Archive for the ‘book release’ Category
Coming Soon: Dangerous by Silvia Violet
Apr 26, 2011
Filed under: book release, erotica, paranormal, shapeshifter, werewolf
I’m so excited. The sight for Razor’s Edge Press is now up and running and my erotic short, Dangerous will be coming your way soon!
A woman indulges her need to live on the edge when she tempts a werewolf on the night of the full moon. He’s barely in control of the need to shift and completely in control of her. Will he rip out her throat? Or give her the best sex she’s ever had?
*Warning* This short story contains claws and fangs and hot fear-for-your-life werewolf sex.

Protect and Serve: Savage Wolf Available Now!
Mar 31, 2011
Filed under: BDSM, book release, erotica, paranormal, werewolf
Tags: BDSM, Changeling Press, cop fantasy, erotic romance, handcuffs, men in uniform, paranormal, paranormal romance, shapeshifter, spanking, werewolf
Woohoo! Protect and Serve: Savage Wolf is available now at Changeling Press!
I’m Wolf, Officer Aidan “Wolf” Savage. I’m a werewolf. But unlike most of my kind these days, I’m one of the good guys even if I do scare the hell out of most people the first time they meet me. When a white-tailed deer shifter comes leaping into my life, she makes my body hotter than an erupting volcano. She’s on the run, and she doesn’t want my help. But I’m not about to let her get herself killed, and I’ll use any means necessary to keep her safe.

Coming Soon! Protect and Serve: Savage Wolf
Mar 28, 2011
Filed under: BDSM, book release, excerpts, paranormal, werewolf
Tags: BDSM, Changeling Press, cop fantasy, erotic romance, handcuffs, paranormal romance, shapeshifter, spanking, werewolf
Later this week, Protect and Serve: Savage Wolf will be released. Isn’t the cover simply luscious? I’m so excited about being part of this fantastic series. Here’s a little taste of what my story has to offer…..
Protect and Serve: Savage Wolf by Silvia Violet
I’m Wolf, Officer Aidan “Wolf” Savage. I’m a werewolf. But unlike most of my kind these days, I’m one of the good guys even if I do scare the hell out of most people the first time they meet me.
I’m a damned good cop. If I’m tracking a criminal, he doesn’t stand a chance of getting away. I love the chase, the take-down, the chance to be scary-as-hell, but there’s one thing I hate about this job: stakeouts.
That’s what tonight is all about, sitting in a hot, muggy car, eating doughnuts and watching the woods for signs of life. Man what I wouldn’t give for a beer right now. And a warm house and a warm woman. Ok, that train of thought isn’t doing a damn thing for me. Because my partner and I are stuck right here until we see something, or the sun comes up.
Jacobson, my partner, crushes his paper coffee cup and tosses it in the bag that serves as a trashcan. “I so don’t want to do this shit tonight.”
I don’t think his comment deserves a response so I take a sip of my own coffee, which is damn near empty too.
Jacobson stares hard at the fence outside his window. “Do you actually think we’re going to see anything? Anyone could have dumped those bodies by the park. Why would they come back now?”
We’re parked along the outer perimeter of City Park. In it’s heyday it was a place for city residents to relax, have a picnic, get some exercise, and remember what trees actually looked like. When the economy went south, the city stopped maintaining it. Now it’s an overgrown eyesore used primarily by the homeless, drug addicts, and kids looking for a thrill.
The department is constantly getting complaints about the vermin that thrive in the undergrowth, both animal and human. But recently, the volume of calls about trouble in the park has increased, and two teenagers were found dead at the park’s northern gates last night. They’d been shot, execution style.
I take another sip of coffee before responding to Jacob’s questions. “We’ve had too many complaints and none from the usual suspects. Something’s up.”
“Gang initiation?” Jacobson suggests.
I shake my head. “I don’t think so.”
His eyes narrow. “You smell something, don’t you?”
I nod. Under the smells of sex, beer, and greasy food, there’s an odd chemical odor. I can’t place it, but I’m certain it doesn’t belong in the park. It hadn’t been there a few months ago when I’d pulled the short straw and been sent to run off a bunch of kids who’d come out here to party.
Before I can describe the smell to Jacob, I hear distant footsteps pounding the pavement. “Someone’s running this way. Someone fast.”
Jacob nods. I doubt he can hear a thing, but he’s learned to trust my non-human ears without question. A few seconds later, a woman comes into view. She’s wearing a sundress and a pair of high-heeled sandals so I doubt she’s running for her health. Not that any sane woman would be at night in this part of town.
She has straight, reddish-brown hair that swings past her waist. Her heavy, round breasts are barely contained by her dress. Long shapely legs reach out for the ground making my cock sit up and say hello. Her strides are so long she’s practically leaping.
She’s moving faster than any human should be in shoes like that. The wolf inside me begs me to chase her for the sheer thrill of apprehending such a hot piece of flesh. But my cop instincts tell me this woman is our key to what’s actually going on in the park.
Jacobson reaches for the door handle, but I lay a hand on his arm, stopping him. “Not yet.”
“She’s not out for an evening jog, Wolf. Someone’s chasing her.”
“Exactly. And we need to know who and why.”
Learn more here.

It’s A Vampire Celebration!
Mar 20, 2011
Filed under: book release, excerpts, paranormal, vampire
Tags: Changeling Press, erotic romance, erotica, magic, menage, paranormal, paranormal romance, vampire, wizard
This week, in honor or my latest release, Revision, I’m going to be hosting a celebration of vampires. Several fantastic authors will join me in sharing thoughts what makes vampires so appealing. For now, here’s a taste of Niall and Ethan, two very seductive vampire assassins:
Excerpt from Revision by Silvia Violet
Niall slid silently from the bed, cursing his lack of a weapon. Someone was on Vivian’s balcony. He could hear a single heartbeat. He reached out with his mind, but whoever it was had shields too thick for him to break without giving himself away.
The balcony door slid open. Niall stepped into the living room, cloaking himself. No human would be able to see him now. Of course, he doubted the intruder was human, but he could always hope.
A tall man stepped into Vivian’s apartment.
Niall sprang.
The man captured his wrist in an unbreakable grip. “You could have told me you’d reclaimed your body.”
“Ethan.” Niall’s partner dropped his arm, and Niall stepped back.
Ethan growled. “Why didn’t you call me?”
“I needed to regain my strength.”
Ethan arched a brow. “Based on your smell and appearance I’d say you needed to fuck someone’s brains out.”
Niall ran his hand through his ruffled hair. “I would have contacted you as soon as we woke.”
“It’s not like you to be distracted from a mission.”
“After months of being trapped by that bastard I deserve a night to feed and fuck without the Consulate coming down on my ass.”
Ethan grinned. “That’s true enough. Tell me how you got free.”
Niall explained how he’d sent out mental feelers from the story world where he’d been trapped by Lorcan, a wizard so powerful even his band of elite vampire assassins had been unable to capture him after months of trying. Vivian, a romance writer, had been the only one to respond to his calls.
She’d listened to him tell the story of his fight with Lorcan and his capture, thinking he was a character out of her own imagination. When she’d finished writing his tale, the magic of her words brought him back into his body and transported him to her apartment.
Ethan frowned. “When did you return to your self?”
Niall glanced at the clock on the wall. It was nearly 10:00. “About twelve hours ago.”
Without warning Ethan lunged for him. Niall countered the attack, blocking Ethan’s attempt to smash his jaw. He sent Ethan flying backward with a swift kick.
Ethan held up his hands in surrender.
Niall snarled. “What the fuck was that about?”
“A test. You’re back to nearly your full strength.”
“You should need days to recover after going so long without feeding. There’s something you’re not telling me.”
“Apparently, I’m stronger than you thought I was.” Vivian had restored his energy almost instantly. She responded to him like a Companion, yet even a Companion shouldn’t have such power before being Turned. He needed more time to examine their connection before sharing it with anyone, even Ethan.
Ethan growled. “You’re lying. We can’t afford secrets on this mission.”
Lorcan was the greatest threat to their kind Niall had encountered since joining the Protectors. “There is nothing you need to know right now. I’ll tell you when I can.”
“You’d better.”
Niall hoped there would be nothing to tell. The thought of letting Vivian go made his stomach knot, but she didn’t deserve to be forced into a bond with him, especially one that linked their lifeforces so closely. He risked his life every day as a Protector, and when a vampire died, his Companion rarely survived.
Ethan stepped back onto the balcony and retrieved a bag. He tossed it at Niall. “Duval expects us at sunset. I brought you some clothes and weapons. You’ll get a new phone tonight.”
“Damn! I was hoping to avoid him for a bit longer.” Like until he figured out whether Vivian really was his Companion or if something even stranger was going on. Companion bonds had become rare in the last few hundred years and he’d never heard of one that formed this fast.
Ethan shook his head. “It’s a formal summons. He’ll drag you there if you don’t come willingly.”
He would too. The bastard. “How pissed is he?”
“Well, you did get caught.”
“God damn it! Nobody knew Lorcan would be able to suck me into his enchanted book. I’ll not be –”
He realized Ethan was laughing at his vehemence. “Fuck you.”
“You’re the best Protector the Consulate has. The fact that you got caught shows how strong Lorcan really is. We’ve been unable to locate him since you disappeared. Then last night, Duval sensed you again, and I sensed Lorcan’s magic. Vivian breaking his hold on you must have weakened him temporarily. We know where he’s hiding.”
“Then let’s go get him.”
“How well did that go last time?”
Niall snarled. “I want the bastard dead.”
“As do we all, but this is too big for the two of us. We need Duval. Hell, we may need every last Protector and all the allies we can bring in. We’ve got a few shifters watching the townhouse he’s using for his base. They’ll alert us if he leaves.”
“This can’t wait. We need to go in now.”
Learn how Niall and Vivian met in Stranger Than Fiction

Revision Is Available Now!
Mar 10, 2011
Filed under: book release, paranormal, vampire
This week’s releases are up and ready at Changeling Press, so hop on over and grab a copy of Revision!
Revision by Silvia Violet
Vivian used the power of the written word to free Niall from an evil wizard and discovered a world of vampires, magic, and incredible sex she thought existed only in her fantasies. Now the wizard’s power is growing and Vivian and Niall must work with the Vampire Consulate to destroy him before he unleashes his power on humans and non-humans alike.
As danger intensifies, Vivian and Niall’s connection strengthens until there is no doubt she is his Companion. Their desire for one another rages out of control, but will fear of what the future holds keep them from sealing their bond?

Vampire Flash Fiction
Mar 9, 2011
Filed under: book release, free story, vampire
I’m thinking about vampires today as I get ready to celebrate the release of Revision later this week. Here’s a vampire flash piece (100 words or less) I wrote to channel that vampire energy…..
He pulled my wrist to his lips. His tongue flicked back and forth across my pulse point. I saw his fangs and froze. What was I doing? I tried to pull away but his grip was unbreakable.
“You’ll never escape.” His voice was low and silky.
My body flooded with heat, too stupid to realize the danger I was in. “Please.”
He laughed, a warm, erotic sound. Panic exploded in my head while cream flooded my pussy.
His fangs pressed against my wrist then sank deep. Sudden and hot, the need to come screamed upwards from my core.

Coming Later This Week: Revision by Silvia Violet
Mar 8, 2011
Filed under: book release, excerpts, paranormal, vampire
Revision by Silvia Violet
Vivian used the power of the written word to free Niall from an evil wizard and discovered a world of vampires, magic, and incredible sex she thought existed only in her fantasies. Now the wizard’s power is growing and Vivian and Niall must work with the Vampire Consulate to destroy him before he unleashes his power on humans and non-humans alike.
As danger intensifies, Vivian and Niall’s connection strengthens until there is no doubt she is his Companion. Their desire for one another rages out of control, but will fear of what the future holds keep them from sealing their bond?
Adult Excerpt
Niall’s mind was a riot of emotion: fear, resentment, and overriding it all, hot, stabbing need. He’d spent months trapped, unable to do anything but wait for someone to answer his call. Then Vivian had saved him, and he’d paid her back by irrevocably altering her life.
He wanted to rip something or somebody apart. But if he could lose himself in Vivian, he might be able to forget how badly he’d screwed this mission up, at least for a few minutes.
She held out her hand and walked backward toward the bedroom door. He followed, fighting the urge to drag her to the floor and take her right there. He could wait until they got to the bed. Maybe. But she was damn beautiful with her dark curls tousled from sleep and her hazel eyes burning with passion.
His control broke as they entered the bedroom. He lifted her and tossed her on the bed, crawling on top of her and pinning her arms above her head. His hands closed around her wrists.
Her eyes were wide, lust tinged with fear filled the air. He breathed it in. “I have no restraint right now. This is going to be hard, rough, and fast. Are you ready?”
She nodded even as her fear spiked. “Dear God, yes.”
He drove deep. She screamed. He fought for control, stabbing his lip with his fangs to distract himself. Did I hurt you?
Her thoughts were a wild mix of need and fear, and they were delicious. Yes. Sore. Don’t Care. Like it.
The last hold on his control broke with her hot confession. He pulled back and shoved in, sinking in her to the balls. Her legs locked around his back.
He fucked her mercilessly, needing to claim her, devour her. He’d used her hard all night, but he couldn’t get enough. He didn’t think he’d ever slake his hunger for her. Every story about the Companion bond described the insatiable hunger that consumed the vampire and his Companion and gave them the stamina to fuck for days on end.
He shifted his position so he could lick and suck at her breasts. When he bit down on one of her nipples, Vivian’s nails dug into his back. He snarled and sucked harder. She bucked against him.
I’m going to make you scream for me.
He sank his fangs into her breast.
Learn how Niall and Vivian met in Stranger Than Fiction

Got my cover for Revision!
Feb 28, 2011
Filed under: book release, paranormal, vampire
Check out this lovely cover for the sequel to Stranger Than Fiction…..
Vivian used the power of the written word to free Niall from an evil wizard and discovered a world of vampires, magic, and incredible sex she thought existed only in her fantasies. Now the wizard’s power is growing and Vivian and Niall must work with the Vampire Consulate to destroy him before he unleashes his power on humans and non-humans alike.
As danger intensifies, Vivian and Niall’s connection strengthens until there is no doubt she is his Companion. Their desire for one another rages out of control, but will fear of what the future holds keep them from sealing their bond?

Shifter’s Station: Pilot’s Bargain For 1¢
Jan 14, 2011
Filed under: book release, free story, reading
For the next week, you can buy Shifter’s Station 1: Pilot’s Bargain for 1¢. That’s right just a single penny!
Edited to add: You can now buy it for only 99¢.
Larissa, a freighter pilot for an interstellar delivery company, has been blackmailed by her boss into delivering a cache of illegal weapons to a trading post on the edge of Common World space. When she arrives, one of the faulty weapons explodes, killing an inspector and injuring several others.
The station’s commander, an alien with the power to read the truth from someone’s mind, confirms that Larissa knew nothing about the weapon’s potential to malfunction. But the captain, a former officer of Terran Special Forces, refuses to let her go. Instead, he makes a wicked bargain. If she can resist his and the commander’s attempts at seduction for two hours, then she is free to go. If she gives into her desire for them, then she will serve as their bed slave for one month.
Publisher’s Note: Pilot’s Bargain is Book One of the Shifter’s Station Series, available in the Shifter’s Station Collection and in print.

Available Now! Stranger Than Fiction
Jan 13, 2011
Filed under: book release
Woohoo! I’m so excited to announce that Stranger Than Fiction is now available at Changeling Press!