Posts Tagged ‘erotic romance’
Personal Entanglement now available in audio.
Jan 26, 2017
Filed under: BDSM, book release, contemporary
Tags: audiobook, BDSM, erotic romance, gay romance, m/m romance
Personal Entanglement is now available in audio narrated by the amazing Greg Boudreaux (aka Greg Tremblay) who voiced Thorne and Dash in Professional Distance. Grab it now at Audible or Amazon.

Revolutionary Temptation is available now!
Jan 17, 2017
Filed under: book release, m/m
Tags: alexander hamilton, american revolution, bisexual romance, erotic romance, espionage, gay romance, historical romance, spies
It’s release day for my first m/m historical, Revolutionary Temptation. You can buy it at Amazon, Payhip, iTunes, Smashwords, and Kobo. The print version is at Barnes and Noble and ebooks will be available there soon.
1777 New York City
The American colonists are fighting for their independence, but the battlefield is not the only place to wage war. When General Washington’s head of intelligence asks Captain Jack West to spy on the British in New York, Jack agrees, despite reservations about this ungentlemanly pursuit.
Jack’s contact in the city recruits bookshop owner Elias Ashfield, an impeccably dressed sensualist who flaunts his desire for both men and women and seeks a place in high society. Jack longs for a simple life guided by clear principles. Eli is a risk-taker who knows how to get what he wants. And he wants Jack in his bed.
Events in Jack’s past have made him fearful of acting on his secret craving for a man’s touch, but Eli intrigues Jack as much as he infuriates him. As Jack and Eli search for the information the rebel army needs, they realize there’s more between them than mere lust. But finding a way to be together may prove more difficult than defeating the British Empire.

Holiday Recipe Extravaganza – Ashlynn Monroe
Dec 3, 2011
Filed under: guest blogger, holiday, Holiday Recipe Extravaganza, recipes
Tags: Dreaming of a White Christmas, erotic romance, holiday recipe, venison chili
Charlie St. Claire didn’t mean to let herself love the three terrified little boys the day she became their caseworker, but she did. The boys had unique issues, but with her typical positive hopeful attitude, she decided that she could give them a better life.
Everything was going well with her plan to adopt them until their deadbeat biological father wouldn’t give up his rights. When the brave eldest brother asked to see his father for Christmas, it gave her the perfect opportunity to confront the jerk and demand he see that she was what was best for his kids.
Richmond Wolfe hadn’t seen his sons in years. He had no idea that his estranged wife had taken such a downward spiral until she died of a drug overdose. It was just one more thing for him to feel guilty about. He couldn’t help what he’d become, but he’d tried to make up for it by leaving. Now some city-girl do-gooder wanted his kids. He wasn’t willing to give them up because he loved them.
Soon Charlie discovers Richmond’s terrible secret. It explains so much, but also puts her and the boys in danger. Burgeoning feelings for the hunky outdoorsman fill her with confusion and something more.
If you want a sweet, albeit passionate romance this Christmas, try my story A Daddy for Christmas from Silver Publishing. If you like adventure and werewolves, you’ll love this quick read. In my story Richmond and his boys really like venison, my whole life I’ve had hunters in my life and as you can imagine game was often served on our table. Christmas Eve supper was always a choice of venison chili or oyster stew growing up. Here’s my recipe for venison chili. (Turkey works just fine too.)
1 lb ground venison 1 can mild chili beans
1/2 lb ground beef 1 can red kidney beans
1/2 lb ground pork 1 can baked beans
1 small onion chopped, 1/8 cup chili powder
1 small green pepper chopped 2 stalks celery chopped
Mix the meat, peppers, celery, and onion together. Brown over medium heat then drain, add chili powder and 1/8 cup water. Cook for approximately five minutes. Add beans, mix well, cook for another five minutes or until hot. Serve with sour cream and cheese if desired. This is great in bread bowls.
Learn more about Ashlynn at her website.

Holiday Recipe Extravaganza: Cheese Biscuits
Dec 1, 2011
Filed under: book release, erotica, excerpts, holiday, Holiday Recipe Extravaganza, paranormal, recipes, sci fi, shapeshifter
Tags: cheese biscuits, erotic romance, futuristic Regency, horse shifter, Regency sci fi
Stallion’s Accord will be available later today. In that story, Raya and Calder enjoy some cheese biscuits that are one of Calder’s cook’s specialties. While I’m sure she made her biscuits from scratch, as I do on most occasions, I’m sharing a quick easy and super crazy yummy recipe for garlicky cheese biscuits that I got from my mother-in-law.
The first time I had these biscuits, I was nineteen and I was staying at my then boyfriend, now husband’s house for New Year’s. His mother made two pans of these biscuits, set them on the counter to cool, and then went out to do some errands. Upon discovering them (with no note or explanation attached I might add), my boyfriend, his younger brother, and I decided they looked like a great snack. Yes, the idea that they’d been made for a particular occasion went through our minds, but here were these warm, delicious-smelling biscuits right there in front of us. We each ate few and then a few more and then a few more. (Warning: If you make these, make several pans, they are addictive.) By the time we finished there were none left, in either pan.
Around supper time, his mother was getting ready to go out to a party. She came into the kitchen and asked where the biscuits were. Poor woman, I think she thought we’d actually wrapped them up for her after they cooled. “Biscuits?” my boyfriend asked.
She narrowed her eyes at us. “They’re for the party. Did you eat some?”
She glanced toward the sink and spied the empty pans. The game was up. “We kinda ate them all,” I confessed.
Needless to say, she was not pleased with us. But once her anger had abated, I got the recipe and we’ve been making them at some point during the holidays ever since.
Garlic Cheese Biscuits
Makes 1 pan but I’d double or triple it.
1 can large refrigerated biscuits
1/2 cup butter, melted.
1/2 cup Parmesan cheese
3 cloves garlic, minced (or 4 or 5 or as many as you like)
Stir cheese and garlic into melted butter. Separate biscuits and break them into quarters. Roll each quarter into a ball then roll dip it into butter/cheese mixture until thoroughly coated. Place in a 8 in round pan (cake pan). It’s ok if they are touching. Drizzle with some of the remaining butter and cheese mix. Cook according to biscuits directions.
Stallion’s Accord by Silvia Violet
Raya Varvara is what Orianians refer to as a techno snob. She thrives on her fast-paced urban life on New Earth. At least she did until she met Calder Brinkley, a horse shifter and regional governor on Oriana. Calder likes wide-open spaces, the fresh air of early morning, and turning off technology in favor of face-to-face conversation. He also likes Raya. He likes her so much he’s willing to alter some of what he enjoys about his low-tech planet.
When Raya returns to Oriana after a long, painful absence, she learns about the changes Calder introduced. Her certainty that she could never live on this backwater planet begins to falter. Can Calder convince her that being together is more important than either of them having their way, or will her stubbornness keep them forever apart?
Raya leaned forward, tangling her hands in Obsidian’s mane, relishing the feel of his strength beneath her. She was thankful her lover needed to return home quickly after their tryst by the stream. Riding his alternate form exhilarated her. Discussing the fact that a confession of love had escaped her — as Calder worked her into a frenzy — would make her cringe.
She didn’t want to be in love. She couldn’t live on Oriana, and Calder wouldn’t leave. No matter how good the sex was, their lifestyles were incompatible. That’s why she’d run from what she felt months ago. She’d tried to deny what he meant to her, but seeing him again had brought all her feelings to the surface. Then he’d touched her, and she was lost.
But she wasn’t a coward. She wouldn’t deny what she’d blurted out in a fit of passion. She was in love with Calder, and she had to face the consequences of those feelings. But the longer she could put it off, the better. Perhaps Calder would give her one night to revel in their need for each other before questioning her intentions.
All too soon, the stable came in sight, and Obsidian slowed to a trot. Finlay, the stable master, was there to greet them. He gave Raya a sly wink. “I see you’ve returned, and you’re riding Obsidian as well as ever.”
She smiled and ignored the heat that crept into her cheeks. “Damn right I am.”
Obsidian snorted as they both laughed.
“I’ll see to him,” Raya said, sliding from her lover’s back and grabbing a currycomb from the wall, ready to give Obsidian a loving brush down.
“He’d certainly love that, Miss Varvara, but his guests have already begun to arrive.”
Obsidian whinnied loudly and gestured toward the door with his nose.
Finlay nodded. “I’ll take care of it, sir.”
Raya raised her brows in question.
“He needs privacy to shift, ma’am. Not all of tonight’s guests are aware that Obsidian and Lord Brinkley are one and the same.” Calder was an unregistered shapeshifter. His mother belonged to a centaur-like race known as the Canterini, but as a half-blood, he could shift between human and horse form.
“Ah,” she nodded. Guests. Ugh. The last thing she wanted to do was stuff herself into one of the fancy dresses she’d been forced to purchase for her business on Oriana and socialize with Calder’s guests. Maybe she could feign fatigue from the long journey. Or better yet from the thorough fucking he’d given her.
Finlay closed the stable doors and locked them. Obsidian shimmered briefly, and Calder stood where he’d been, naked and obviously ready to go another round with her. Finlay tossed him some clothes and boots, and he dressed quickly. He looked damn fine in the tight tan riding pants and tall polished boots. His black shirt strained across his powerful shoulders and muscular chest. He left the top two buttons open in a manner considered rakish on Oriana.
“Lord Partington has arrived with his daughter,” Finlay said as he unlocked the doors. The stable master looked pointedly at Raya. “Miss Varvara’s arrival will be of interest to them, I’m sure.”
Calder’s eyes brightened, and he smiled wickedly. “I do believe it will.”
Raya didn’t like the sound of that. “Who is Lord Partington?”
“An idiot who thinks I’d pay his debts in exchange for his daughter’s hand in marriage.”
“Fuck that.” Raya’s stomach churned. Calder was hers. She didn’t want to be in love, and she didn’t want to live on Oriana, but… damn it, he was hers.
Calder chuckled. “Try to keep your claws in.”
Raya glared at him. “Why are they here?”
“I’m hosting a party tonight to celebrate the conclusion of the legislative session.”
Raya pondered his words. “Is that customary?”
Calder nodded. “When the session ends, most of the regional governors return to their own lands, and life in and around the capital slows down for several months.”
Raya tried to imagine the pace of life being any slower than it already was and failed. She’d originally met Calder when her job at Intergalactic Investors Bank brought her to Oriana to broker a deal for a client. She’d hated everything about the backwater planet except for the fine horseflesh Calder owned and Calder himself.
She’d never let herself get involved with a client before, but she loved beautiful horses and beautiful men, and Calder literally brought all the untamed strength of a stallion into his human form. He’d been impossible to resist, but when he suggested she stay, she refused. No way could an urban girl from New Earth be happy here, not even with a stud of a man like Calder.
She’d ignored him for the intervening months just like she’d ignored the terrifying mix of hot and cold that raced through her when she thought of him. She had no place in her life for romance.
When she’d received the paperwork confirming her client’s purchase of Calder’s horses, she’d chosen to surprise Calder rather than be forced to explain why she’d failed to contact him for months. She caught a flight to Oriana that afternoon, barely taking time to comm her supervisor and let her know she’d be out of the office for the next week. Now here she was, admitting to feelings she’d didn’t want to have, confused and longing to ignore the world and spend the night making love to Calder. But he had a house full of overdressed, stuffy Orianians who would find her exotic if not downright crude.
As if hearing her thoughts, he glanced down pointedly, looking at her nipples standing out against the damp cloth of her dress. Between the heat and the dip she’d taken in the stream her dress looked rather disreputable.
“You’re going to scandalize my guests.”
Raya snorted. “Fucking prudes.”
Calder laughed. “My guests include some of the biggest gossips on Oriana. When we appear at the house together with you in that ensemble, rumors will spread like wildfire. By tomorrow everyone who’s anyone in Oriana’s capital will know we’re lovers. The only way I’ll be able to save your reputation is by marrying you.”
Marry me? Marry me? He has to be kidding.

Holiday Recipe Extravaganza – Deanna Wadsworth
Nov 28, 2011
Filed under: book release, excerpts, guest blogger, holiday, Holiday Recipe Extravaganza, recipes, sweet treats, web event
Tags: erotic romance, holiay romance, recipe, sexy elves, vegan chocolate cake
Grandma Helen’s Chocolate Cake
This recipe is totally vegan!!
mix 1 1/2 cup flour, 1cup sugar, 1/3 cup baking cocoa, 1 teaspoon baking soda, 1/2 teaspoon salt
add- 1 tablespoon vanilla, 1tablespoon cider vinegar, 1/2 cup oil, 1 cup water
put in greased 8×8 pan
375degrees 25-30 min.
Garnish with powdered sugar
This has been my favorite chocolate cake since I was a child. I hope you enjoy it as much as I always have.
And if you like chocolate….I have another way to get your chocolate fix!
Wouldn’t it be great if other things could taste like chocolate? Well, in my latest holiday story, Book One of THE NAUGHTY NORTH POLE– MS. CLAUS’S LIST, Ms. Claus gets a special kind of chocolate in the bedroom….and oh yes, I’m talking about what you think I am. Candy flavored cum! LOL
Stay tuned for Book Two PIP’S BOXING DAY WISH coming soon from Decadent Publishing!
Ms Claus’s List by Deanna Wadsworth
I am Ms. Claus.
Note the Ms. not the Mrs.?
Santa is my twin brother…not sure how the married rumor got started, eeew!…but he runs the North Pole except for that one most magical night of the year: Christmas Eve. When Santa is away, the elves will play. With me, if they’re lucky enough to be picked from my List.
Please, no nice elves need apply. Because I really want to find out how naughty you can be!
With a whistle, Nick shouted out, “Now, Dasher! Now, Dancer!”
Those weren’t the names of these particular reindeer, of course, but the call had become tradition. The elves and I joined in with the chant, too.
“Now, Prancer, and Vixen! On, Comet! On, Cupid! On, Donner and Blitzen!” Laughing, I looked down at Donna. Her face had flushed with excitement and cold.
Okay, I know it was cheesy, but hey. It was Christmas. If you couldn’t be cheesy at Christmas, when could you be?
Magic sparks in red, green, and silver blasted from the back end of the sleigh, the release of magic, which made it fly. Another resounding cheer went up. I had to wonder if it was just the excitement of a year’s hard work being done and the joy of Christmas, or the show about to go down tonight, which had everyone so worked up.
The reindeer started to run in place above the ground as if they were on a treadmill, their hooves gaining speed. They might be awful creatures, but the sight they made was spectacular.
Nick raised his right arm and dropped it.
“Merry Christmas to all!!!”
On that command, the snarling beasts lunged forward faster than I had ever seen a reindeer move. All shouts and well-wishes were lost in a loud explosion, like blast of hot air from a gasoline-drenched pile of wood ignited by a firecracker. A rush of heat blew my hair back and the sleigh, our grandmother’s modified magical chariot, rose in the air. The jingle of bells and cheers were lost in the power of the vehicle.
Then my brother and his sleigh disappeared in a flurry of sparkles and heat.
It took a moment for the oxygen to sneak back into my lungs and I patted my face to be sure my eyebrows hadn’t been singed off.
“Dramatic much?” Donna whispered.
I sniffed in agreement. “You know Nicky.”
The two elves manning the entrance pulled the levers back. The doors slowly closed. When the last cog locked into place, shutting out the cold air and the last sight of the sparking comet trail of the sleigh, the launch chamber fell silent.
All eyes went to me.
Donna stepped back, as did those nearby.
I did a slow, dramatic turn, clutching the front of my cloak. I smiled at all of my people, two forgotten races of elves who vowed to keep me and my brother company for all eternity.
I slowly strutted into the space Nick had recently vacated with his sleigh, hesitating before I spoke, to allow Donna ample time to maximize impact.
Stopping, I faced the largest collection of eager elves, all of them atwitter with anticipation. The light faces, the dark ones, the black eyes and the green, all locked on me, holding their breath in anticipation of my next words. Smiling at my people, I knew what they needed. Sure, Nick cared for all their needs, gave them a purpose with which to devote our eternity. But only I knew what they craved.
Then, very dramatically, I dropped my cloak, revealing the skin-tight, red velvet halter top and too-short mini. I raised my arms in the air and let out a delighted squeal, finishing up Nick’s cry—
“And to all a good night!”
Deanna Wadsworth lives in a small town in Ohio with the love of her life and three dogs. When she isn’t writing stories she likes to chill in her basement bar or hang out with her friends on her boat. You can find her at her blog and on Facebook and Goodreads

Out Very Soon! Paws on Me by Silvia Violet
Oct 26, 2011
Filed under: bears, book release, excerpts, m/m, men in uniform, paranormal, shapeshifter
Tags: bear shifter, bears, Changeling Press, cop fantasy, erotic romance, gay bears, gay erotica, gay romance, m/m erotica, m/m romance, paranormal romance, shapeshifter
Coming very very soon, like tomorrow 🙂
Protect and Serve: Paws on Me by Silvia Violet
Lieutenant Seth Morrison loves being a cop, but with budget cuts and crime both on the rise, he’s stopped making time for anything but his job.
On the outside, Brandon Lord is an easy-going, flirtatious club owner. On the inside he’s a man trying to overcome a difficult past.
When a murder investigation brings the two men together, passion roars to life. They’re both willing to break the rules to be together. Because as mismatched as they might seem, each man is exactly what the other needs.
I’m Seth Morrison. I’m a cop, a police lieutenant to be precise. I’ve been on the force more years than I want to think about. I’ve seen good men get killed, turn dirty, lose themselves in the bottle, lose their fucking minds, but I’m still here doing what I do. I don’t know any other life. People tell me I need a break, a vacation, to relax. I don’t want to fucking relax. I just want to do my job and keep this city from falling apart.
I park my car, grab my coffee from the cup holder, and charge up the front steps of the station. I could take the side door, it’s closer to my office, but I love the chaos of the bullpen. When I open the door, I breathe deeply, enjoying the variety of smells: coffee that’s been on the warmer far too long, the sickeningly sweet smell of candy and doughnuts, pine-scented cleaner from the scrubbing the janitors gave the floors last night, and something unnamable that simply smells like cops and hard work. I shake my head as I try to imagine not being here nearly 24/7. This is where I belong.
My stomach rumbles. I should’ve had dinner, but after pretending an afternoon nap was a night’s sleep, I’m running late. I’ll grab something from the vending machine while I dream about a juicy burger and thick home fries. It sure would be nice to have someone cook for me. I don’t seem to get along with stoves. Years ago, I tried being married. That worked for about 30 seconds. My wife wanted me to work shorter hours. I wanted her to talk less, or maybe never.
Friends tell me I should make an effort to date, but I’m more comfortable at a gruesome homicide scene than making small talk at dinner with a woman or a man. Yeah, I like both. I stopped going out with men when I entered the academy. I just couldn’t deal with the shit the guys would give me. Now, I don’t advertise what I like, but I pick up a guy now and then. I’m discreet, but if somebody finds out, I’ll deal.
One-night stands I can handle, but relationships are beyond me. People think police work is draining, but I’d rather spend all day in the field and all night at my desk filling out fucking paperwork — and often I do — than try to decode relationship signals. I inevitably screw things up and never understand why.
Sex I need. Romance I don’t.
My phone rings. I pull it out of my pocket hoping the call will save me from the mountain of paperwork on my desk. It’s Drew Danvers, detective and vampire. That’s right, a vampire who works for the good guys. We’ve got a werewolf in homicide too. And he’s a damn fine cop.
I remember when the shifters came out of the closet, scaring the hell out of us humans. One by one other monsters made themselves known. Most people assumed they were all assholes who wanted to eat us, but I quickly learned not to judge a man because he sucked blood or turned into a wolf. I judge men based on how they treat others.
I answer the call. “What’s up, Detective?”
“Two dead werewolves found in a closet at Shift. Hacked up pretty bad. The scene’s a circus. Jenkins called in sick. I’m on my own, and –”
“I’ll be there in ten.”
“Thanks, sir.”
“No problem. Murder scene or paperwork, which would you choose?”
* * *
I step inside the club. A crime lab team is there and several uniformed officers are talking with employees. I spot Drew in the entryway of an office. He’s frowning as he questions a tall hairy hunk of a man. I’ve seen this man around the area several times, and just like every other time, he makes my cock sit up and take notice.
Our most recent encounter was a week ago. When I want to grab a beer and be left the fuck alone, I go to Mitch’s, a dive just down the street from Shift. Last time I spent the evening there, he sat next to me at the bar and came on strong. I was in a shitty mood. I wanted him, and it pissed me off. He’s not my type. He’s young, hip, and outrageously flirtatious. I walked away, but I regretted it later that night when I couldn’t stop fantasizing about him.
The man looks my way and catches me staring. His grin says he knows the direction my thoughts are going. Fucking bastard winks at me. Drew scowls.
I turn to face him. He grins down at me, that same cocky-as-fuck little smile he’d given me earlier, making me even more aware of how close we are and how big he is. At 6’2″, I’m hardly small, but he’s got several inches on me. And while I’ve got a rather thick pelt, the fur visible above the vee of his t-shirt is astounding.
He smiles mischievously. “You gonna cuff me if you take me in?”
“Impeding a murder investigation will get you thrown in jail.”
He rolls his eyes. “I found two dead guys in my closet when I came to work tonight. My business is shut down, and I’ll be losing money every minute that you’re here. But at least I have a sense of humor.”
“Well, I don’t.”
He shakes his head. “Are you taken too?”
I take another step back. “You’re making a lot of assumptions.”
I look over at Drew and realize he and Jason are grinning like loons. Fuck. All I need is the two of them ragging me.
I glare at Drew. “Detective, do you think you can question this man without killing him?”
“Fine. Fleetfoot, head back to the lab. Take my car. I’ll get a ride with Danvers.” I throw him my keys, and he snatches them out of the air as he gives Drew’s hand a final squeeze. Jason is better in the lab than any tech we have. We only send him into the field when we’re desperately short-handed. I run a hand through my hair, wishing I knew how I’m going to hold the homicide division together if we don’t get more funds.
He holds out his hand. “I’m Brandon Lord. I own Shift.”
“Lieutenant Morrison.” I shake his hand. His skin is surprisingly smooth, his grip tight and warm. I want to feel those big hands running over me. I want to rub his furry body with my own. Fuck! I should assign someone else to this case right now and get the hell away from him. But some crazy restlessness he’s dredged up in me makes me fight my instincts.
“Nice to meet you, Lieutenant.” His voice is low and rich. And his grin lets me know he’s well aware of my body’s reaction to him.
I need to get away. His smell alone is making me hard. “I’m not here to play games. Drop the act and treat this case seriously, or I’ll find an excuse to throw your ass in jail.”
He grins. Fuck, he knows he’s got me rattled. “I’d never kill anyone, Lieutenant. I’m just a cuddly teddy bear.”
The bear shifter and the bear. Ridiculous. I need to leave now. This man is no cuddly toy. I don’t think he’s our murderer, but he’s far smarter than he wants me to believe and likely far more dangerous. “I know what cuddling leads to.”
Brandon laughs, a deep, infectious sound. I can’t help but respond. Now I want him more than ever. Taking this case is a supremely stupid idea, staying on it now is unprofessional.
But I won’t walk away.
Learn more here.

A Sexy Taste of Reef’s Guardian
Sep 12, 2011
Filed under: book release, erotica, m/m, paranormal, shapeshifter
Tags: Changeling Press, coral reef, erotic romance, erotica, gay erotica, gay romance, m/m, m/m erotica, m/m romance, paranormal, paranormal romance, shapeshifter
Welcome to Monday! To make the start of the week sexier, I’ve got another excerpt to share from Reef’s Guardian…..
Wet: Reef’s Guardian by Silvia Violet
Brett Leland serves as the director of an underwater research station located near one of the world’s last healthy coral reefs. His life’s work is focused on protecting the reef and discovering why it has remained healthy as others are failing. But his university plans to sell the research station, and someone is trying to sabotage his final mission.
Setiwan Maramis is one of the legendary shape shifting guardians of the reef. He’s been watching Brett since the scientist first came to the station, and he wants Brett as both an ally and a lover. He is forbidden to reveal himself to humans, but when an enemy puts Brett’s life in danger, Setiwan follows his heart rather than the dictates of his people.
Setiwan pumped his arm-like fins and hovered near the corner of his tank. He’d spent the last few hours making a careful study of the lab and listening to the researchers as they worked around him. As he expected, all the animals Brett Leland and his research team had collected for study were well cared for.
Those who were able to communicate with Guardians let him know that while they longed to get back to the ocean, the humans hadn’t harmed them.
He swam over to a fake green fungus coral and practiced manipulating the color of his skin until he blended in with the coral. Then he tried the same trick next to a yellow sea fan. Guardians had the ability to take on the form of any reef dwelling animal, but Setiwan preferred cuttlefish. He enjoyed the complexity of their thought patterns and their seductive ability to shift the color of their skin at will. He’d practiced the color strobing technique enough to use it in his human form. He intended to wow Brett with it later.
He wasn’t certain Brett was gay. But the researcher had never shown any interest in the beautiful woman, Sophia, who worked with him despite her obvious crush on him. In Seti’s mind this meant he was either gay or way too nice. But gay or straight, Setiwan was determined to have his scientist. He could take on a female form if he must though he much preferred sex as a man. And pounding Brett’s ass until he screamed Seti’s name had featured in his fantasies regularly since Seti first saw him.
After getting Setiwan and the other cuttlefish settled in their tank, Brett had gone for another dive with one of the professors on his team, Andy he believed the man’s name was. Setiwan heard a splash and turned toward the wet room door. He saw two divers hoist themselves out of the water. It must be Brett and Andy; as far as he knew the other four researchers were all in the bunk room. Sophia had come out several minutes before to check the readings for the generator and air purification system and to feed some of the fish, but she’d returned to the other side of the station.
A moment later, the two men opened the door separating the wet room from the lab and placed a tank holding some anemones and clown fish on the floor of the lab. Then they both removed their scuba gear, and Andy stripped down to the Speedo he wore under his dive suit. “I’m headed to bed if you’re sure you don’t need me.”
Brett glanced at the clock. It was nearly eleven. It was easy to lose all track of day and night living underwater. “That’s fine. I want to get these fish settled into their tanks anyway. We all need some rest. I’ll brief everyone over breakfast at seven.”
The man nodded and headed toward the bunk room. Once Brett put the clown fish and anemones in a tank, he returned to the wet room. Setiwan swam to the far end of his tank where he could still see Brett clearly. Brett stripped off his dive suit, pushing the wet material slowly down his body. Air flowed faster through Setiwan’s gills, and his body displayed a dizzying swirl of colors as he watched the object of his desire reveal the gorgeous body he’d salivated over for weeks.
He’d often watched Brett at night as he stood at the observation window in board shorts or pajama pants. Brett’s arms and shoulders were beautifully sculpted. His chest was mostly hairless, but a tantalizing treasure trail disappeared beneath the waist of his pants. Setiwan often imagined kissing through the soft hair and sliding his tongue along Brett’s waistband as he pushed his pants down over his hips. Then he would take Brett’s cock in his mouth, tasting him and breathing in his scent.
Now he watched, mesmerized, as Brett pushed his wetsuit over his slim hips. He bent to push the suit down his leg, temporarily hiding his cock from view but treating Seti to the amazing sight of his tight muscular ass and his sac hanging between his legs. Seti wanted to leap out of the tank, shift to human form, and show Brett what he could do to that hot ass.
Brett pulled his dive suit over his feet and hung it to dry. Then he turned and Setiwan got a full frontal view. Even after the chill water, his cock was impressively thick where it lay nestled on his balls. Seti wanted to take it in his mouth and feel it harden as he sucked, licked, kissed. He forgot how to move his fins for a moment and nearly slammed into the side of the tank.
* * *
Brett grabbed a pair of board shorts off a hook and pulled them on. He frowned as he watched the tank containing the cuttlefish. The one who’d led him on a chase looked like he’d forgotten how to swim. Brett bent down and studied the creature more closely. He seemed all right now. Maybe Brett had startled him.
Once he was confident that the cuttlefish was swimming fine again, Brett checked the monitors for the power and life support systems. All readouts registered in the normal range. He sat down and turned his chair to face the observation window. He watched the fish, rays, and eels swim back and forth and his mind drifted once again to the mystery man who’d haunted his dreams since his last excursion here. His hand dropped to his cock, already semi-hard from the images in his mind. He lazily slid his hand up and down over the cotton fabric of his shorts. His cock hardened fully as he replayed his most recent dream.
The beautiful man with the long, silvery blond hair stood naked in the doorway of the bunk room. The other researchers had vanished. The man strode over to Brett’s bunk and climbed in on top of him. Brett was suddenly naked too. And the man was kissing him, licking him, biting him, making him lose himself to passion in a way he hadn’t in a long time.
Damn. He hadn’t meant to let his thoughts travel along this line, but in these cramped quarters privacy was nonexistent and need built over the course of an expedition. He listened carefully. Not hearing a sound from the bunk room, feeling like a horny teenager, he decided to risk it…

Hot July Days: Time to Tell (Free Read)
Aug 1, 2011
Filed under: book release, erotica, eye candy, free story, m/m, men in uniform, web event
Tags: DADT, erotic romance, erotica, gay erotica, gay romance, Goodreads, m/m, m/m romance, men in uniform, miliary
For those of you who didn’t get to read my contribution to Hot July days over at the M/M Romance group at Goodreads, I’m posting it here. If you aren’t an m/m group member, I strongly encourage you to join. It’s free and so far over 100 free stories have been posted at part of Hot July Days including ones from some of my favorite authors like AJ Llewellyn and Lee Brazil.
The theme for Hot July Days is Don’t Read in the Closet. My story was inspired by a gorgeous by very NSFW picture that you can see here. And this prompt: We grew up together, best friends and all that. Joined the Army, damn the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” crap!
We almost lost one another on a special mission….how does our story play out?
Time to Tell
By Silvia Violet
Marty had relived the moment a thousand times. If he’d hesitated for even a second. If he’d been reluctant to blow a hole in the man who appeared like a part of the night itself, his best friend would be dead.
He and Jacob joined the army together when they were eighteen. They both wanted to escape from the podunk town they grew up in, and the army was their best choice. But for Marty being a soldier meant hiding who he really was.
Jacob knew Marty was gay. He’d known since they were in high school. When Marty came out to his best friend, Jacob hadn’t cringed or told him to get lost or punched him or any of the other terrible things he imagined. Of course he hadn’t done the one thing Marty longed for, pull Marty into his arms and confess that he was gay too and that he wanted Marty like he wanted air to breathe. Not that Marty expected that fantasy to come true.
More than once, he’d caught Jacob watching him with heat in his eyes when he thought Marty wasn’t looking. And he’d seen Jacob look at other men in a way he never looked at women. But if Jacob was gay, he’d never admitted it, and Marty hadn’t been willing to risk their friendship by revealing his true feelings.
But now everything had changed. He’d almost lost Jacob last night. For that split second when he hadn’t know whether Jacob was dead or alive, his heart shattered as he imagined his friend dying without ever knowing how much Marty loved him.
When he realized he and Jacob were pinned down with no chance of back up, he knew that their chances of surviving were low. His life had been in danger plenty of times since he signed up, but he’d never been so certain that he looked death in the face. Regrets crashed down on him, nearly making him come unglued. If he hadn’t been able to hold it together, they would both be dead. Marty swore that if he lived through the night, he was going to do his best not to waste another second pretending to be someone else.
He was going to tell Jacob how he felt. He’d either screw up their friendship or have a chance at a real relationship with the man he loved. Once he told Jacob, he was going to apply for a discharge. Living in the closet was no longer good enough for him.
Marty paced, his boots slapping against the concrete floor of the barracks. He hadn’t been alone with Jacob since they were rescued. Jacob’s wounds, though not serious, needed to be cared for, and Marty had spent hours giving his report of the evening’s proceedings to his superiors. Now that Jacob had been released from the doctor’s care, it was his turn to be questioned.
Marty leaned against the wall and rested his head on his arm. Jacob had been gone nearly two hours, surely he’d be back soon. Marty was about to tell his best friend that he was in love with him. He wondered for a moment if he’d lost his mind. Then he pushed away from the wall, strengthening his resolve once again. He’d almost lost Jacob last night, and their lives were on the line here every single day. He wasn’t going to his grave without bringing his feelings into the open.
A change in the light made him turn. Jacob stood in the open doorway of the barracks, blocking the hot desert sun. Before his friend had a chance to speak, Marty said, “Let’s take a walk.”
Jacob nodded and turned back toward the outside. They walked across the base in silence. When they neared the edge of the encampment, Marty took Jacob’s arm and steered him to a small storage building. Jacob raised his brows “What are you doing?”
“I got the key from Wolf,” Marty answered.
“I told him I needed some privacy. He didn’t ask any questions. Probably thinks I want to bring some girl here.”
Jacob shrugged. “Okay.”
Marty locked the door behind them as soon as they got inside. The building was filled with rows of metal shelves, many of which held boxes and cartons that looked like they hadn’t been touched in years. Chairs, tables, a desk and some old lockers had been placed along one wall.
Marty turned back to Jacob. His friend’s eyes filled with intense emotion. “Marty?”
Marty’s breath caught and his voice shook as he answered, “Yeah?”
“I was really scared out there. I…you saved my life and I…”
“I love you.” The words just came. Marty had no power to stop them.
Jacob frowned. “I know I-“
Marty shook his head. “No. I <“i”>love</”i”> you. I’ve loved you for years. I wanted to tell you, but I couldn’t. Then when I thought I was going to lose you-“
Jacob cut of his words with a kiss. Marty stumbled backwards in shock, crashing into a row of lockers. When he recovered, he pulled Jacob against him and opened his mouth to the assault, letting Jacob taste and explore. Marty massaged his friend’s shaved head with one hand and sank his other hand into the muscular flesh of Jacob’s ass as Jacob groaned against his mouth.
Jacob ground his hips against Marty, pressing him into the cold metal. Jacob’s hard cock felt like a lead pipe pressing into Marty’s stomach. Marty thrust against him, rubbing their cocks together.
Marty tilted his head to the side as Jacob’s lips left his and slid along his neck. Jacob licked him, tasting the sweat that covered them constantly in the vicious heat. Marty groaned as his best friend whispered against his skin. “Marty, I love you too. I didn’t think you wanted to hear it, didn’t think you wanted me like that.”
“Oh God, Jacob. I-“
Jacob silenced Marty with a finger on his lips. “I don’t want to talk anymore. I just want to feel. I need to know that you want me like I want you.”
“Want you?” Marty couldn’t hold back a laugh of joy, astonishment, confusion. “Jacob, I’ve wanted you forever.”
“Then show me.”
His friend’s words drove Marty crazy. He thought his brain might combust trying to process what was happening. He tried to force it to shut down If Jacob didn’t need to think then neither did he. What they needed was to feel alive, desired, finally able to be themselves.
Marty needed to get Jacob naked, to run his hands over his friend’s beautiful body. He also needed to spread Jacob’s ass and bury himself inside, but he knew he had to slow down and savor the moment. He ran his tongue along the outer edge of Jacob’s ear while Jacob sucked at his shoulder. “Have you ever been fucked by a man?”
Jacob shook his head. “Hell, no. There’s never been anyone but you.”
Marty smiled against him and wrapped his hand around the back of Jacob’s neck, pulling his head to the side. He ran his tongue along the tight muscle at the side of Jacob’s neck. “There isn’t going to be either. You’re mine, and after I fuck you, we’re going to get discharged, and then we’re not going to hide the fact that we’re lovers. If people don’t like it, they can fuck off.”
Jacob pulled free and stared at Marty, eyes wide. “Shit, Marty, I-“
“I almost lost you last night, lost you without ever even kissing you. I’m not going to go another day without this.” Marty pushed up Jacob’s t-shirt and pressed his hands to Jacob’s back, frozen for a moment as he took in the reality of the smooth skin and hard muscle under his hands. The heat of Jacob burned into his palms as he slid his hands ever so slowly upwards.
Jacob shuddered as Marty kissed him, licking at his lips, tasting him slowly after the hurried passion of their first kiss. He pulled his lips away long enough to yank Jacob’s shirt over his head and then quickly dispense with his own shirt and toss both on the floor.
Marty licked and nibbled his way across Jacob’s rock hard pecs, stopping to tease one of his nipples. Jacob sucked in his breath and took Marty’s head between his hands as he writhed under the ministrations of Marty’s mouth. Marty circled Jacob’s wrists, pulling his hands away. “Brace yourself on the lockers and don’t move.”
“Marty.” Jacob’s tone held a warning.
Marty looked up, smiling at the heat still making Jacob’s brown eyes nearly black. “Trust me.”
A few seconds passed. Then Jacob nodded. Marty knelt in front of him and continued his explorations of his friend. When his tongue reached the waistband of Jacob’s pants, Marty unfastened them and freed Jacob’s cock. He couldn’t keep from licking his lips at the sight of Jacob exposed for him.
The muscles of Jacob’s thighs and abdomen were tight, tense. The metal lockers clanged against the wall as Jacob tightened his grip on them. But if Jacob was uncertain about what was happening, his cock definitely wasn’t. It was thick and hard, the tip dark and needy. Marty wrapped one hand around the shaft and licked at Jacob’s slit, tasting the pre-come beaded there.
Jacob made a strangled sound between a growl and a whine. Marty glanced up and smiled before sucking the tip of his friend’s cock into his mouth.
“Fuck, Marty!”
“Mmmhmm,” Marty agreed, his mouth still around Jacob’s cock. He sucked harder, taking more of his friend into his mouth. Marty could feel Jacob straining to keep himself still. Marty licked and sucked reveling in the taste that was uniquely Jacob. He slid a hand between Jacob’s legs to tease his balls, and Jacob obligingly opened his legs wider.
Marty sucked a finger into his mouth alongside Jacob’s cock, getting it good and wet. Then he sought Jacob’s ass and pushed his way inside. His friend gasped and thrust hard, shoving his cock deep into Marty’s mouth, the sudden intrusion making Marty gag.
“Sorry,” Jacob panted.
Marty pulled off long enough to say. “Don’t hold back, Jacob. I want you to fuck my mouth.” He smiled at the wide-eyed look on Jacob’s face as he swallowed him back down, working his finger deeper and sliding his tongue along the underside of Jacob’s cock.
Jacob broke when Marty pushed a second finger in his ass. His thrust hard and fast into Marty’s mouth. Prepared this time, Marty relaxed and took it, wrapping his hands around Jacob’s hips to steady himself and reveling in the pent up passion they were finally letting loose.
“Christ, Marty. I’m gonna come.”
Marty tightened his grip on Jacob’s hips holding him tight so he wouldn’t pull away. Jacob shuddered and bucked against Marty’s lips as he poured his come down Marty’s throat. When Jacob sagged against the lockers, Marty pulled off his cock, giving it a few last kisses before he stood, unfastening his pants as he did so.
He shoved his pants down and wrapped his arms around Jacob, desperate for some contact against his cock. He wanted to bend Jacob over and fuck him until he couldn’t sit down for days. He took a shaky breath instead. He could go slow for Jacob’s sake. Really, he could.
He pulled Jacob to him for another kiss, groaning as their mouths opened to each other. He slid a hand down to his cock and worked it between Jacob’s legs, sliding it against his friend’s ass. He released Jacob’s mouth and whispered against his ear. “Do you feel how hard I am for you? I want to be the first man, the only man to stuff your ass with my cock. I want to hear you cry out my name as I stretch you out and work myself deep inside you.”
Jacob rubbed himself against Marty’s cock. “Yes, Marty! God, yes!”
“Let’s use the desk.” Marty pointed to a large, sturdy-looking desk in the corner. Jacob stumbled toward it, his pants still trapped around his ankles. He laid over the end, exposing his ass to Marty. Marty smiled in appreciation and caressed his ass. “Gorgeous, but I want to see your face when I’m inside you.”
Jacob groaned as he tried to fight his way out of his boots and pants. Marty took pity on him and knelt to unfasten his boots and help him get all the way naked so he could climb up on the desk and spread his legs.
Jacob bent his knees so his feet were braced on the edge of the desk. Marty pulled a small bottle of lube and a condom from his pocket and laid them on the desk beside Jacob. Jacob looked at Marty, and his eyes widened as if he’d realized for the first time that Marty was really going to slick up his cock and put it up Jacob’s ass.
“You okay?” Marty asked. He didn’t know how the hell he’d survive if Jacob wanted him to stop. He also knew how important it was not to screw up this fragile new relationship.
Jacob nodded. “I’m fine. I just…..”
Marty smiled. “I’m going to make sure you’re ready. Trust me.”
Marty slicked his fingers with lube and slid two fingers into Jacob’s ass. He watched his friend close his eyes and moan as Marty worked the digits in and out. He added a third finger, and Jacob tensed, but he pushed against Marty, taking his fingers deeper. “Damn, that burns, but….it feels good, too.”
Marty grinned. “It’s going to get even better.” He slid his fingers in and out slowly, twisting and scissoring them, wanting to be sure Jacob was good and ready, but he grew more and more impatient by the second. He felt like he’d waited a lifetime to do this with Jacob rather than years.
He wrapped a hand around Jacob’s cock which was hard again and straining upward. Jacob bucked up into his hand. “Marty, please.”
Marty smiled. “Please what?”
“Fuck me.”
Marty wasn’t going to deny him for another second. He rolled on a condom, squirted more lube onto his fingers and slicked his cock. Jacob wrapped his legs around Marty’s waist as Marty aimed his cock for Jacob’s hole. Marty groaned as he pushed inside his friend. Jacob tensed, hands scrabbling against the desk, trying to find something to hold on to. “Damn, you’re big.”
Marty smiled. “Too much?”
Jacob shook his head. “Want. More.”
Marty pushed harder until he was all the way inside the man he’d loved for so damn long. “Feels so good,” he groaned.
Jacob nodded, his pupils were dilated, and he was lifting his hips, trying to get Marty to move. For a moment Marty was afraid he was dreaming.
“Marty, please!”
No, this couldn’t be a dream, he could never have imagined that desperate, pleading tone coming from his friend. The fact that he’d so broken Jacob’s control made him crazy. He pulled back until only the tip of his cock remained inside Jacob. Then he drove in harder than he should have. Jacob bucked against him, digging his heels into Marty’s ass. “Yes!”
Marty started seriously fucking Jacob then, spurred on by the needy sounds and mumbled words spilling from his friend’s mouth. Jacob met every stroke. He wrapped his hands around Marty’s biceps as Marty leaned over him, giving him leverage to slam his hips against Marty’s. Marty knew he was being too rough for Jacob’s first time, but he couldn’t stop himself. He was out of his mind with need. If he didn’t come soon, his heart was going to stop. “Jacob. I need you. I-‘
“Oh God, Marty make me come.” Marty wrapped his hand around Jacob’s cock, a few firm strokes was all it took before his friend cried out and shot his load, coating Marty’s hand with stickiness.
The grip of Jacob’s ass around his cock as Jacob came undid Marty. He gave a hoarse shout and slammed into Jacob as his orgasm took him so hard he saw stars. When his body finally ceased its shudders. Marty collapsed on Jacob.
Jacob wrapped his arms around Marty’s back and held him tight. “That was amazing,” Jacob said, the words breathy and soft.
All Marty could do was nod against his chest. Several long moments passed. They didn’t talk, but they caressed each other, and Marty pressed soft kisses on Jacob’s chest enjoying the taste of sweat and come and Jacob.
When he thought his legs would hold him, Marty peeled off his friend and stood. The building was rarely used, but he couldn’t guarantee their privacy forever. They needed to get dressed and get back to the barracks. A reprimand on his record would make his discharge process even harder.
Jacob sat up. Marty pulled on his pants and held Jacob’s pants out to him. Instead of taking them, Jacob pulled Marty between his legs and cupped his friend’s face in his large hands. “You were right. We’re not ever going another day without making love to each other.”
Marty’s chest tightened and tears burned behind his eyes. He’d not let himself dare to hope he’d find this kind of acceptance from Jacob. “No, we’re not.”
Jacob frowned. “I want to be a soldier. I’m proud of what I’ve done since we signed up, but I can’t deny what I feel for you anymore.”
Marty took a long, slow breath. “This isn’t going to be easy.”
“But we’re going to have each other.”
Marty nodded. “I love you, Jacob.”
Jacob gave him a gentle kiss. “I love you, too. And right now, that’s all that matters.” Marty wanted to reply, but he couldn’t find the words to express what he was feeling. He kissed Jacob instead, letting his body say what words couldn’t.

Dinner for My Heroes
Jul 25, 2011
Filed under: erotica, interview, m/m, paranormal, recipes, shapeshifter, web event
Tags: Changeling Press, deer shifter, erotic romance, erotica, gay erotica, gay romance, Heroes, m/m, m/m romance, paranormal romance, shapeshifter
I’m in the author spotlight at Whipped Cream this week and each day I’ll have a different blog post where I cook dinner for one of my heroes. To really know a man I have to know what I would cook for him and I’m happy to have a chance to share all those gastronomic delights with my readers.
In today’s post I’m making bacon burgers and blueberry pie for Jason from Sex on the Hoof.

Another Taste of Sex on the Hoof
Jul 11, 2011
Filed under: book release, excerpts, m/m, paranormal, shapeshifter, vampire
Tags: Changeling Press, deer shifter, erotic romance, erotica, gay erotica, gay romance, m/m, m/m romance, shapeshifter, vampire
Here’s a never-before-seen scorching excerpt from Sex on the Hoof…….
Protect and Serve: Sex on the Hoof by Silvia Violet
Deer shifter Jason Fleetfoot has turned his life around. After years of taking chances, he’s got a job as a crime lab technician, and he’s determined to forgo the risky behavior of his past.
Then he meets Drew Danvers, the only undead detective in the city. Jason hates vampires, or does he? Drew defies all the stereotypes of his kind and something about him has taken hold of Jason and won’t let go.
Will Jason take a chance on a man others would label a risk to his health if not his very life?
I wake to the sensation of a hot mouth swallowing my cock. My eyes fly open. The sight of Jason’s lips stretched around me makes me gasp. He glances up at me, smiles, and goes back to his work, sucking, licking, making me crazy. One of his hands lifts my balls, gently squeezing, his thumb slowly caressing me in time to the rhythm of his mouth. His other hand slides over my abdomen and across my chest until he finds one of my nipples. I suck in my breath as he rolls it between his fingers.
I mean to let him choose the pace, play with me any way he wants, but my hips have a mind of their own, bucking up against his mouth. He moans and pulls back to lick at my cockhead, like it’s his favorite flavor of lollipop.
“Don’t hold back,” he demands, before swallowing me whole.
How can I deny him? I fist my hands in his hair, holding him in place as I thrust upwards into his mouth. It takes him a moment to adjust to my pace but then he starts doing things with his tongue that defy description.
The sight of my cock disappearing into his mouth is making me crazy. He glances up at me, eyes sparkling with obvious enjoyment. I groan and thrust deeper into him. He slides a finger between my legs and circles my hole. I bite my lip to keep from whimpering. He pushes into me as he sucks me even harder.
I don’t want it to end but after a few more seconds I can’t hold back the hot rush of climax. With a shout, I let go and shoot my load down his throat. He takes every last drop, continuing to lick and suck after I collapse against the mattress.
“You’re fucking amazing,” I say as he gives me a final kiss and lays his head on my stomach. I feel him smile against me.
He draws circles on my thighs with his fingers. After a few moments, he glances up at me and licks his lips. “You taste so damn good.” He closes his eyes, a dreamy look on his face. “Like the woods after a rain or early morning after the first snow. I could suck you all day.”
My chest constricts, and it takes me several seconds to find my voice. “I won’t stop you.”
He laughs and tries to sit up, but I push him down, pinning him to the bed. I wrap a hand around his erection. “You’re not going anywhere until we do something about this.”