man who had haunted Lark’s
nightmares and his fantasies every day for the six Old Earth months he been in
this hellhole, was right in front of him. Chained. Suspended. His to do with as
he pleased.
Lark’s cock hardened, pressing against the confines of his pants. His body knew
what it wanted from Derek, but his mind was less sure. Retribution? Forgiveness?
A hot fuck before he threw him in prison to rot? Salvation? His gut knotted at
that thought, and he fought to keep his guards from noticing how off kilter he
was. He had to play his role, not rush this moment.
There would be time later, in his private quarters, to decide what he wanted to
know and how he was going to get the information. If the vessel they had
captured in the jungle was Derek’s private issue ship, then he’d finally
forsaken the lying scum at the Intergalactic Investigation Bureau. They might
say their mission is to protect everyone in the five galaxies, but they only
care about protecting their own asses. Lark intended to find out why Derek had
left, but his guards would play no part in that interrogation. Derek was his.
Lark took a few steps toward the prisoner and studied him. He’d wanted him for
years, from the moment they were assigned to work with each other at the IIB.
Derek had turned down all his advances, saying they should keep their
relationship professional. But now Derek was his prisoner, not his partner. If
he wanted to live, he’d do whatever Lark told him to.
From the way Derek limply hung in his bonds, he was either unconscious or doing
an excellent job of faking it. His former partner had fought hard from the look
of him. A livid bruise stood out on one cheek and purple splotches decorated his
ribs. A deep gash on his arm had dripped blood trails that were now dry. He
would have to tend to Derek’s wounds.
Lark needed the man’s piloting skills. If he were going to kill Derek for
believing those liars from the IIB when they told him Lark had turned traitor,
he intended to do so with his own hands after they got off planet. Fortunately,
he kept a fully stocked first aid cabinet in his quarters. He just needed to
find a way to get Derek there without making his men suspicious .
Nothing but fear and the promise of a huge payoff on their next deal kept Lark’s
men from turning on him, in the same way he’d turned on the man he had been sent
here to investigate. He pulled a long thin blade from his boot and pretended to
examine the sharp edge as he circled Derek. He had to suppress a gasp when he
saw the maze of scars criss-crossing Derek’s back. If he let himself think about
how Derek got those, he might be sick right here.
“Leave us,” he said to the guards who were eyeing the prisoner in obvious hope
of getting some play time.
Pre-order it now at Silver Publishing!

Holiday Recipe Extravaganza – Deep Dark Chocolate Truffles
Dec 15, 2011
Filed under: book release, holiday, Holiday Recipe Extravaganza, m/m, recipes, sweet treats
Tags: chocolate truffles, gay erotica, gay romance, holiday baking, m/m erotica, m/m romance
I adore David Lebovitz. He’s a witty writer and a creative genius with baked goods. So it’s no surprise that when I imagine the truffles that Ben makes in One Kiss, I’m imagining something very similar to this recipe from Daivd Lebovitz’s The Great Book of Chocolate.
Deep Dark Chocolate Truffles
3/4 cup heavy cream
8-10 oz bittersweet or semisweet baking chocolate, chopped
1-3 tsp cognac or another liqueur you enjoy
4 oz bittersweet or semisweet chocolate, chopped
1/2 cup cocoa powder
Bring cream just to a boil in a small saucepan. Remove from heat and stir in chocolate until melted. Stir in liqueur and transfer to a bowl. Let stand for two hours or until firm or chill in the fridge until firm and then allow it to warm slightly before using.
Use a melon baller to scoop the mixture into 3/4 in balls. Dip it in warm water before scooping to make scooping easier (You can use a soup spoon if you don’t have a melon baller.) Once all the mixture is scooped, roll the balls in your hands to smooth them.
Chill until firm.
Melt the 4oz of chocolate in a double boiler or very carefully in the microwave. Spread cocoa powder on a pie plate.
Now prepare to get a bit messy. (I like using my hands to make food. It adds to the sensual experience :)) Spread some of the melted chocolate in the palm of one hand. Roll one of the balls in the chocolate, keeping your other hand clean. Then drop the ball in the pie plate. Repeat until the pie plate is getting full. Then shake cocoa over the truffles on the plate. Shake them in a strainer to remove excess cocoa.
Serve them immediately or refrigerate for up to 10 days. Truffles make wonderful gifts as Ben knows well in One Kiss.
One Kiss by Silvia Violet
Jake Sanders comes home for Christmas after a dreary semester filled with sleepless nights and a cheating boyfriend. Finding a new man is the last thing on his mind until he discovers that Ben Swinburne now owns the bakery where they both once worked.
Five years ago, Jake and Ben shared a single kiss, and Jake has never forgotten the way Ben’s lips felt against his. When Ben catches Jake under the mistletoe, passion ignites between them.
This time around, Ben wants more than one kiss, but Jake isn’t sure he’s ready for another relationship. Can Jake move past his pain and open his heart, or will he miss out on a second chance with the man of his dreams?
For an excerpt and a sugar cookie recipe, click here.

Holiday Recipe Extravaganza – Sugar Cookies
Dec 11, 2011
Filed under: book release, contemporary, excerpts, holiday, Holiday Recipe Extravaganza, m/m, recipes, sweet treats
Tags: Christmas romance, gay romance, m/m romance, sugar cookies
Today I’m celebrating the release of my Christmas story, One Kiss. When I decided to write a Christmas story back in the heat of summer, I knew I wanted to highlight the significance of family traditions. One thing I loved about Christmas as a child were all the holiday activities we did in the same way year after year. They were as comforting to me as a steaming mug of cocoa.
With that seed in my mind, Ben and Jake’s story began to take form. As I got to know Jake’s family, I gave them some of my own traditions, some plucked from the Christmas traditions of friends, and some I’d like to try to add into our already crazy holidays.
One thing I did every Christmas when I was a child was make sugar cookies with my grandma. We used a recipe that my great aunt, Leola, had given my grandma when my mom was young. The recipe, written in my great aunt’s scrawly handwriting on a small card, is still in use in my house today. It is simply titled Good Cookies. Some years we dye the dough red and green as I usually did with my grandma and some years we leave it plain, but we always enjoy selecting the cookie cutters we want to use and decorating the cookies with lots of sprinkles.
Great Aunt Leola’s Good Cookies
1 cup butter
1.5 cups sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
3.5 cups flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
Preheat over to 350F. Cream butter and sugar until fluffy. Add eggs and vanilla. Mix until combined. Sift flour, baking powder, and salt together then add to butter mixture and stir until combined. Wrap dough in plastic wrap and chill for at least 3 hours. Then roll out dough, cut out cookies and bake until edges have a hint of brown, approximately 7 minutes. Cooking time will vary based on how thin you roll the dough.
One Kiss by Silvia Violet
Jake Sanders comes home for Christmas after a dreary semester filled with sleepless nights and a cheating boyfriend. Finding a new man is the last thing on his mind until he discovers that Ben Swinburne now owns the bakery where they both once worked.
Five years ago, Jake and Ben shared a single kiss, and Jake has never forgotten the way Ben’s lips felt against his. When Ben catches Jake under the mistletoe, passion ignites between them.
This time around, Ben wants more than one kiss, but Jake isn’t sure he’s ready for another relationship. Can Jake move past his pain and open his heart, or will he miss out on a second chance with the man of his dreams?
When I pulled into my parents’ driveway, I couldn’t help but smile at the crazy colored lights snaking along the roofline, outlining every window, and circling the porch columns. Strands of glittery reindeer lights covered the azaleas lining the front of the house, and bells tinkled in the breeze
My mom loved Christmas, and every year she sent my dad outside on the day after Thanksgiving with string after string of lights, admonishing him to cover every available space with them. I noted that this year, a bevy of penguins had joined the animatronic reindeer and polar bears on the lawn. I could imagine my dad shaking his head as he set them out. But making my mother happy made him happy. So no matter how much he grumbled about the decorations, he always did his best to turn our home into a winter wonderland.
It was good to be home. I’d been avoiding my family, using the excuse of my tough-as-hell vet school schedule, but really I’d been depressed ever since I got dumped by my cheating bastard of a boyfriend a few months ago. I wasn’t good company for anyone.
I grabbed my duffle bag and my laptop from the backseat and headed to the door smiling as one of the penguins greeted me with “Merry Christmas from Winterville”.
“Mom! I’m home!” I called as I pushed the door open.
“Jake!” She rushed from the kitchen wearing one of her Christmas aprons. This one was an appalling shade of green with little Santas all over it. She raced down the hall, and I gathered her up in a tight hug. Yep, it was good to be home.
I took a deep breath, drinking in the wonderful smells coming from the kitchen. “Chicken and dumplings?”
My mom smiled. “You know I always make your favorites when you come home.”
I gave her a kiss. “Thanks, Mom. Did you make chocolate cake too?”
She laughed. “That’s your sister’s treat, not that you won’t eat your share.”
“When will Lauren be here?” My sister and I had always been close and I regretted not calling her more in the last few months.
“Not for a few hours. Come on and put your things in your room.” My mom started up the stairs, and I followed, grinning at the greenery that circled the railing and imagining my dad complaining about the whole damn house smelling like a pine forest.
I slung my duffle bag on my old bed and set up my laptop as Mom chattered about old friends of mine who’d gotten married and former teachers who’d retired and other local tidbits. I was about to inquire about our plans for the next few days when she said, “You’ll never guess who bought Highland Bakery a few months ago.”
My heart sped up as it always did when I thought about the bakery. Remembering the years I’d worked there meant thinking about Ben, my high school crush. He was six years older than me, and he had refused to go out with me until I graduated. I’d counted the days waiting for my fantasies to come true. Then a few months before graduation he told me he’d finally saved up enough money for chef school. I was thrilled for him until I found out he’d be moving. We shared one amazing kiss that night. Just one kiss, but I’ve never forgotten the feel of his lips on mine.
“Marsha sold the place?” I asked as I untangled my laptop cord.
“I told you she was thinking about retiring.”
My heart beat even faster when I turned and saw that my mom had a look like she was up to something. “Who bought it?”
“Ben Swinburne.”
I had to force myself to swallow before I could respond. “Really?”
She smiled slyly. “Yes. He’d been working as a pastry chef at a restaurant in Atlanta, but he wanted his own place.”
I nodded. “He dreamed about that back when I knew him.” Lusted after him. Dreamed about him.
“You should go see him. You’ve got plenty of time before Lauren gets here.”
My heart pounded so hard I wondered if it could bruise my ribs. What was wrong with me? I hadn’t seen Ben in over five years, but the thought of him still made me feel like a confused eighteen-year-old. I hated myself for being such a fucking coward. I would have to face him sooner or later. I’d be home for over a week. No way would mom give up on the idea now. But I needed more time to prepare myself. “I don’t think so. I’d rather unpack, settle in.”
Mom frowned. “Are you sure? He’s made some renovations, and he’s very proud of the place. You should go see what he’s done. You were such good friends.”
Yep, she wasn’t going to let the idea go. “Another day maybe.”
Mom cocked her head to the side, studying me. That always meant trouble. “Were you more than friends?”‘
“Mom!” I groaned. “No.”
“Well, I think he’s a nice boy.” Boy? He would be nearly thirty now, and even in his early twenties Ben Swinburne had been no boy.
“Mom, are you trying to set me up?” I’m fortunate in my family’s acceptance of me. When I’d come out to them right before college my parents and sister had shown nothing but support. I shouldn’t resent my mom’s interference in my love life. She was only showing me the same consideration she gave my sister Lauren, but I really didn’t want to talk about guys with my mother.
Mom smiled, still looking devious. “Of course not. But Ben did ask about you.”
“He did?” My mom’s eyes twinkled. Damn, I sounded way too eager.
Buy it here.

Holiday Recipe Extravaganza – Lee Brazil and Havan Fellows
Dec 2, 2011
Filed under: book release, guest blogger, holiday, Holiday Recipe Extravaganza, m/m, recipes, sweet treats
*Knock-knock* Hey, Silvia! I hope you don’t mind, I brought Havan with me and we brought you a sampler basket!
*bounces in and kisses Silvia on both her perfect cheekboned cheeks* He won’t let me peek in the basket! Something about things going missing last time and him having to spend all night fixing it…*eye roll as I hip bump my muse and reach for basket*
Yum! I love sampling and Havan is always welcome here 🙂
Christmas is cookies for me. My mom baked several kinds, but a few years back I encountered a lady who baked a dozen different kinds of cookies at the holiday season for give-away baskets, and she showed me how to do this. This particular cookie *points to chocolate caramel cookie about to disappear into Havan’s mouth* is one of my favorites.
*slips cookie back in basket and hangs head mumbling* it’s not my fault she taught you so well!
You see, these are so easy to make. They’re really just a throw together!
Chocolate Caramel Wafers
1 14 oz package of caramels
¼ cup evaporated milk
1 12 oz package of vanilla wafers
8 plain milk chocolate candy bars
chopped pecans
1. Place caramels and evaporated milk in a microwave-safe bowl. Microwave, uncovered, on high until melted (~ 2 minutes) Stir until smooth. Spread caramel over top of cookies. Place cookies on ungreased baking sheets.
2. Top each cookie with a chocolate square. Place in a 225 degree oven for 1-2 minutes or until the chocolate is melted. Spread with a knife. Sprinkle with pecans.
I guess I have cookie collections on the mind because Story Orgy has anthologies coming out this month.
Ooooh 2 Silvia…*bouncing and clapping hands*…we have 2 coming out this month!
Yay for more Story Orgy goodness!
A collection of stories, with something for everyone! Just like a cookie basket has something for everyone!
And this one is calling my name…it would be downright rude to ignore its plea, and Lee, you don’t like me being rude! *giggles and snatches chocolate caramel cookie back from basket…takes a bite and sighs in bliss*
Today, Word Play, The Story Orgy’s new anthology from Breathless Pressreleases.
Here’s a look at what’s inside this collection!
Yay! I love previews! *cops a squat and snags another cookie…dragging Silvia and Lee down with me*
Havan Fellows
Harlan’s Ryde
Ryder made a mistake Harlan can’t forgive. Will Ryder cross a line no man should cross to obtain a second chance?
Ryder Halloway made a life changing decision about his relationship with Harlan when he was young and stupid. Thanks to one rash moment, he lost it all. He lost the only man he would ever love, his drive to even try to finish college and his zest for life.
Seven years later finds him in front of Harlan’s house preparing to take back what he lost with a vengeance. He’s prepared to use all the tricks in his arsenal to plow through every wall, protest and excuse Harlan might come up with.
Of course, he never expected Harlan to put him in the hospital …
Harlan Mychels had his heart broken in college by the popular Ryder. He learned his lesson about love and since then hasn’t allowed anyone even remotely close to his heart. Then one morning he turns and sees the one person able to tear his walls down and destroy what is left of it.
He uses every defensive tactic in his possession to keep Ryder at arm’s length, but Ryder is persistent. Harlan’s not sure if he can stay safe from heartache … and he starts wondering what the real heartache is – letting Ryder in again … or letting him go for good.
Em Woods
Harper’s Discovery
When Harper finally sees the light and dumps his cheating boyfriend, can Pitt convince Harper to trust him enough to let it all go?
When Harper Evans discovers his boyfriend in yet another bar with yet another Joe, he makes the final break and kicks him out. More relieved than heart-broke, Harper turns his attention to the letter burning a hole in his pocket that could mean a fresh start across the country.
Pitt Mullen has been looking for just such an opportunity and pounces on it – and Harper – when it shows up. But not everything is as it appears. When Pitt gets a late night call and rushes to another, will Harper understand or cut his ties before he listens to the truth?
Hank Edwards
Wicked Reflection
A sexy, bad boy neighbor, a handsome detective investigating an unsolved murder, and ghostly warnings help Kirk uncover the deadly secret within his new house.
Kirk Stanford’s realtor never mentioned certain features of his new home during the walk through, such as mysterious rooms and brutal secrets. All Kirk knows is he has a lot of unpacking to do and a handsome, bad boy neighbor seems to have taken an interest in him.
But then the warnings begin to appear, written in steam on the bathroom mirror. At first, Kirk dismisses the messages, but when a prowler attempts to break into his house, and a handsome private detective shows up asking questions about the murder, Kirk realizes how much danger he is in. He’s invested too much money in his new house to just walk away, so his only choice now is to figure out for himself who the murderer is and what he still wants out of his house.
Dark secrets come to light and Kirk is forced to put his trust in a supernatural presence as he fights to survive.
Lee Brazil
The Park at Sunrise
First they were three, now there are two.
Can Jason and Morgan make a relationship work without Paul?
For years the three of them had been inseparable, first as friends, then lovers. It’s been ten years since they parted for what was supposed to be a year apart to pursue their dreams. This isn’t the reunion they planned then. It’s nine years too late for one thing, and they are one man short for another.
In the years since Paul’s death, Morgan hasn’t exactly been waiting for Jason to reach out to him. He’s been too busy trying to forget, to move on. Until Jason sends the right message. Is the painting just an excuse to see his ex again?
JR Boyd
Off the Beaten Path
Best Friends and landscaping entrepreneurs, Mitch Sterling and Colby Merritt, enjoy their comradeship. Can scouting country roads for business opportunities unveil a lifetime of passion?
Best friends, Mitch Sterling and Colby Merritt have spent their whole lives together in a small town in the Hill Country of Texas. At twenty-four, the two entrepreneurs run a small landscaping company. Mitch works out in the field, leading the landscaping crews and getting his hands dirty. Colby uses his college education to handle the business aspect of the company from their office.
Outside work, the two can always be found together. A Saturday morning drive leads them to a dirt road that neither has ever traveled. With the help of a few beers, the hot Texas sun, and a secluded country pond, Mitch and Colby find themselves exploring new territory Off the Beaten Path.
To learn more about Lee and the rest of the Story Orgyists, check out Lee’s blog.

Holiday Recipe Extravaganza: Cheese Biscuits
Dec 1, 2011
Filed under: book release, erotica, excerpts, holiday, Holiday Recipe Extravaganza, paranormal, recipes, sci fi, shapeshifter
Tags: cheese biscuits, erotic romance, futuristic Regency, horse shifter, Regency sci fi
Stallion’s Accord will be available later today. In that story, Raya and Calder enjoy some cheese biscuits that are one of Calder’s cook’s specialties. While I’m sure she made her biscuits from scratch, as I do on most occasions, I’m sharing a quick easy and super crazy yummy recipe for garlicky cheese biscuits that I got from my mother-in-law.
The first time I had these biscuits, I was nineteen and I was staying at my then boyfriend, now husband’s house for New Year’s. His mother made two pans of these biscuits, set them on the counter to cool, and then went out to do some errands. Upon discovering them (with no note or explanation attached I might add), my boyfriend, his younger brother, and I decided they looked like a great snack. Yes, the idea that they’d been made for a particular occasion went through our minds, but here were these warm, delicious-smelling biscuits right there in front of us. We each ate few and then a few more and then a few more. (Warning: If you make these, make several pans, they are addictive.) By the time we finished there were none left, in either pan.
Around supper time, his mother was getting ready to go out to a party. She came into the kitchen and asked where the biscuits were. Poor woman, I think she thought we’d actually wrapped them up for her after they cooled. “Biscuits?” my boyfriend asked.
She narrowed her eyes at us. “They’re for the party. Did you eat some?”
She glanced toward the sink and spied the empty pans. The game was up. “We kinda ate them all,” I confessed.
Needless to say, she was not pleased with us. But once her anger had abated, I got the recipe and we’ve been making them at some point during the holidays ever since.
Garlic Cheese Biscuits
Makes 1 pan but I’d double or triple it.
1 can large refrigerated biscuits
1/2 cup butter, melted.
1/2 cup Parmesan cheese
3 cloves garlic, minced (or 4 or 5 or as many as you like)
Stir cheese and garlic into melted butter. Separate biscuits and break them into quarters. Roll each quarter into a ball then roll dip it into butter/cheese mixture until thoroughly coated. Place in a 8 in round pan (cake pan). It’s ok if they are touching. Drizzle with some of the remaining butter and cheese mix. Cook according to biscuits directions.
Stallion’s Accord by Silvia Violet
Raya Varvara is what Orianians refer to as a techno snob. She thrives on her fast-paced urban life on New Earth. At least she did until she met Calder Brinkley, a horse shifter and regional governor on Oriana. Calder likes wide-open spaces, the fresh air of early morning, and turning off technology in favor of face-to-face conversation. He also likes Raya. He likes her so much he’s willing to alter some of what he enjoys about his low-tech planet.
When Raya returns to Oriana after a long, painful absence, she learns about the changes Calder introduced. Her certainty that she could never live on this backwater planet begins to falter. Can Calder convince her that being together is more important than either of them having their way, or will her stubbornness keep them forever apart?
Raya leaned forward, tangling her hands in Obsidian’s mane, relishing the feel of his strength beneath her. She was thankful her lover needed to return home quickly after their tryst by the stream. Riding his alternate form exhilarated her. Discussing the fact that a confession of love had escaped her — as Calder worked her into a frenzy — would make her cringe.
She didn’t want to be in love. She couldn’t live on Oriana, and Calder wouldn’t leave. No matter how good the sex was, their lifestyles were incompatible. That’s why she’d run from what she felt months ago. She’d tried to deny what he meant to her, but seeing him again had brought all her feelings to the surface. Then he’d touched her, and she was lost.
But she wasn’t a coward. She wouldn’t deny what she’d blurted out in a fit of passion. She was in love with Calder, and she had to face the consequences of those feelings. But the longer she could put it off, the better. Perhaps Calder would give her one night to revel in their need for each other before questioning her intentions.
All too soon, the stable came in sight, and Obsidian slowed to a trot. Finlay, the stable master, was there to greet them. He gave Raya a sly wink. “I see you’ve returned, and you’re riding Obsidian as well as ever.”
She smiled and ignored the heat that crept into her cheeks. “Damn right I am.”
Obsidian snorted as they both laughed.
“I’ll see to him,” Raya said, sliding from her lover’s back and grabbing a currycomb from the wall, ready to give Obsidian a loving brush down.
“He’d certainly love that, Miss Varvara, but his guests have already begun to arrive.”
Obsidian whinnied loudly and gestured toward the door with his nose.
Finlay nodded. “I’ll take care of it, sir.”
Raya raised her brows in question.
“He needs privacy to shift, ma’am. Not all of tonight’s guests are aware that Obsidian and Lord Brinkley are one and the same.” Calder was an unregistered shapeshifter. His mother belonged to a centaur-like race known as the Canterini, but as a half-blood, he could shift between human and horse form.
“Ah,” she nodded. Guests. Ugh. The last thing she wanted to do was stuff herself into one of the fancy dresses she’d been forced to purchase for her business on Oriana and socialize with Calder’s guests. Maybe she could feign fatigue from the long journey. Or better yet from the thorough fucking he’d given her.
Finlay closed the stable doors and locked them. Obsidian shimmered briefly, and Calder stood where he’d been, naked and obviously ready to go another round with her. Finlay tossed him some clothes and boots, and he dressed quickly. He looked damn fine in the tight tan riding pants and tall polished boots. His black shirt strained across his powerful shoulders and muscular chest. He left the top two buttons open in a manner considered rakish on Oriana.
“Lord Partington has arrived with his daughter,” Finlay said as he unlocked the doors. The stable master looked pointedly at Raya. “Miss Varvara’s arrival will be of interest to them, I’m sure.”
Calder’s eyes brightened, and he smiled wickedly. “I do believe it will.”
Raya didn’t like the sound of that. “Who is Lord Partington?”
“An idiot who thinks I’d pay his debts in exchange for his daughter’s hand in marriage.”
“Fuck that.” Raya’s stomach churned. Calder was hers. She didn’t want to be in love, and she didn’t want to live on Oriana, but… damn it, he was hers.
Calder chuckled. “Try to keep your claws in.”
Raya glared at him. “Why are they here?”
“I’m hosting a party tonight to celebrate the conclusion of the legislative session.”
Raya pondered his words. “Is that customary?”
Calder nodded. “When the session ends, most of the regional governors return to their own lands, and life in and around the capital slows down for several months.”
Raya tried to imagine the pace of life being any slower than it already was and failed. She’d originally met Calder when her job at Intergalactic Investors Bank brought her to Oriana to broker a deal for a client. She’d hated everything about the backwater planet except for the fine horseflesh Calder owned and Calder himself.
She’d never let herself get involved with a client before, but she loved beautiful horses and beautiful men, and Calder literally brought all the untamed strength of a stallion into his human form. He’d been impossible to resist, but when he suggested she stay, she refused. No way could an urban girl from New Earth be happy here, not even with a stud of a man like Calder.
She’d ignored him for the intervening months just like she’d ignored the terrifying mix of hot and cold that raced through her when she thought of him. She had no place in her life for romance.
When she’d received the paperwork confirming her client’s purchase of Calder’s horses, she’d chosen to surprise Calder rather than be forced to explain why she’d failed to contact him for months. She caught a flight to Oriana that afternoon, barely taking time to comm her supervisor and let her know she’d be out of the office for the next week. Now here she was, admitting to feelings she’d didn’t want to have, confused and longing to ignore the world and spend the night making love to Calder. But he had a house full of overdressed, stuffy Orianians who would find her exotic if not downright crude.
As if hearing her thoughts, he glanced down pointedly, looking at her nipples standing out against the damp cloth of her dress. Between the heat and the dip she’d taken in the stream her dress looked rather disreputable.
“You’re going to scandalize my guests.”
Raya snorted. “Fucking prudes.”
Calder laughed. “My guests include some of the biggest gossips on Oriana. When we appear at the house together with you in that ensemble, rumors will spread like wildfire. By tomorrow everyone who’s anyone in Oriana’s capital will know we’re lovers. The only way I’ll be able to save your reputation is by marrying you.”
Marry me? Marry me? He has to be kidding.